Reviews from

in the past

This game uses combat, puzzles and platforming all to its favor in order to make a highly fun game to play with people you like.

Good escapism, with loads and loads of personality to differentiate it from games like "Three Vikings". If you care about the story, it's there. If you don't, you can skip through it and get the basic idea.

Excellent game, very funny and silly. Still not sure what the intended solutions were to most of the puzzles which is, to me, a selling point. Highly recommended , even in 2024

Those who love puzzle-platformers can try this game

I feel sorry for the friend that has to play the Wizard in this, luckily that wasn't me. Sorry, George.

Trine takes a little while to get going if I'm honest but once it does it's pretty fun, it has some decent puzzles, reasonable combat, and even some lore if you're into that.

It dosen't have a very long run time but I think that's to it's benefit as near the end the gameplay starts to become a bit stale, but it ends before getting too bad.

If you can convince two friends to give this a try for a minor £1.49 it's worth a go, there's also 4 sequels to play after.

Decent puzzle-platformer with many pretty scenarios. Puzzle wise is not really complicated since most of the many stages could theoretically be completed just by using the warrior and trying to be careful while jumping around the place. The thief I think is a pretty weak choice, I basically never found necessary to use the grappling hook. I saw other people saying that the wizard is kind of useless but I think it's the actual opposite: he is totally OP, since you could smash any kind of enemy by pushing boxes against them and manipulating objects doesn't require any mana. Also, it doesn't really matter since it can be found literally everywhere so that you can replenish your wise belly anytime

Nice, like a cup of tea. Probably won't remember it a year from now, but enjoyed it and could have one more later on.

Played on Nintendo Switch. Nothing too demanding puzzle wise, but quite annoying not being able to rebind the buttons, that would've made the action parts less clunky.

Quick, breezy, and too easy until a sudden jump in difficulty with the final three levels but even then it's nothing crazy. An enjoyable single player experience but would probably be more fun with friends (and maybe more difficult?) Excited to play 2 relatively soon and the other games at some point.

Trine is a puzzle platformer whose main gimmick involves switching between three characters (Knight, Wizard and Thief) to use each character's special ability to solve puzzles. It seems like a nice game for kids, but the cartoonish theme and slow pace mean that it's not for me.

rock paper scissors with extra steps

really liked it actually!

gazetelerden verilen oyun CD'lerinden biriydi. Çoğu filmin FPS değerinin altında saatlerce oynamışımdır, ama bitirmeyi bırak muhtemelen yarısına bile gelmedim.

Jogo 2d com jogabilidade única, bons visuais, história meh, vale a jogada, é divertido ir trocando de personagens no meio das fases, não é muito longo e isso é bom pois o jogo acaba não se tornando enjoativo.

I don't even remember if I finished the game or not, I was in primary school and some classmate gave the game's cd to me which he got from a newspaper for free. Game was magical back then but I don't know how I'll find it if I play it now.

i can never decide if it's good or bad.

I'm a sucker for these sorts of games, and Trine more or less sticks the landing. I do think it's far too easy to cheese most puzzles with the wizard, but by simply.. not.. doing that, you can have a great time with this game.

Extremamente fácil, mas divertido.

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Fun little game with some unique elements.

Trine is a surprisingly good indie game with some unique features. It’s a simple game with a standard story, three heroes who must save the kingdom by traveling to an evil tower. You play as a knight, suitable for melee, a wizard who can conjure stuff and a thief who can climb with her grappling hook and shoot arrows. The game is focused on progressing through the levels, solving puzzles and kill enemies.

Each character has their own abilities and using them at the right time, depending on the situation is a necessity.
The game runs heavily on physics meaning almost anything can be moved or thrown. The physics work quiet well most of the time and do not glitch out, besides for some enemies who get stuck with their legs on platforms.

The graphics are quite nice, especially in the enhanced version of the game. The backgrounds are nice and colorful. The music is atmospheric and gives the feeling you are playing a medieval fantasy game.

The game play mechanics in Trine, such as the conjuring of your own boxes, bridges and platforms is a nice and unique concept and works pretty well. When facing an obstacle, the wizard is a reliable ally who can make a bridge over a hole or summon a box to make the jump. The good thing is, that when a character dies, you can still play with the other two. The levels are designed in a way that you can always progress further with any of the three characters if that one is the only one left before the next checkpoint.

My only complaint is the jump mechanics. They just do whatever they want. One moment you grab on to the ledge, the other moment the character does not even try and falls in the pit. Sometimes your jump goes smooth and straight forward, the other moment it is delayed, and you jump just 10 centimeters forward. It just feels stiff and broken. But nothing an extra platform from the wizard cannot fix.

I enjoyed Trine and for the price, would definitely recommend it.

Eng: Underrated, the franchise
Pt: Subestimado, a franquia

For its time it was THE quintessential co-op puzzle game to play, and for good reason. While not particularly challenging, this game will have you and your co-op partners laughing, and yelling, with each other for the entire runtime, which is admittingly quite short.

the world needs more three player games tbh

fun interesting platformer but the rogue is like, crazy op lol

Light, fun, and sort of quaint puzzle platformer. It looks pretty great even now, and the puzzles are satisfying even if they are generally pretty easy. Resist the temptation to just jump over everything with wizard boxes.

Good first entry into the Tine universe its a little dated by todays standarts

Je ne comprend pas pourquoi ce jeu est si bien noté, notamment sur steam. J'imagine qu'il a très mal vieilli et qu'à l'époque de sa sortie ça paraissait mieux et aussi que le jeu et bien plus fun en coop. Cependant je trouve le level design très peu intéressant, les environnements sont plutôt jolis mais il n'y a aucune cohérence visuelle. Le système d'XP et les collectables à outrance n'apportent rien au jeu. Les puzzles environnementaux m'ont parus très répétitifs et enfin les peu de boss que j'ai affrontés étaient très mauvais. Je m'abstiens d'une note car mon temps de jeu fût très court (2h environ) mais je ne comprend vraiment pas l'attrait de ce jeu. J'espère que le second opus sera une nette amélioration.

é um jogo daorinha legalzinho, pretendo jogar o 2 uma hora

It's a fun 2D platformer with physics based puzzles. All three characters have their own skills that are needed to complete puzzles and you can swap them in the fly. It's just as good now than it was in 2009.