Reviews from

in the past

I learned so much about fractions playing this.

was probably funny when it came out

Learn some maths. Befriend a dragon. Go to mars. Become president of bug society. Sell government issued pornography. Learn some more maths. The real Frog Fractions were the friends we made along the way.

not enough bug porn please add more thanks

I went in blind as people suggest but the joke didn't have enough legs to walk on for too long. It was probably pretty great in 2012 but around then and since then there have been plenty of similar concepts that were also done better. Still, totally free and a short little game so there's nothing wrong with it inherently and achieves what it would like. its commentary on gaming is pretty funny at times.

Frogs, Bugs, and Politics

I think it’s best to go into this game blind as it makes the surrealist humor more effective but gameplay wise the game is kinda boring and a bit of a slog at times, which is why I’m grateful they have a level select
If you like weird games this is for you, but if your more into gameplay than story than I recommend it

This is the one WITHOUT Obama shaving :(

I went down an entire rabbit hole playing this and loved it

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My House, but before My House, and with a lighter tone than My House.
I spent an abnormally long time in the underwater section just to idle and listen to the music.

Pasan cosas raras. Está guapo.

i love finding out people havent played this and then watching them play it

This game changed my life.


I know that I gave this a 1 star, but I genuinely think you should play it.

I was unsure about this game at first, but because my degree had a stats requirement I figured it couldn't hurt to brush up on my fractions a little.

What an experience! I still don't know how to do fractions.