Reviews from

in the past

It's fun and definitely has some nice gimmicks with the new babies like Luigi, Wario, DK and Peach but doesn't hit as well as the original

Pure nostalgia. Babies other than Mario are very fun, especially junior with the fireballs. Don't actually remember if I beat it or not, so will come back to it.

It's not THAT bad. Enemy museum is cool tho

DA sympa mais moins de charme que le jeu SNES, bonne idée la mécanique des différents bébés, mais des problèmes de difficulté, à faire rendre les armes avant la fin.
C’est frustrant, on veut jouer avec Yoshi et pas tousser du sang.
Après il se repose beaucoup sur l’épisode SNES, sans jamais prendre de vraie initiative. Mise à part la volonté de tuer le joueur dans le dernier tiers.
Contient à mon sens les pires scrolling auto des platformers 2D.
C’était finalement moins bon qu’espéré. Dommage.


Very forgettable game tbh, I always mix this game up with the next one they made on the 3DS.

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I played this one a couple of times as a child and I still don't remember a damn thing about it. All I remember is baby Wario's crying being the worst thing I've ever heard and Bowser from the future shows up for some reason.

This was my first Yoshi game and I loved the depth, difficulty, and slower pace of the gameplay compared to mainline Mario. Some of the levels did drag on a bit but the levels were fun enough to play over and over again. Still my favorite Yoshi game.

Juego hecho por mi primo chico en una tarde de verano.

El juego es cronológicamente el último en la saga Island, por dar un dato. 🤓

Visualmente muchos enemigos parecen haber sido hechos en una tarde con Paint, con animaciones de 3 fotogramas.

El juego es increíblemente castrante y cansino, no es que sea propiamente difícil, pero tiene muchas cosas que elevan la dificultad de la nada.

Hay una nueva mecánica de cambiar bebés, cada uno tiene poderes diferentes y abren caminos diferentes, en algunos casos se te obliga a usar a uno en concreto, en muchos casos haciendo que darte la libertad de usar a cualquier bebé no tenga sentido, tendrian que haber hecho niveles exclusivos para cada bebé en vez de hacertelos cambiar todo el rato.
Aunque es una gimmick interesante, con cada bebé pudiendo hacer una cosa concreta, incluso bebé Mario, pero bebé Wario apenas lo usarás, solo tiene de poder atraer monedas y algunos objetos concretos me quiere sonar, pero es el menos útil.

También un problema que tengo es que el juego tiene muchísimos niveles auto scroll, se me hace el peor tipo de nivel en un plataformero, pero aquí se hacen aún más, pues si quieres lanzar huevos para agarrar coleccionables o activar cosas te va a molestar bastante el movimiento de la cámara, además de que en este juego la mayoría de estos vienen en zonas con muchos precipicios, así que es muy fácil caerte.

El 1 sigue siendo el blue print para esta franquicia, pero aquí parece que les dieron 5€ y una pepsi para hacerlo, todo parece muy barato, hay muchas diferencias artísticas en los visuales al mezclar el estilo del juego de SNES con uno nuevo que usan en varios enemigos, etc.

God, why was Artoon the developer chosen to make this? Every Yoshi game they have made is just absolute dogshit.

Ce jeu est mal noté purée.

Entre le gameplay assez unique des bébés, les graphismes qui sont sublimes, l'OST si douce, bon le jeu a une durée de vie assez moyenne mais c'est son seul défaut pour moi, je ne peux qu'être heureux de l'avoir.

Bon après faut que j'le complète, mais une partie de moi ne veut pas, mystérieusement. J'ai pas envie de me dire "maintenant que j'l'ai complété, je n'en ai plus besoin", un truc comme ça. Ce jeu est la raison de pourquoi j'aime les jeux vidéo

puta jogo foda do caraio yoshi poha

Fine game, until it starts becoming needlessly complex with its level design

Cant go wrong with a Yoshis Island game. A lil repetitive but still good.

Calm game with a lot of nostalgia for me

It could have been better, still not bad by any stretch

eu peguei um erro de continuidade neste jogo: o mario, luigi e wario não tem bigode. erro cabuloso dos editores. fica a dica nintendo 😉

incredibly difficult and unfair near the end, i did 100 on all levels except for those secret ones (still beat it though)

inconsistent artstyle - like it gets really bad at parts.. and the music is kinda lacking too

the new gimmick babies are fun to play around with sometimes though, it's a good game but obviously pales in comparison to the original

played this game as a kid but only ever beat the main story, pretty much gave up 100%ing a level after the difficulty spikes mid world 3


I've heard that this game was worse than the first one, so going into it my expectations were a bit low, but I never expected this game to be this bad. The level design is so much worse than the first, just boring unfun unmemorable uninteresting slop. Most levels are just meh to normal bad but does have a few that are just completely unforgivably awful. The autoscrollers in this game are so unbelievably slow which was a problem in the first game but it seems there are quite a bit more of them and they go on for longer making it far more annoying.

This game added more babies that you can have ride yoshi, unfortunately you can't run as any of them except baby mario, immediately making every other one worse and far more annoying to play as, I understand baby dk being slow to run with but I don't understand it with like baby peach. I never want to play as any other character than mario, the only reason I ever go off of him is because the game makes me.

I noticed that this game looks worse than the original, idk it just feels boring and 'flat' to me, the artstyle isn't even that much different than the original so i'm not sure why they didn't just make it the same as the first. Also wanted to mention that because this game is on the ds, anything that would be in between the 2 screens is completely invisible which does/can get you killed in a few places, I'm not too sure why they didn't account for this but it doesn't seem like that they accounted for anything really.

My main problem with the first game was how unforgiving the hundo requirements were and I am happy to say that they made it even worse in this one. The red coins now look exactly the same as a normal coin meaning to have to collect pretty much every coin in every level, and of course if you miss even one red coin/flower or you don't have enough star points you have to replay the level and recollect everything again. In addition to that they also added a golden coin in every level that you can only grab as a certain character, from what i've seen you don't have to grab these in the same run as the others but i'm not sure, I skipped hundo on this playthrough for obvious reasons

Played on my 3DS and reached the end of the game. However, I never did get perfect scores on all courses, so all the bonus levels were left locked. I have no intention of returning to this game, as I am content with having beaten the final boss.

Esta chido, pero no llega al peak del original debido a ciertas decisiones de diseño.

Only Yoshi's Island would make Bowser hate himself.

I really enjoyed the sequel to the original Yoshi's Island. I never got to complete it but from what I did play I had a blast thanks to the different babies that Yoshi can equip now.

Giant chore from start to finish. Whenever I wasn't thoroughly underwhelmed by the total lack of atmosphere, I was actively mad at the infuriating gameplay. The worst part of this game by far is the camera/dual screen implementation. Not only is there a huge gap between the two screens where you can't see anything, there is also screen crunch for some reason...on a game that was specifically made for the DS. I don't think I've ever been hit by something flying in unreactably from off screen in any other game this much. It is maddening. Sometimes it seems very intentional too, like the fake flower in the insanely long cave level (fucking terrible idea btw). Additionally, the visuals and particularly the soundtrack are really bad. Pretty much the only good looking assets in this game are ripped straight from Yoshi's Island on the SNES. The rest ranges from ehh to horrible (the "kangaroo", Bowser, the bull enemies). The music is bland and utterly unfitting. Just compare the cave or castle themes to those of SNES Yoshi's Island and you'll get exactly what I mean. So yeah...I'm just glad it's finally over.