Reviews from

in the past

Review in progress:
Definitely the best Dragon Quest of the first 7. Hope this gets a HD 2D remaster eventually.

the culmination of yuji horii's efforts to tell a character-driven story using RPG elements. special video game.

Second best Dragon Quest game story-wise (probably)

Incredible remake, story and characters are strong, music is good... even if there's only a few tracks, graphics is very good and suits the mood of game perfectly.
The only downside is the terrible battle system, it's barebone, really the most basic like battle system can get and incredibly annoying

dragon ball if it was good

Porque el prota es Gohan peruano

This is one of those games that I love too much to really look at objectively, so I'll only say two things. First, I replayed this on Android and the port was surprisingly well done. It's basically the DS version, but it looks, sounds, and plays incredibly well for a mobile game. Second, I decided to go with a girl other than Bianca for this playthrough and since Nera is boring, I married Debora. It hurt a bit not choosing Bianca, but I'm really glad I went with Debora since her brand of unabashed narcissism is just really fucking funny. If you've played through the game before and went with one of the original girls, I highly recommend doing a Debora run. Her writing is just so different from the norm in Dragon Quest that it makes her stand out more than a character like her would in other games.

emulator/R4 card goin bunk interrupted my progress on this one. it's very good, for the first few hours! i want to see how the rest holds up!

This game is prescribed to too many things great and good. Yes, it's a pretty good Japanese RPG, quite significant considering it even partially influenced the formation of Pokemon. The story is indeed interesting to follow almost the entire time, but by the very end it disappoints with an overly mundane ending. When it comes to the DS version specifically, it's no different from IV or V, but it's got the best dungeons of the trilogy and the best story. But this game doesn't deserve as much praise while still being one of the best parts of Dragon Quest. However, it is recommended for any fan of the genre

I recommend this to anyone who enjoys JRPG's, because this one really went beyond my expectations.
overall, sick ass game, 4.5/5

One of the top Dragon quest titles for me. Playing through the lifetime of the character was a great journey, and the pokemon-esque system of recruiting monsters was brilliant.

Simply one of the finest JRPGs of its generation. We follow our hero across the course of his life, from young scion of a mighty adventurer, through enslavement to an evil cult and finally out into the world as a questing hero gathering the artifacts of a legendary hero in order to defeat the cult that once captured him. Manages to be a rare thing indeed - a character-led story despite having a silent protagonist. The relationships that the hero builds around him, and how they morph and move over his life are brilliantly explored but without ever losing its identity as a fantasy rpg or diminishing the threat posed by the core villains.

Top 3 melhores jogos da minha vida, progressão da história e imersão é espetacular.

Vinland Saga + Velozes e Furiosos

I think I went into this game with too high of expectations because of all the praise I heard about it but I surprisingly liked Dragon Quest 4 more than this. Still a good game tho.

Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride is a captivating and emotionally resonant RPG that has left a lasting impression on players since its release. While some cynics might argue that the game's impact is merely an outlier in the grand scheme of the series, the undeniable charm and depth found within this installment prove otherwise.

Set in a beautifully crafted fantasy world, Dragon Quest V takes players on a sweeping journey from childhood to adulthood. The game's narrative prowess shines through its intricate storytelling, complete with unexpected twists and genuine emotional weight. It's a testament to the game's writing that players can't help but become attached to its characters and their personal growth over time.

The gameplay mechanics are true to the franchise's roots, offering turn-based combat and a classic RPG experience. Players will find themselves engrossed in strategic battles that require careful planning and party management. The addition of the monster recruitment system adds a layer of depth, allowing players to assemble a diverse team of creatures that evolve and grow alongside the protagonist.

Visuals and audio are equally impressive, with charming character designs and an evocative soundtrack that enhances the game's atmosphere. While modern Dragon Quest games may indeed see spinoffs and merchandise, it's important to acknowledge that the success of Hand of the Heavenly Bride isn't solely attributed to marketing tactics. The game's ability to resonate with players on an emotional level and provide a rich, immersive experience is a testament to its quality.

Dragon Quest V's final arc, far from being a mere exception, encapsulates the game's ability to deliver a compelling narrative that touches the heart. As we look ahead to the future of the series, it's not unreasonable to find hope in the potential for further exploration of complex storytelling and character development. In a gaming landscape where meaningful connections are often overshadowed by commercial interests, Dragon Quest V stands as a shining example of what the RPG genre can achieve.

In conclusion, Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride is a masterpiece that showcases the franchise's ability to weave engaging narratives and create endearing worlds. While it may not be exempt from the overarching strategies of game promotion, it remains a stellar experience that leaves players yearning for more. Whether you're a seasoned Dragon Quest enthusiast or a newcomer to the series, this game is an essential addition to any RPG lover's library.

The only "Classic" RPG I can ever say I've beaten.
Honestly, it's not that bad. They call it the best Dragon Quest Game for a reason.

Another Dragon Quest! Bought at launch in 2009. The second in the Zenithia trilogy and actually a monster catching RPG. The game takes place over about 26 years from your main characters birth onwards. Wildly ambitious and, like DQIV, ahead of its time.

It's rare to see a JRPG focus on family as its central theme as your player character goes through childhood, comes of age, and then adulthood. It's a very sweet game and I adored it so.

El juego de mi infancia, posiblemente de lo mejor que me jugué nunca.

I played this on the advice of a podcaster who claimed that this is what everyone would talk about instead of Chrono Trigger, if it had ever made its way into the English world. Well, I sure don't think so. This game is more "consistently not bad" than I'd say it's "good".

Beautiful story with an even more beautiful soundtrack. Amazing sprite work as well. My favorite Dragon Quest game and quite possibly my favorite JRPG of all time, I simply adore it.

If you didn't choose Debora you're a coward

Went into this game with high expectations, since it's many people's favorite DQ game; it's really good, but I found it a bit overrated, some parts feel really slow and sluggish, but I don't want to downplay the game, because it's amazing; just not as perfect as people make it out to be.

ensina mais sobre simplicidade que a marie kondo

Played the fan translated PS2 version. What a game!! One of my fav RPGs of that era, very cozy.

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Respeto mucho el aprecio masivo que esta entrega recibe, así como la importancia dentro de la genealogía de los JRPG que se le atribuye.

En Dragon Quest V se sigue la historia de su protagonista desde la infancia hasta su adultez en un contexto en el que la oscuridad vuelve a alzarse con fuerza en este mundo fantástico. Aún con esto último, no se siente tanto que la épica de la narrativa caiga en la dimensión global que representa esta amenaza, sino que en el impacto que estos cambios en el mundo tienen en la vida de nuestro personaje principal.

Con una aproximación narrativa que para 1992 (fecha en la que esta historia apareció por primera vez) podríamos considerar incluso cinematográfico, DQ V subió las apuestas en cuanto a lo que el medio y el género podían entregar. En este sentido, entendiendo las limitaciones del lanzamiento original, creo que la posibilidad de limar y mejorar algunos aspectos no fue aprovechada en este remake. Para ejemplificar concretamente, creo que si bien existe un esfuerzo por dotar de mayor relevancia a Nadja en la historia, la conclusión de ese arco en la trama resulta algo apresurada y casi irrelevante considerando el impacto que este personaje en concreto tiene en cómo se van desencadenando diversos hechos en la historia. En este sentido, y habiendo experimentado DQ IV recientemente con Psaro el Carnicero como punto de referencia, Nimzo es un antagonista final bastante decepcionante, con una anticipación mal construida y siendo más un mob más a derrotar antes que un personaje en la historia como sí lo es Psaro. Por último, creo que este juego sufre de alargues artificiales e innecesarios a punta de una abundancia de Macguffins.

Habiendo dedicado un párrafo a expresar mis mayores problemas con el título, quiero aclarar que sí he disfrutado este videojuego y también me parece una obra digna de reconocer. Pese a haberme gustado más DQ IV en su conjunto, me gusta cómo en este juego se construye una atmósfera distinta y consistente (expresada a través de los NPC y el recambio en el bestiario).

Viniendo de jugar los FF de Android me encantó que las versiones de DQ sí estén bien hechas, no puedo decir más del juego aparte de que me encantó todo, tanto jugabilidad como historia, quizá lo pondría en empate para mí con el VIII, ambos sabio de XI

Se tornou um dos melhores RPGs que já joguei, história muito cativante, personagens carismáticos, a sensação de aventura e de conexão com os personagens é ótima, você realmente sente que viveu uma jornada de uma vida ao finalizar.