Reviews from

in the past

yep definitely a gamepass game cuz i aint touchin it again, was fun for 2 hours lol

jogar enquanto ouve alguma outra coisa n tem nada de especial nem de atrativo o suficiente pra botar mais de 1 neurônio no jogo

Had a lot of fun, very solid level design ! (and surprisingly pleasant soundtrack)
I don't have much more to say but I'm surprised to see the low rating of the game here ...

A cool little indie game that tried to crowbar in the worst part of every AAA game these days (launching with an unfinished campaign and a fucking battlepass lmao)

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Que lindo y divertido se miraba, pero que cosa tan tediosa es de jugar, apartir del primer nivel todo se vuelve tedioso y 0 divertido de jugar, más aparte de que el auto se mueve muy curioso y no tiene retroceso xd.

Essentially a mini game. Controls are extremely loose. Not being able to stop took a while to get used to. The game goes from easy to insanely hard quickly.

Loved the demo of this, but the full release seemed weirdly fixated on a season pass of all things? Didn't quite feel like it had retained the vibes that I enjoyed from the demo, sadly.

Maybe I'll come back, maybe I won't. Couldn't really keep my attention

Fun an addicting at first and is fun to play with friends. Over longer periods of time, it becomes more frustrating trying to accomplish all the goals.

Sin más, desafíos divertidos

Está simpático y algunos niveles son muy originales y tienen muy buen diseño. Lo que le resta a este juego son decisiones modernas que no se corresponden con el tipo de juego que es: un juego de puzles. Que el mapa sea un minimundo y tengas que desplazarte de manera tosca a los niveles y encontrarlos termina por hacerte perder una cantidad enorme de tiempo. Por otra parte el componente multijugador online no me ha tenido especial chiste y hubiese preferido una mayor duración del juego principal que es bastante corto.

"I love femdom" = words I won't say ever again after being annihilated by my friend in this stupid ass game. Fun times.

Petit jeu arcade sympathique qui fait passer le temps.

You were pretty decent at being a parking game.

Maybe I do... I don't know why I 100% this game. It was one of the first games I played on my PC, and I thought it was going to cause me to put a fist-sized hole in the monitor, and I don't get mad at games. The rage kept me coming back for more.

You suck at making video games that are fun

That was fun for a bit, but ended up being too repetitive.

Nice little game. Does its thing.