Reviews from

in the past

Enjoyment - 6/10
Difficulty - 2/10

The Pedestrian is a short puzzle game with a great realised concept. The game leaves you far too soon.

Solid puzzle game, with some unique elements, but I feel like the ending was alluding to something more happening in the game, and it just never happened.

What a great little puzzle game! You're a stickman solving platformer puzzles to get from one puzzle to the next all for some mysterious purpose.

It's a straight forward game with almost no side puzzles or secrets or multiple endings.

The ending is a bit of a trip and an extremely clever idea, but it does leave a ton of open questions, none of which are answered. That's probably where it lost points for me, the ending sets up something amazing but then just sort of...ends. I wish there was more meat there at the end of the game.

Still, what a cute, wonderful game! 4/5

The Pedestrian is an enjoyable puzzle game that isn't too long and overall not too excruciatingly hard! The puzzle mechanics introduced evolve really well. When you feel like you understand one challenge, they slowly start throwing another one at you. I do wish there was more music in the game. Sometimes the game slowly fades away the music, leaving you alone in your puzzle hunting world. Even if it was just some ambient music, I would have been more fine with that. That was really my only qualm with the game though. Some puzzles for myself, I had to look up, or even just step away from and take a mental break. But, you expect that with this genre.

Pretty good puzzle game. There are almost no BS puzzles (I can think of only one), and the mechanics never get too overwhelming.
Fun for a couple of hours, as the game is rather on the short side.

Puzzle game where you playing as a guy/girl inside of pedestrian sign levels.

It's a fun little puzzle game that I really enjoyed, it's got a lot of interesting mechanics and a really cool twist of gameplay near the end. The soundtrack was also beautiful. It might not sound like anything particularly unique but it's perfectly tranquill and relaxing, which is the kinda music I like in a puzzle game. The astetics add alot to the experience as you go through this city, wich is what I believe puts it up to being a good game, although it is short, and I wish that it would've utilized the gameplay twist near the end for even 30 minutes to an hour more, I still beilive that it was a solid experience. (7.5/10)

Muita gente não conhece esse jogo, ele passou bem despercebido, mas é bem interessante.

É um jogo de puzzle simples, mas os cenários do game são muito bem pensados. Inclusive alguns puzzles não são muito fáceis não!

Em geral é um jogo divertido e curtinho, vale a pena.

2 hours of very basic but aesthetically nice puzzle platforming and two puzzles at the end that could have fleshed out into a better game but. Doesn't. it's alright

Beautiful style and idea, let down by some very confusing icons and some unclear mechanics

The Pedestrian presents a clever puzzle platformer set within public signage, but its novelty wears thin with repetitive puzzles and a lack of compelling gameplay depth.

genuinely tough but rewarding puzzles in a unique setting with pretty backgrounds. short and sweet.


The Pedestrian is a charming little puzzle game that doesn't have to hide in the shadows of Portal or Qube. While the gameplay is purely 2D, it introduces additional layers of new switches, moving parts, and a few twists as you progress through the adventure, keeping the journey diverse and increasingly challenging. The levels range from being "straightforward" where solutions are readily apparent, to discovering solutions as you traverse through the level, and to "brain-teasers" where you really have to look around carefully and trace the puzzle chain through multiple switches and features. There were a few moments when I was on the verge of giving up on a puzzle and taking a break, but with enough brainpower, I managed to reach the end of the level. Visually, everything is accompanied by a wonderfully atmospheric and sombre soundtrack, and the cityscape, the basements, and the subway stations that whiz by in the background of the signs create a beautiful and intriguing backdrop. So, if you're a fan of puzzle games, The Pedestrian is definitely worth picking up, perhaps during a sale, as I was able to reach the end in just 3.7 hours despite encountering some challenging puzzles.

tem um conceito bem legal, puzzles simples gostosos de resolver

El tipo de juegos que vale la pena tener. Puzzles ingeniosos, una estética hermosa, y todo combinado en función de una narrativa que se desglosa paso a paso. O cartel a cartel, mejor dicho. Aparte se consigue barato.

Not bad to shuffle your brain a little bit

It's always a delight to play a quick and breezy little puzzle game that makes me question my own brain's spatial perception during its 2-3 hour runtime and ends before it overstays its welcome.

There's some good use Dualsense haptic rumblies in this game on PS5, although I'm not sure if it's a decent reward for having to move the playing fields and lines around with control sticks instead of a mouse.

(Game Pass) Another great puzzle/platformer that doesn't take too long to complete. Loved the backgrounds and the concept of using signs around the city to layout your levels. Ending was pretty cool too irl in game.

This review contains spoilers

🕗 Total time played (approx.): 4h
🏆 Completion: 100% (10/10 Trophies)


"The Pedestrian" beckoned me with its promise of unconventional puzzles and the opportunity to experience the world from the perspective of a pedestrian navigating street signs. The initial stages of the game held promise, offering clever challenges that engaged my cognitive faculties and encouraged me to think outside the box. The unique premise and charming presentation initially piqued my interest, inviting me to explore the various dimensions of a world typically ignored. However, as I continued my journey through "The Pedestrian", I found myself contending with a sense of weariness. The game's mechanics, though initially intriguing, began to lose their luster over time. The constant rearranging of panels and the manipulation of street signs, while novel at first, eventually transformed into a repetitive chore that hindered my overall enjoyment. The game's core mechanics, which held so much promise, ultimately fell victim to monotony, preventing the experience from reaching its full potential. The presentation, while initially captivating, suffered a similar fate. The juxtaposition of the two-dimensional sign world with three-dimensional environments was visually appealing and thought-provoking in the beginning. However, the novelty quickly wore off, leaving me yearning for greater variety and a deeper sense of immersion. The visual contrast, which initially seemed innovative, gradually transformed into a gimmick that failed to maintain its impact over the course of the game. One of the most frustrating aspects of "The Pedestrian" was its shift in perspective during the later puzzles. What was intended to be a fresh and challenging approach to puzzle-solving instead felt forced and overly complicated. The abrupt change in mechanics detracted from the overall experience and left me feeling disoriented and, at times, even irritated.

While "The Pedestrian" has its moments of creativity and ingenuity, its potential is ultimately hindered by its repetitive mechanics, monotony, and a less-than-ideal shift in perspective. The charm of the game's premise and presentation is unfortunately overshadowed by these shortcomings, preventing the experience from evolving into the captivating journey it aspired to be. In conclusion, "The Pedestrian" offers glimpses of brilliance and creativity, but it ultimately succumbs to monotony and a lack of sustained engagement. The initial promise of unique mechanics and charming presentation gradually wanes, leaving players with a sense of unfulfilled potential. While the game's concept is intriguing, its execution falls short of delivering a consistently engaging and satisfying experience.

⭐ Rating: 2/5

Fun little puzzle game, something I'm usually on the mood for every once in a while. Although I prefer first person puzzlers, this a really creative and simple game. The visuals are great and the puzzles were challenging enough, really great for scratching your thinking and shit. Some of the late ones were kind of annoying, one of them being the only one where I checked out a solution (no one's perfect).

This made me realize my favorite "thinking men's game" type is for sure Point and Click Adventures - the best of the bunch. Something like Sam & Max has that perfect balance of problem-solving, fun and story. Whereas this kind of tries to tell a story but it's sort of random. That being said, the ending is pretty surprising. Can't match Portal, Superliminal and Talos Principle though.

Worth playing if you are looking for a short fun puzzle game. Though there's better ones out there.

bem divertidinho com umas mecânicas interessantes, visuais lindoes e puzzles legais. muito bom pra passar o tempo!

i liked the way the story was portrayed but the puzzles were sometimes very confusing and i think i lost brain cells while playing it

It lasts just a bit too long and becomes stale as you near the end once you get tired of it's gimmick.

very short and sweet i love the art

jg de puzzle criativo e bonito, queria que tivesse mais fases e fosse um pouquinho mais difícil

Un plataformero innovador y entretenido, que entrega una buena cantidad de rompecabezas ingeniosos, aunque para mi llega a sentirse ligeramente largo.

Not exactly into puzzle games but this was a good game to warm me up to the idea of playing more.


Absolutely solid, fun little puzzle game. The ending was wild and the game itself was a whole lot of fun. All of the environments were rich and beautiful and the puzzles were legitimately challenging at times, but never outright unwinnably hard. Big recommend!

Aesthetically pleasing, the puzzles are nice but sometimes repetitive, albeit it adds a few extra mechanics to learn throughout the game. The story is a little confusing but I think the ending is up to interpretation. Overall it's a fun little experience and I recommend it for anyone who enjoys simple puzzles and smaller games.

Very short platformer game with an interesting gimmick, wish it was longer.