Reviews from

in the past

The biggest problem than this game has is that it should have been an spin-off for Dragon Age, an not a sequel.

Its not bad, but the overall experience is not good. Combat is senseless.

Overall not as good as Origins. The re-used dungeons especially get tiresome. The companions were very good and interesting tho.

friend gifted it to me never played it

Community hate it but I love it. Very interesting companions

This is one of my favourite games of all time, no doubt about it. And people still calling it the game that "ruined Dragon Age" need to shut up.

Best game of DA setting.
Best main character.
So what if it was smaller, if it had repetitive maps. I enjoyed it 100x more than Inquisition, and i replay it to this day. Even wonderful DAO wasn't replayed as many times as DA2.

Not as memorable as Origins, but still a solid entry in the series.

story was great and combat is faster than DAO. love the more contained setting and the direction it went but i wish the devs had more time to realize their original plans for it though. would've made it a 10/10

Better than I remember it being. I picked this up the year it came out since I was a huge fan of Dragon Age Origins, and sadly, Origins this is not, but that does not mean it isn't a good game!

Expecting an actual followup on Origins storytelling style this was a disappointment, but now, a decade later and those feelings mostly detached. I found a pretty good story, a likable protagonist (sarcastic Hawke) and some interesting and complex companions yet again. These companions especially genuinely feel like a ragtag group of friends who have built up real feeling rapport and opinions on each other, and multiple fun scenes of them just hanging out exist and it's great. One of the best found family narratives and genuine feelings in any game. The companions are great and the driving force of this game.

The story is fine, even good at many points, the writing especially for side quests and several main quests is stellar with good worldbuilding and characterization. Where the game falls apart is well... Where it also fell apart in development. This was an obviously rushed game and it shows, certain plotpoints are rushed, many dungeons are outright re-used, and the world is especially small and samey looking. The combat while fun, is sadly crutched by some decisions like the waves of enemies in nearly every fight.

If this was simply a side-game in the series rather than being called and presented like a direct followup to Origins it would have been a lot more understandable and viewed positively in my opinion. View it as a side-game to Origins rather than a full fledged sequel. Just change that name to "Dragon Age: Tales of the Champion" rather than Dragon Age 2 in your mind and view it as side content before the proper sequel Inquisition, and with that interpretation it's a fantastic time in the world of Thedas, a great smaller exploration with a contained and engaging story, characters, and plenty of worldbuilding that has large ramifications for the sequel and books.

If you can withstand some very samey levels, a smaller story, and less main character roleplay customization, you will find an enjoyable story and characters in an interesting setting that makes you want to keep playing to see what happens next with those characters and world. But you can get away with listening to a podcast while doing minor sidequests in the same ten dungeons.

The game is screaming that it was rushed, but has its moments.

But I admire that DA2 tried to give Dragon Age franchise some sort of visual style, but Inquisition washed it down the toilet in favour of boring realism.

Embracing my truth as someone who actually does like this game a lot even if it is not nearly as good as Origins

I understand the hate this game gets but I enjoy it for what it is.

The most hated dragon age game, for me it was decent not bad but just decent.

so good.. so good.... would again be a 5/5 if there were just so many bugs and problems especially after the launcher change :(

More Dragon Age but overall a downgrade from the first one. Story , gameplay and location wise.

Me ha gustado, pero siento que era demasiado lineal a pesar de ciertas decisiones, era como que había dos rutas muy establecidas, y la primera entrega supo hacerlo mejor. Inquisition es lo que Dragon Age II tendría que haber sido. Tampoco me ha dejado mal sabor de boca, pero es menos de lo que esperaba y estoy decepcionado en parte.

I love this game. I played it beginning of this year because I was looking for fantasy games and I found this to be so fun and charming. Gameplay is for sure repetitive but it was the story and characters that really make this shine. Love Fenris btw HES MY BABY

I enjoyed the first game a bit more but still a decent entry into the series. Not sure why they made it so you had to mash to attack though.

It gets annoying to go through the same locations and enemy placements a million times but consider that it has an excellent party and the focus on a single town over time lets you see characters change and grow and a core political tension simmer until it boils over. It all resolves too cleanly, but for a game made in a year and half (fuck EA for making them do this obviously) it's pretty damn ambitious.

Primeiro contato com um rpg da geração do ps3. A variedade de escolhas e sistema de batalha me impressionaram. Joguei bastante e fiquei empolgado para o lançamento da continuação que viria a ser o Inquisition, um dos melhores jogos que joguei no PS4

My favorite DA, I love hanging with the gang in that grungy ass city

pretty chill little less than half

fiquei relutante em jogar porque muita gente fala mal mas eu amei TANTO 😭 inclusive me apeguei mais aos personagens do 2 do que os do primeiro (com exceção da morrigan, alistair e leliana). isabela e aveline vocês são MINHA VIDINHA. 😭 varric tb, eu amei a relação dele com a hawke. o jogo é curto em comparação ao origins, mas é tão bom. cada segundinho é mágico e confortante

I don't care what anyone says, this game fucks

the plot is neat, gay romance involved, but as its more an ARPG than a classical one