Reviews from

in the past

Do wonder if Vermintide 2 would be regarded as something of a modern masterwork if not for a couple asinine design decisions which gatekeep new players from having fun. Picture yourself designing a game where it takes double-digit hours before the game becomes remotely challenging or interesting.

Many reviews have noted how brainless Vermintide 2 is. There's veracity to such claim, because it's true on the lower difficulties. It speaks to how needlessly prolonged and detrimental the progression system is, causing people to abandon the game before nigh everything which makes the game fun to play can be experienced. Things like monsters, dangerous elite enemies, hordes the size where they can pose a real threat, ect... are locked behind a difficulty level not immediately accessible. It's understandable why a game wouldn't swarm a new player with everything all at once, but, apparent by the reception, the training wheels stay on far too long.
Which is a great shame, because the game is amazing. Playing through the (rather large pool of) maps with different characters will make for a completely different playstyle and role in the team. There's a real learning curve in mastering each class' specific abilities. The way the classes are set-up demands teamwork. On the highest difficulties, failure is always a couple mistakes away. The characters are charming and well-written, with several hours of recorded banter between them. The narrative takes the world of Warhammer sincerely. The game is littered with small attentions to detail that show the developers adore their own game. Audio integration into useful gameplay information is immaculate - among the best in any game I've played. The pacing of the levels is superb; the escape sequences being particularly memorable. The developers have created a great deal of new levels years after launch free of charge, as well as an entirely new rouge-lite game mode. One can hop on and experiment with new ways to approach the same level, even after hundreds of hours.

Vermintide II leaves a lukewarm impression, but is immensely gratifying beyond the surface.

Fun fact: In "A Quiet Drink", Alix Wilton Regan (voice actor for Kerillian) actually recorded her lines while drunk.

Still my favourite co-op game of all time!

Really tasty, crunchy, and meaty co-op game (I swear I'm not hungry). It's Diablo meets Left 4 Dead meets "this series that is a huge thing and I know little to nothing about except that people love to buy little figurines of it".

Without a doubt the best multiplayer game I've ever played. Initially, while playing on the lower difficulties, the game feels like a braindead horde killing game, but as you keep playing and increase the difficulty, it becomes apparent how important communication is, how a good strategy is crucial for survival, how complex and deep the combat actually is.

Completing 80 weaves was a brutal experience (done in Season 3), but by finishing those I went from struggling to play with a group on Legend / Cata, to being able to clear missions solo on that difficulty. It is rewarding, it is visceral, it is fun.

The game is most fun when played with a fixed party using voice chat, but can also be enjoyable when joining quick games.

Play this if you're the kind of person who would put in 1500 hours in Chivalry to learn the weird sword hit box oneshots perfectly.

The UI is a crime against humanity, i get bombarded with paid bullshit, it has lootboxes and gear nonsense to grind for stats and all that garbage, and finally the maps are mediocre-boring.
I hate everything about it, maybe my tastes are too boomer to deal with this shit, play L4D2 instead.

It's a fun L4D2-style game, but probably my least favorite that I've played so far. You never feel satisfied with killing enemies, and solo play is incredibly punishing. The characters are all fun though and the enemies look really cool.

I wanted to play this game for a couple of hours just to see how it was and now I'm over 80 hours on record. I really needed to relax so it's probably for the best, but I digress.
Vermintide 2 is a straight upgrade for Vermintide 1, most of the core mechanics make a return so the biggest difference is the new content. By this I mean new classes, maps, challenges, etc.
As a result for anyone who didn't like the first one the sequel is unlikely to win them over but for those who do there's pretty much no reason to play the first game over this one. As I said, it's a straight upgrade.
However, for people who don't enjoy games like Left4Dead Vermintide might just win them over thanks to the focus on melee combat. Lower difficulties might lead you to believe that spamming left click is all you need in order to win but you quickly learn that levels and talents are far less important than the moveset and properties of your current weapon. It's not too complicated when you break it down but being able to land headshots consistently and staggering certain enemies makes a world of difference. In short, the combat is largely skill based, a lot of fun and had enough depth to keep me interested even after the 10.000th Skaven slave kill.
Another aspect which I found endearing were the Ubersreik Five, also known as the playable cast. They have a lot of personality and the casual interactions between them are just overflowing with character. It really makes you give a damn about what you are doing in each mission, especially if you are anything like me and prefer playing with bots most of the time.
On that note, the game can't be played offline which is a real shame since that is possible in the console version. I would really like if it was for conservation purposes because I really like this game.
About the story, you don't really need to play the first game in order to understand what's going on. If you want to get into Warhammer Fantasy don't blame me when you are reading wiki articles at 4 AM. It's a lot of fun though and enhances the game immensely because there's a significant degree of attention to detail when it comes to made-up lore.
Finally, the game has some DLC but it's downright generous by current standards (and compared to Darkide). Most of it is cosmetic and I think the characters already look pretty good by default. Also, what classes and weapons are meta change with the time so it's not like any of it is mandatory to stay relevant. Right now as I'm writing this the strongest class is Witch Hunter Captain which you unlock after beating the tutorial.
Anyway, this game is great and I hope it doesn't die when it stops being profitable to keep the servers up.

This game is very fun to play, but I found it to get a little bit stale after a while. Still definitely got my money's worth out of it for sure.

Amazing Left 4 Dead - Like.
Features fleshed out characters, Both beautiful and grotesque environments, A quite frankly amazing combat system and an incredible campaign, All in a living and breathign Warhammer: Age of Sigmar setting that was clearly well adhered to and made with passion.

Pretty fun to play with friends. Much better than the first game. But why the hell does it need 100gb of space?

como un left 4 dead pero mucho mas sangriento, siento que se hace un poco repetitivo y hay pocas clases. Esta bueno pero tampoco para tanto

(Played before 2023)
I fell in love with this game watching a streamer play Kerillian, and I saw him unleash arrow after arrow into Skaven. I knew nothing and still know nothing about Warhammer, but this game is amazing. Amazing character interactions, replayability, levels, art style, weapons, combat, and about a billion other things about this game that is absolutely being amazing and it is still getting a lot of support to this day. Everyone should play it.

somewhere between l4d and Dynasty Warriors definitely a game that's a bit too repetitive for me to play alone but I enjoyed playing it in Coop

Plusy: fajny system walki, niektóre mapki całkiem ładne, ulepszony system prograsji
Minusy: po czasie nuży, zbyt mało zmian względem jedynki, spora część słabych map – wypełniaczy

was fun playing with zac a few times, didn’t have much interest in playing by myself. zac if u ever want to play again let me know

I think I was just over horde/team survival games when this came out. Still am.

100 hours in, absolute blast to play alone or with friends
super charming characters and amazing atmosphere
some missions are umgak (!) but it's mostly an enjoyable experience

you kill things forever

Fantastic game, great graphics, style, gameplay, and one of the best Warhammer Fantasy titles yet. Very fun with friends, but sadly the lack of maps does make this game very repetitive nowadays, at least for me.

Where has this been all my life?

I played it for the first time this year (2024) and it's so fun. I love it. For what I recall it didn't have the greatest of launches but as of this review, it is worth playing.

Прикольно пару часов побегать, побить крыс, не более

i will play this game after every league game against twitch

Great banter with great characters overlay great gameplay.