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i’m done giving this game chances. i’ve played and beaten almost every fe game (most multiple times) and never once have i bounced off of one to the point that i can’t finish it. on like 10 different occasions i’ve tried to like this game and around the halfway point i realize i haven’t had fun in like 7 chapters. the entire game is trial and error and punishing you for not using the most optimal units at all times. in prologue, you made kris any of the classes with bad defense? have fun resetting because every enemy has double your move and orkos you! in the rest of the game, you used ANYONE other than the fliers and malicia? enjoy dogshit growths, half as much movement, and 12 movement dragons that ignore def that spawn as ambush reinforcements for like 5 straight chapters! the balance is atrocious in every sense of the word and using anyone but a squad of wyverns is miserable. while it was the first game in the series to add a bunch of player freedom it also punishes you for messing with any of the fun tools.

Maybe the best FE on a mechanical level, it begins to introduce some of new-FE's best mechanics such as the new Support system, I think it lacks identity of its own but still a great game.

This game was another delight to play. It takes things that I already enjoyed from shadow dragon and put them in an even better package. It was also cool to see how much of this game would go on to shape awakening and that is probably why is had so much fun with this game. A player avatar, casual mode, more detailed and easily accessible support convos, among other things. Game was very enjoyable and I definitely see myself coming back to it. Not everything was a winner of course, I'm somewhat in the camp that this game might have a bit too many units and the requirements to recruit some of them can make some chapters drag or be more annoying then they would otherwise. But otherwise this is an easy recommend from me if you can get ahold of a english translation.

What if Shadow Dragon's story was somehow less interesting and the game was an entire retread of FE11 with a self insert that solos the game? The game is just really boring.
At least it's not Echoes.

New Mystery is the story of a single man being blueballed so hard, that he finally snaps, gives in to the dark side and tries to conquer the entire continent.
It's also a decent enough enhancement of Shadow Dragon, though removal of artillery units and Maria/Lena being unavailable for more or less the entire game is unfortunate.

Yeah this is a good game, but a pretty shitty remake.
The gameplay is a lot better, but all the characters spend way too much time sucking Kris’ cock who is, indeed, as bad as people say, fuck him.

This game is really good if you play this on hard and below but anything harder and it's a test of your sanity
Still really fun tho

what happened to the old mystery of the emblem

More of a good thing, though the Kris dickriding gets funny.

improved massively on shadow dragon but was cringe for introducing Avatar units, the game would have been so much better without Kris and it was a nightmare to play with a shoddy translation, still fun tho

Good game, I think the idea of the avatar being too good is a little overstated, but I can’t argue that by the endgame my Kris was one of the most powerful units (and she was already a good sword master before she got so strong).

fire emblem 3 book 2, but introduced the avatar character. unfortunately for this game they borderline trivialize the game by being too good. but overall yeah if you're trying to play book 2 this is the way more enjoyable pick

Tried and failed. Fucking nightmare of a game. So dull for an FE this late in the game, even worse than Shadow Dragon DS, somehow even lacking features the original had. Fucking narsty.

Fire Emblem: New Mysetery of the Emblem introduces a lot of the mechanics that we have grown accustomed to in more modern games. The game itself, is massive, with a whopping cast of over 80 playable characters. However, similarly to Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, this game still lacks strong characterization for everyone outside of a select few major characters.

This game adds an additional story beat with the addition of Katarina and her group. I personally enjoyed the content with Katarina a good bit, and didn't feel that it hurt the original narrative with its addition. However, the rest of the story is rather barebones.

This game is the first Fire Emblem entry to feature an Avatar character to try making the player feel more invested in the narrative. How the Avatar character is implemented does take away from the game in my opinion, as Kris is treated as this perfect character that no one can find any fault in.

The gameplay itself is more player-phased oriented, and it is more enjoyable in comparison to the previous Shadow Dragon. I think this game is certainly worth a try for those interested, but Shadow Dragon should be played for the best experience.

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Really good remake of fe3, enjoyed the gameplay a ton while I was playing it, the supports were really good. Loved the Katarina and Kris one. Kris was also really good too. Even though a ton of people hate Kris a ton, I didn't care at all and found her a really fun character to see, even though she wasn't in FE3.
It's OST is good as well. The Hardin boss music was FIRE.

Definitely one of the better Fire Emblem games, but this game kinda helped me realize that Fire Emblem as a franchise is a little dull. I think I only realized that BECAUSE this is one of the better entires.

Missed a singular chest and got the bad end OOOOOOPS

Pretty much identical to Shadow Dragon for DS when it comes to UI and gameplay. This game however adds a created player character as the secondary protagnist alongside Marth and also has a more robust support conversation mechanic for bonding with your troops. Story is sort of a retread of Shadow Dragon but about as engaging as that game’s story - which is to say good enough. Play this game for the characters and gameplay not the main story.

Instead of making a faithful remake of FE3, Intelligent Systems decided to make a good video game instead.

The prologue for this game is a huge improvement alongside the gaiden chapters over the original game! The introduction of a playable avatar is done ok, but the fact that a majority of the supports are tied to them when we had such a good support system in Path of Radiance is a shame. The side plot doesn't really add much to the story compared to the original. The portraits are much cleaner but aside from that, this game doesn't really feel like it's a big improvement to Shadow Dragon. I can tell the developers tried but overall I still feel the mechanics make this game feel too different and the supports add good characterization to some units but it's not enough. We needed more supports that aren't locked to Kris. I appreciate this game for what it does but would likely not play again!

All Chapters complete, all but 3 allies recruited, Chronicles chapters completed. May go for True end someday.

Éste juego es literalmente Shadow dragón pero con la interfaz con nuevas opciones, apoyos qué se administran de forma sosa y la opción de un avatar, nada fuera del otro mundo, del resto un fire emblem, divertido, no muy profundo y con una historia meh.

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IDK why this game was the one that got Nintendo to consider killing off the Fire Emblem series. Like…. Y’all made this a JP exclusive that actually sold and reviewed well there but the low sale numbers compared to previous games got them bothered. You never bothered to release it worldwide of course you got low sales numbers.
That aside, much like Shadow Dragon’s pros. This game’s customizable features offer a lot of options and the story writing is vastly improved, even adding a bit of dark elements with the story in the Gaiden chapters. It even surpasses Shadow Dragon in its own pros, the soundtrack also is improved in my opinion.
But otherwise, the Avatar character really does take a big role in the story as many say…. Too much of a big role in the story. The second they show up every character (Especially Marth…. The Main character) immediately drops everything and praises them to no end you’d think Marth married him and not Princess Caeda or at the very least keeps him as a consort after the war.

Por suerte, a diferencia del anterior remake... Aquí hicieron un juego buenísimo y con cantidad de contenido nuevo e innovador.

You can put a funny hat on Kris every couple chapters and if thats not an instant selling point im not sure what is.

probably my favorite in the series. improves on its predecessor(s) in every tangible way. plus it has my best girl, kris

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I feel like a broken record, but another Fire Emblem, another good game. I don't think there is a single bad Fire Emblem game.
This one is of course very similar to Shadow Dragon for obvious reasons, for good or worse at times.
Some general thoughts below:

1. It feels to me that defense and resistance matters less in this one, and HP matters the most. About every enemy does a lot of damage. That's a general feeling I got from this game gameplay-wise.
2. Every chapter, especially the side-chapters, are incredibly short and not long. The main chapters feel very balanced and fun, but the side-chapters feel shoehorned in and not of the same quality.
3. The Kris Katarina Eremiya side story should not even be a thing. I think it detracts from the game's main story at times.
4. I am glad I can choose not to use Kris in most chapters, but it sucks that Marth talks to him like Kris is his older, wiser brother and second guesses himself at every turn.
5. Sucks they decided to take playable ballisticians out of this game while still including the previous game playable ballisticians as different classes. There is even a weapon that counters player ballisticians in one chapter I noticed that is pointless to even exist because of me not being able to use any.
6. This game is definitely made to iron man because you get way too many characters in the story. I felt bad having to sideline like 90% of the cast because of the ones I had in the early game just out-levelling the ones that join later.
7. The whole binding shield stuff with the spheres is really cool. I wish the binding shield was stronger ability-wise. When it fuses with the 5 spheres it only retains the +2 to all points part of one sphere, and the other 4 sphere abilities are lost. Makes me wonder why Marth does not use this shield in Smash Bros in his move set or in his final smash. Bit weird.
8. The story I feel is actually pretty good, especially for a Fire Emblem game where the emphasis will always be on gameplay and story second. I suppose it's not as good as FE4 or the Tellius games, but I think it has the potential if rewritten to be up there.
9. The graphics are ugly, same as Shadow Dragon. You just get used to it eventually after looking at it for long enough.