Reviews from

in the past

The Dualsense haptics are even more satisfying than the puzzles.

And the puzzles are pretty good.

Enjoyment - 6/10
Difficulty - 2/10

The Pedestrian is a short puzzle game with a great realised concept. The game leaves you far too soon.

Jogo de puzzle muito gostosinho com uma ideia bem legal. Eu acho muito charmoso isso de controlar um "bonequinho de placa" e ir interagindo com as coisas.

Os puzzles são na medida pra não ser frustrante demais nem fáceis demais. Mas senti falta de um sisteminha de dicas, as vezes.

Foi um jogo que eu comecei em março (!!!) e só terminei agora pela minha falta de foco, mas eu acho que ele funciona muito bem pra ir jogado aos poucos, ligar, passar algumas fases e partir pra outra atividade.

Eu acho que ele tem uma barriguinha de leve ali no meio, apesar de ser um jogo curto. Fica uma sensação de que ele parou de apresentar conceitos novos e é só repetição, mas não é nada que atrapalhe a experiência.

Obviamente não vou dar spoilers, mas digo que vale a pena ir até o final. O jeito que ele termina e apresenta uma mecânica nova é muito legal mesmo. É inclusive uma pena que essa mecânica só seja usada uma vez, mas foi o suficiente pra me ganhar.

The Pedestrian é um jogo muito inteligente e muito divertido, mesmo com alguns picos de dificuldade que vem do nada. Toda a estética é muito maneira, é muito legal viajar pela cidade pelas placas, todo o trabalho de iconografia é muito inteligente.

Dito tudo isso, POR QUE AQUELE FINAL DURA TÃO POUCO? É uma ideia incrível, deveria demais ser mais do que foi, mas ainda foi uma ótima maneira de terminar esse jogo com chave de ouro.

Jogos de puzzle tem de ser feitos de um Jeitinho™ muito específico pra eu poder gostar, e eu nem sei como é esse Jeitinho™. Mas um jogo ou outro acerta.

The Pedestrian não é um dos que acertou. É um jogo legal, mas não clicou muito comigo.

Back when Portal came out, there were a bunch of people who made 2D Portal demakes. There was a homebrew one on DS that I played and it was so disappointing. None of the clever ingenuity of the game it was copying was there. They were, frankly rubbish.

Anyway, The Pedestrian is more akin to what a 2D portal should be and it's absolutely sensational. It manages to add new twists and throw them away before they get stale, and every new twist comes at just the right time to stop the puzzles from becoming rote and boring. Honestly, I'm floored with how good this game is. The last puzzle made me audibly gasp with how clever it is. It is the only puzzle like it in the whole game and it could easily carry an entire puzzle game on its own. It's daft to say this on the 8th of January, but it's going to take some beating for my favourite game I play this year.

A fun and short puzzle game based on traffic signs and how much you can do with them. It presents a good interaction between foreground and background without overstating its welcome.

Fantastic looking game with nice ambience and music as you try and solve the puzzles it gives you. The mechanics introduced are fun and when they start to get combined it starts to scratch that itch in my brain. Unfortunately it comes to an end rather quicky when it felt like it was all coming together. The final puzzle was a great one. I wish there was a challenge mode with even more layers to what was introduced cause Im sure this game is capable of much more. Still enjoyed whatver was on offer.

A very fun and rewarding puzzle game. The ending to this is an absolute mindfuck.

A pretty decent puzzle platformer with solid escalation and difficulty if a bit on the easy side, mostly carried by it's art design and presentation.

I kept waiting for it to do something cool after the gimmick had worn off around the halfway point, but it just never came.

A cool wee idea, mind you.

An amazing platform puzzler.

The Pedestrian is just incredible. It’s a typical platformer, where you have to go around and collect objects to solve puzzles, but everything is extremely well polished. The level design is exceptional, and the gameplay gives the players a ton of freedom such as to rearrange the boards and connect the level up as they wish, but also hinting at the solution subtly. The game is beautiful with each puzzle being part of a three-dimensional world.

There are so many unique moments here, where the game expands beyond what a normal two-dimensional puzzle game would be able to do that I can’t recommend this game enough. And then there's the ending, the final section of the game was worth playing the entire game for. While the game only lasts about four hours, I still can’t believe how well designed this game is. This is one of those games that sets a new standard for what we should expect in a genre. It’s up there with the Portal and The Witness in my book.

Pick this up if you like puzzle games. It is only 2D with several clever tricks, but at the same time, it shows how well-designed a puzzle game can be. Check this one out if you like what you’re seeing here, there’s a lot more in this game that I’m not showing.

If you want to see more from me: Check out my video on this month of Game Pass games:

Completed with 100% of achievements unlocked (1,000G), all secrets (hats) located. A lovely, creative puzzle game, The Pedestrian's unique gimmick is that it (almost) entirely takes place through navigating a stylised person through levels built out of informational signs. With new mechanics introduced at a well-judged pace, the game does a good job of maintaining interest and challenge, while rarely becoming frustrating; perhaps the most interesting comes from a central mechanic of rearranging a set of signs and assigning links between doors to open/close various paths, combining nicely with other elements such as locks/keys, crates, and more unusually, electrical circuits, among others. There's little in the way of explicit instruction on how each puzzle element works, but each tends to be introduced gently, with simple puzzles easily solved through experimentation to tease out functionality. It's all over within a handful of hours, but there's little in the way of filler throughout that short length - making for an overall good time.

Lo he abandonado a los pocos minutos. Es un juego de acertijos, y en apenas el tutorial, el propio juego, te pone una barrera sin sentido a la propia lógica que te está enseñando y simplemente reinicia el acertijo. Aquello que no quieres que el jugador haga debe ser imposible de hacerse, y si decides que puede hacerse pero no va a ganar así, debes mostrar exactamente cómo el acto contraviene al objetivo y por eso llevarlo a cabo, aunque sea posible, implica perder o no avanzar. Pero penalizar al jugador por pensar lateralmente, en un juego de acertijos, es como si Street Fighter te penaliza por hacer combos.

an interesting lil game in the puzzle platforming genre, wasnt the best there is but you can lose a few hours to it

Sehr schönes Puzzlespiel mit kreativen Ideen.
Von den acht Kapiteln kann man die ersten 5 relativ gut wegspielen, in 6+7 zieht es dann dank einer neuen Mechanik nochmal an. Das letzte Kapitel ist ein echter Kopfzerbrecher und etwas abgefahrener als alles davor.

Extremely neat concept but the puzzles themselves felt a bit tedious. Having to move screens around and draw lines with a controller was generally not fun.

A polished and clever 2D puzzle-platformer (leaning much more towards the "puzzle" end of that spectrum), with a 3D twist that mostly amounts to a presentation gimmick and doesn't impact gameplay too much - but man, what a presentation gimmick it is! A few frustrating difficulty spikes, and the final area introduces a new mechanic very different from anything the game has done up to that point that it really ought to have explained better, but definitely recommended for fans of the genre.

senti uma vibe bem unravel e portal, mas com puzzles menos charmosos e um background/enredo mais cru, menos emotivo, sendo salvo pelos gráficos bonitos e uma trilha ok.

It's a pretty fun 2.5D puzzle game with some clever mechanics. I downloaded it blind and was surprised, specially by an amazing soundtrack that doesn't need to go as hard as it does.

A solid puzzle platformer in the vain of so many great games that have come before it, The Pedestrian lives and breathes in the world of signs, your 2D playing environments scattered around a lively 3D world. This setting allows for The Pedestrian’s greatest innovation, the ability to pick up and move these signs around, connecting them in new ways to alter the flat space your character will traverse. Early puzzles proved a little boring as some seemed to just throw as many signs as they could at you just to brute force the right combination of doors and ladders that will get you through them, but later puzzles really felt clever and by the end I felt plenty satisfied with the few hours I spent on The Pedestrian.

Bem esperto, jogo bem desafiador que te faz pensar muito, Uma pena que o final dura tao pouco pois ele é incrível

Apesar de ser inconsistente e por vezes tedioso, o visual e direção de arte te seguram até o fim. Boas ideias estão atrás de sessões de puzzle dispensáveis, e por mais curto que o jogo seja, a repetição contradiz a sua duração.

Era melhor ter ido ver o filme do Pelé.

Clever puzzle mechanics that expand in subtle, creative ways throughout the game's relatively brief runtime. Complex puzzles occasionally bordered on tedious, but always provided a feeling of satisfaction when the solution clicked into place. Two special highlights: 1. The music created an atmosphere of tranquil wonder as day became night in the city. 2. The finale was inventive and unexpected, adding an additional dimension to the sign-based puzzling.

If you like this game, try: The Swapper

Somewhat decent, but kind of simple. Gets repetitive really quickly though. I didn't actually finish it, I only made it about an hour or so in before I got bored and wanted to stop, but I feel like that was enough.

Definitive puzzle platformer for me. I was immediately interested when I saw the artstyle and was not disappointed. There's not really any difficult platforming, but the puzzles are so clever and diverse that they kept me engaged. Almost feels like a 2D interpretation of Portal where you walk into a room and can see everything and have to ask "Okay how to I get from A to B?". And the ending is both mindblowing and satisfying.

Very creative idea for a 2d platformer, short and sweet with some fairly difficult puzzles at time.

super cute aesthetic that was basically what i really wanted from INFRA anyway, but the actual platforming was a little -- the actual platforming was a little pede--- the platforming was a little PEDESTR --

Aunque no he entendido el final, porque no he entendido ni papa la verdad, me ha gustado mucho el juego.

Casi me lo paso de una vez y eso solo puede significar que: A) me ha gustado mucho o B) he tenido un hueco increíblemente largo para ser yo sin trabajar ni nada más. Y las dos son correctas.