Reviews from

in the past

Hmm, it was a cool enough kingdom management game with nice pixel art but though had a lot of gripes by the end. At first I liked how tightly you had to balance your wealth and supplies to try and keep your subjects happy without running out of resources, but over time it started getting a bit boring for me and felt longer than it actually is. Of course I made a lot of “poor” decisions that really felt like it started to weigh down heavily as the game progressed which I did like, putting myself in a disastrous last hour where I had only a few hundred against an army of thousands

At that point I fully expected to easily lose and get a bad ending but… I didn’t? Even with this overwhelmingly bad scenario I managed the game still said I was able to win regardless, which has me wondering if any of these choices really mattered lol. Why was I bothering to stress over getting allies the whole second half if you didn’t even need them by the end anyway? Eh

citizens: we need food and money and a hunter to help us kill a beast ravaging our village
me: sorry no can do
daughter: i want a bear as a pet
me: of course my princess

It didn't meet my expectations and got boring very quickly. Contrary to what the game claims, choices don't really matter. The only real choice you have as a player is over your achievements in the game's micro-managements, otherwise you can't choose anything that affects the main story. It gets repetitive very quickly and the gameplay becomes a grind.

Not a full-scale management sim like some might expect, but the story does NOT pull any punches in regards to the barbarity of cutthroat noble politics. A good choice-based game where you need to balance the needs of your kingdom alongside the safety of your family.

Very fun management game. The main problem was if you made a wrong choice at the start, you're screwed for 10 hours, and may have to restart. Follow a guide.

This review contains spoilers

The story is very straightforward, but still enjoyable, mainly due to the likable characters. All of them are very simplistic and follow the most basic character tropes, but are still appealing. The first half of the game is perhaps its worst part, since it feels too forced. The entire crime-solving element was done primitively and some of the problems that have arisen during it, are too superficial. The most prominent example is that I simply couldn't lift the platform without a certain item, even though it wouldn't be hard to find it around the castle or just deal without this item at all. There is too little freedom given in this problem, and the complexity of the riddle is very artificial and lazy. The second half, however, was a pleasant surprise and I found it more interesting. The problem with this game is that its gameplay cycle is too minimalistic for such a scale, which kind of makes the game too straightforward. It would've been nice to have a larger variety of different strategies that can be applied to make the experience a bit different. For example, yes, sure, you can be an asshole to the peasants or your family, but there is almost no motivation to actually be an asshole, or at least to have to be when no other option seems good enough in terms of utility. Surely, you can lose at this game, but you have to try hard to fuck it all up.
I don't consider this game bad, quite opposite, it is very charming, and, although, very simplistic, still enjoyable. However, I believe that it could have done much more in terms of story and mechanics to make the experience more enjoyable. I hope that the sequel, given the success of this game, will improve on the shortcomings of this game.
Grade: 6/10

Yes Your Grace was a fun game. The first playthrough is definitely a bit challenging, since the different resources seem to be dwinlding really quickly and the player, playing as King Eryk, seems to have to make difficult decisions balancing their own interests, that of their subjects, and the kingdom's well-being almost constantly. The narrative is compelling and most of the characters are really endearing.

That being said, it's a game that suffers from its replayability: since there are multiple endings, one might feel compelled to play it more than once, but I discovered quite rapidly that the choices that feel important during the first playthrough are more often than not semi-inconsequential. Now, whether or not it matters to you as a player, I believe, is entirely personal. For me, this did not spoil my initial enjoyment of the game: I had a really lovely time playing and went in for a second playthrough thinking I had finished the game when I really hadn't - there was a whole other half to play!

I would recommend this game. It's a compelling narrative experience.

short and decent strategy sim. characters are charming and it really feels as if my choices affect the story

Beautiful graphics and soundtrack. This game really shows the dark side of being a king.

This is a resource management game with an enticing enough GOT-esque narrative to convince you that you're in for a bit of a treat. Who wouldn't love to debate internally over making complex resource decisions that have an ultimate impact on the welfare of your people? I wanted that so bad! This game tries that with hellishly boring mechanics and a facade of meaningful choices. I will be the first to admit that I struggled to finish this game. Allocating the correct resources or agents to send over peasant requests was tricky at times, and not because the game's naturally difficult. Rather, the game failed to convey what actions should take priority to succeed. The path to success is so vague and frustrating that it becomes a guessing game on when to make certain decisions. There's not much strategic tinkering and intuitive decision-making needed to cross the finish line. I would know, having barely scraped by with any amount of resources till the end of the story, then winning with ease. There are a couple of climactic battles the game props up as crucial moments you have to prepare for. It's all a lie! and it pisses me off because they completely invalidate the player's choices and attempt to critically maneuver through each week/level. Once that curtain was pulled back in the first battle, I deliberately tried to do the least amount of things possible with the least amount of resources to try and see if I could still win the final big battle. Spoilers... I did (To start I truly thought I had no shot). The game shoves a bunch of, what seem to be, necessary objectives to protect your castle and if you do absolutely none of them the outcome is not affected at all. These static outcomes might be easier to inhale if the decisions leading up to them weren't the most integral part of the game. And with the menu mechanics and background environments being as minimal as they are YOU NEED those decisions to matter or influence outcome. Otherwise, the game is basically an on-rail text scroller in a Halloween costume. The early moments can be partially satisfying, but once you realize the gameplay and strategy don't remotely evolve it develops into a chore. I felt as if I was speed-running the last third of the story as there was legitimately little to do and again no strategy to be had. There are some cute family ties and small character moments that soften the monotony. Still, your brain will be smooth after this experience.

A shallow, but fun, story about being a terrible dad and managing a kingdom full of annoying peasants.

o jogo é bacaninha, uma historinha, mas é impossível simpatizar com a realeza
o ponto forte é a pixel arte, sem duvidas

Обидно, оказалось что choices don't matter вообще. Что удивительно для такой простенькой игры. По сути, это абсолютно линейная история, которую можно посмотреть и на ютубе — но я так разочарован что даже досматривать что там в конце не хочу.

Wondeful game, really loved, the story, the music, and the chills that was play this game, some parts very melancholic, but great, i hope Yes, Your Grace 2 be amazing as this one. AND THE BEAR IS FUCKING COOL.

What an emotional rollercoaster - in the best way possible! Yes, Your Grace is able to portray an amazing story and characters, conveying the weight of the decisions one makes. All with such a simple game and mechanics - basically a point and click visual novel. If you enjoy a nice heart touching story you'll love Yes, Your Grace.

This is the game that your choices really matter

A really cool concept that seems a bit unpolished and shallow at times. Im really interrested how the second part will improve upon it.

A great example of a game that fucks up on the simple stuff and makes me hate it. Just moving through the castle is torture. Having to walk to the edge of the screen in every room over and over again at your stupid, leisurely monarch pace. I feel like game-makers get let off the hook way to easy for this shit. Mechanically there's nothing interesting going on and no effort to connect mechanics w content. This is core game shit imo. Played it a while ago and probably had more concrete complaints then but I don't remember them.

It's one of those narrative decision simulators where you can never know which will be the consequences of your actions . It's not bad but the style of game itself doesn't really appeal to me.

This game was great, I personally love games in this time period so I'm a tiddliwink biased. It has an interesting story, melancholic choices/parts and the decisions were tough and made you think. Controls were meh but everything else makes up for the agonizing movement. I love this game and I felt like a new woman after completion.

Short game, get it on sale and it provides and enjoyable afternoon.

Tvůrci se snaží o sofistikovaný propojovací stupeň mezi sérií Reigns a sérií Kingdom. Podstatné slůvko je "snaží". A snaha, přes veškerou sympatičnost, ne vždy stačí.

Tam kde Reigns nabízejí geniálně jednoduché a jednoduše geniální "tinderovské" rozhodování o Sophiiných volbách, tam se tento titul uchyluje k po čase vyloženě otravně p-o-m-a-l-é-m-u ploužení se napříč (nádhernými) obrazovkami k postavě/místu, kde ještě než se na cestu vydáte, přesně víte jaké možnosti volby se vám naskytnou. To je první zásadní problém, jelikož takto plahočit se z místa na místo budete neustále. Umocněné to je pak tím, že nabízené volby jsou vesměs černobíle odstupňovány. Jedna je za ztrátu drahocenných surovin dobro v dlouhodobém měřítku, za menší ztrátu/zisk okamžitý zisk, který může v aktuální situaci pomoci, a třetí vyloženě špatná možnost. Je to samozřejmě zaobaleno/skryto do nějaké té okecávací omáčky, ale rozhodně zde neplatí, že žádná volba není dobrá/špatná/pragmatická. Protože je. Tady, oproti jiným obdobným titulům, neprofilujete sebe jakožto vladaře, ale činíte rozhodnutí tak, jak je po vůli autorům. A běda jestli ne, pak vám to hra dá rychle sežrat.

Ani to nemusí být nutně špatně, jenže i když držíte hubu a krok, tak zdejší bohatá dějová linie je natolik plná klišé, že pokud jste někdy četli/viděli/hráli cokoli se o fantasy otírající, tak přesně odhadnete průběh, zvraty, charaktery, vývoj no takřka vše. Není špatná, jen... Tuctovější než tuctová. Byť v zásadě dobře podaná.

Jinak tomu není co vytknout, zní to přenádherně, vypadá ještě lépe, dialogy nejsou špatně napsány (až na občasné odlehčení vážnosti situace skrze "humory", to se autorům opakovaně nedaří), postavy vesměs nenudí, mnohé vám nebudou ukradené, source management stránka hry je komplexní a celé to pospolu tak nějak funguje. Jenže k čemu to, když tyto pozitivní aspekty přijímáte skrze nezábavné plahočení se, (ne)volby a tisíckrát ohraný příběh.

Nejde o špatnou hru, jen ryze tuctovou, která si vzala za cíl sesadit z trůny velikány tohoto v poslední době oblíbeného subžánru, ale zůstala hluboko ve stínu jednoho každého z nich. Není to špatné, když je to dobré, tak je to velmi dobré, není nuda to hrát, ale k čemu je to dobré, když je otrava to hrát a jeden se musí div ne přemáhat to pustit, protože již dopředu ví, že aby se dostal k těm dobrým a zábavným momentům, tak se k nim bude plahočit? Škoda, ambice i potenciál to má. Jejich převedení do praxe však pokulhává. Dvojnásobná škoda, protože v momentech, kdy si to sedne, tak se naplno ukazuje, jak skvělé to mohlo být. Tak snad případný druhý díl nabídne to, co si autoři vytyčili již pro tento.

A fun little indie game about managing your Kingdom and dealing with events that happened due to desperate promise in the past. It wasn't very hard overall, and once you get going, managing your resources becomes a lot easier. Commanding the battles was fun, although a little repetitive. I did feel like something was really on the line though, and this game forces you to make some tough choices. I had a lot of fun with this game and I'm sure you will too.

Medieval fantasy is defined by heroes who defy fate and kings commanding massive armies into battle. Yes, your grace finds its roots in the total opposite. A king who feels largely unable to control the world around him. The things that matter to him are just barely slipping out of his grasp. An army that would be better described as the blokes loitering around. A kingdom of peasants and squabbling lords too poor to match any of the neighboring kingdoms.

Yes, Your Grace enjoys the mundanity of the genre nearly creating a gripping story of a family with no end to the tragedies coming their way. Some of the reviews complain about the lack of impact your choices have, but in a way that sort of fits the story. In a life that is largely out of the control of the main character all you can really do is what you think is best in the moment with what meagre means are available to you. That said I'm excited to see how the sequel fleshes out the morality and difficulty of the decisions presented to you. This first game was a fun idea decently executed and with a ton of potential.

One of the most brilliant and heart-wrenching games you'll ever play.

Incredible writing that gives every weight decision and forced you to care about your family and your kingdom.

Gameplay is simple point and click with decision making but provides players with plenty of choice and variety in the decisions.

I somehow managed to get a good ending one my first try and it didn't seem too awfully punishing for making mistakes (If i made any?)

The twist and turns the story takes will stick with you for days after playing.