Reviews from

in the past

Still only in early game because I am 100% clearing the original release, but this game is peak

This is a goofy game about delivering packages where you manage your balance, delivery time, and equipment degradation. This was my first Kojima and I thoroughly enjoyed my time with it. I'll probably come back to get all of my steam achievements eventually if I'm ever in the mood for this chill out game.

Why did I ever listen to the masses about this gem

Base game was good, but getting 5 stars in every facility for an achievement was the real deal. Creating a zipline/road network to quickly travel between them was truly an experience.

Better machanics, and better graphics, I has a great experience on rtx3060 and a R7 5800x playing this amazing game again... and again.

Man, what a boring game. That's the best way to describe it, boring. Boring gameplay, boring story, boring world after you get over the initial awe which lasts about 45 minutes then you discover how boring it actually is with every potentially interesting aspect overexplained to you. I could see myself having fun with a really refined delivery service game that doesn't have 100 mechanics that don't really add anything to the experience. It would also help if the main thing your doing in the game, traversal, didn't feel like skyrim ass jank climbing 80% of the time and just boring walking the other 20%. I'm glad I tried it because now I know, but man what a waste of time.

The beauty of just cruising in this world is almost unparallel. Trying to fully build the highway was such a rewarding experience, especially when you saw others using it. The story was different and grew on me as time went on. The attention to detail in this is crazy and man I loving standing in the rain, even if it hurts.

I am BB, and you are too… No; BB is the two of us. Together. The Death Stranding? We connected it.

J’ai chialé perso mais c’est pas une compét

love me BB
love me truckin
love me genius kojumbo
simple as

É a versão definitiva de death stranding, se voce não jogou a versão de 2019 essa é pra você, além das melhorias gráficas o jogo contem mais items e construções, fora isso é o mesmo jogo do que o de 2019, apenas jogue e curta.

Lo único malo del juego son las 2h de cinemáticas que hay al final.

Came back to retry this game on PS5 and really enjoyed it. Completed it all the way through this time.

I've never hated a game I love so much. So frustrating. So great.

Kojima é um maniaco e eu não posso explicar mais que isso. "Norman Reduus pode dar pulo duplo/10"

I haven't beaten this game. I don't know if I will. But it's lived rent-free in my head for years and I haven't decided if that's a good thing or not. I have almost nothing to say about Death Stranding, but simultaneously too much to think about.

This is QWOP mixed in with being a mailman. There's combat and enemy encounters, but it doesn't feel ancillary to the experience; if anything I would say it's the least fun to be had in this game with how clunky the controls can be. But playing Death Stranding, the definition of "fun" was challenged throughout my 10 or 15 hours of playing. Is awkwardly walking from place to place delivering packages and managing your carry load fun? To some people it probably is. Is building a complex network of highways, vehicles and communication fun? I think to a lot of people, that's going to be the major sticking point about Death Stranding; is any of this actually fun? I think it's compelling for sure, but listening to music while huffing and puffing through the mountainside delivering old records and food supplies sure is strange. It's like they turned those boring sidequests in a lot of games into a full-fledged experience, and some people enjoy that kind of busywork. I know I do.

The story is nonsensical and utterly fascinating. If you're familiar with any of Hideo Kojima's work, you know what to expect here theatrically but will have no clue where the story is going. Having bizarre names like Dank KushMan (parody) tell you the president's body needs to be incinerated or else it'll blow up the entire capital is something that actually happens, and no the context does not explain things better. Context is for cowards.

You know what isn't for cowards? Death Stranding. It's one of the most beautifully designed games for nobody, and the balls it took to make a AAA game on this scale of this absurdity is nothing short of commendable at the very least. It's worth playing, even if I'm confident a lot of people will hate what it's doing. I feel compelled to play more as of writing this. It's truly a remarkably weird experience so far that's already made such an impression on me so early.

Le plus grand jeu que cette Terre est portée, n'en déplaise aux détracteurs

Kojima mostra mais uma vez o pq dele ser considerado um dos maiores devs de games da história. DS nos apresenta uma história e narrativa complexa e interessante super amarrada com a sua gameplay que transborda "videogame". Ninguém faz jogo como esse cara e DS é a prova disso. Espetacular!

amazing game overall, just when you are walking towards a great obstable the environment and soundtrack settles in to make it worth with a captivating story

Wenn man so will, habe ich für Death Stranding knapp 1000€ bezahlt. Zum Release habe ich meine verhasste, weil absurd laut lüftende PS4 gegen eine nur geringfügiger leisere PS4 Pro getauscht. Leider mit einer enttäuschenden Erfahrung, denn auf meinem damals 40"-TV hat mir die sehr misslungene UI des Spiels mir jeglichen Zugang erschwert, so dass ich das Spiel dann doch recht frustriert beiseite gelegt habe.

Nun, kann 4 Jahre später, und mit einer frisch erworbenen PS5 auf einer erneut 500€ teuren neuen Hardwareplattform habe ich mich erneut in dieses Spiel hineingewagt. Und dieses Mal hat es gefunkt.

Wer eine ähnliche Erfahrung gesammelt hat wie ich: Haltet durch bis Episode 4. Wenn das Spiel euch dann immer noch nicht abholt, ist es nichts für euch. Für alle anderen geht dann der eigentliche Kern des Spiels plötzlich vollständig auf. Der mittlere Teil des Spiels, auf dem größten Abschnitt der Karte, bereitet mir einfach irre viel Freude. Insbesondere, nachdem ich in den letzten Jahren mit Snowrunner ohnehin meine Liebe zu herausfordernden und intelligenten Transport-"Simulatoren" gefunden habe, habe ich diesen Aspekt sehr genossen.

Nach und nach zeigt das Spiel alle Werkzeuge, die man nutzen kann, um die Transportaufträge zu perfektionieren. Die gute Story mag zwar verwirrend sein und man braucht hier und da dann doch ein paar Erklärungen von außerhalb, aber sie ist gleichzeitig auch in sich konsistent und bricht nicht mit ihren eigenen Regeln.

Der Community-Aspekt ist sehr interessant. Andere Spieler*innen errichten eigene Strukturen und unterstützen beim Aufbau des zentralen Straßensystems. Gleichzeitig sieht man die anderen Porter nie, sondern hinterlässt ihnen "Likes" als gegenseitige Anerkennung. Das wirkt anfangs albern, ist aber auf so vielen Ebenenen tief in das Spiel und sogar in das Narrativ integriert, dass man sich fast zwangsläufig irgendwann mit dem System anfreundet.

Auch Death Stranding ist nicht perfekt. Letztendlich ist man doch nur alleine unterwegs, sämtliche befreundete Charactere trifft man nur innerhalb geschlossenener Einrichtungen, und dann auch oft nur als Hologramm. Andere Personen, die man in der Welt antrifft, sind fast ausschließlich verfeindete Mules, die vom Spiel nur wenig Tiefe spendiert bekommen und dadurch sehr zweidimensional wirken. Die Physik der wenigen Fahrzeuge ist zweckmäßig, aber leider auch wenig glaubwürdig. Während das haptische Feedback in weiten Teilen des Spiels hervorragend über den Controller vermittelt wird (die Schneestürme!), wurde dieser Aspekt bei den Fahrzeugen anscheinend komplett vergessen.

Ich habe Bedürfnis, dieses Spiel in einem Podcast zu besprechen. So viel Innovation und frische Ideen in einem AAA-Titel habe ich lange nicht mehr erlebt.

Bon bah, énorme classique.

Je saurais pas décrire le jeu, j'avais essayé à sa sortie PC et j'avais abandonné, mais là j'ai réussi a accrocher, et ça vaut le coup !

C'est bien plus qu'un "simulateur de randonnée" comme les gens pas drôle peuvent le décrire.

Est-ce que j'ai chialé à la fin ? Peut-être.

PS. Je vous conseille de jouer à la Director's Cut qui est plus facilement abordable on va dire, après je crois que c'est la seule version vendue donc forcément ça aide.

I enjoyed the finale. I think it's time for video games to move on and put players in different worlds outside their comfort zones. I believe that Death Stranding accomplishes this in a great way.

tried this a while ago and could not get into it. i want to try again

to equilibrando uma veia nas costas enquanto escuto música boa. (é muito engraçado ver ele caindo)

skip all the cutscenes and i think this might be a masterpiece, honestly.

I really tried but just can't do it with this game