Reviews from

in the past

É um jogo bem difícil para crianças. Não recomendaria para meu filho.

Haven't played since I was real young, so my rating is purely based on my memories of how much I liked it then...

"It starts..." was apparently in reference to the pain.

Once you know how to play each stage, it's pretty fun.

Technically a committee of 4 of us completed this game. Regular substitutions were required due to sheer defeat fatigue.

It's a very good looking game but is punishing as fuck.

Jogo bonito e famoso. Nunca vou entender a dificuldade que as pessoas tem na segunda fase. Não chega a ser uma obra de arte, mas dá pra jogar. Acho que foi o primeiro jogo que eu controlei um quadrúpede e vou dizer que é bem estranho.

did you know that the reason these games had hard levels at the beginning is because when you rented this game in blockbuster, the developers didn't make any from it so they put the hard levels at the beginning so you wouldn't finish it in the time you rented so you had to buy it.

I have no idea if this is true tho

Disney, like so many companies that harvest children's hearts for money, are awash in opportunities to generate that buy-in to make sure they have a chance to pull someone's identity into their market profile forever. For me, the two that almost worked were Aladdin and The Lion King. The Lion King was so enormous in my childhood that in our music class, one year's production was The Lion King. I'm pretty sure it was the only production I really made it to? That's a bunch of other sad stories there. Anyways, the point is, I genuinely believe my ownership of the cartridge of this game is the thing that inoculated me against Disney Adult Disorder, as I don't know that any child could have touched this goddamn thing and held any affection for anything related to it after the fact.

Plays smoothly, looks great, and it isn't all that hard honestly (after multiple playthroughs granted, specifically the monkey stage). Not much I can say, dis is a gud game.

5 stars in my childhood mind. I beat this several times in the 90s. Replaying for the first time in years and it's just as brutal as I remember but I don't care it's a perfect game.

Update: finished the game again and I still don't know the proper button combo to throw Scar off the cliff

Genuinely overrated in terms of difficulty. The only level that's actually difficult is Be Prepared. Everything else is just basic platforming. Well, maybe the Hyena level too. It's a puzzle. But this game is a childhood classic for me. Played it a shit ton and was shocked when I learned there were cheats for it.

And if my pal Barbie is reading this, the cheat code spelled out B A R R Y on the controller.