Reviews from

in the past

the flood levels are pretty bad but other than that im actually a big fan of the anniversary graphics

Pretty good remaster, the graphics coulda used some work though, they didnt really hit the tone the original was trying for.

The first half of the game is straight up gold. The weapons are fun and unique, the enemies are cannon fodder on lower difficulties but feel cunning and dangerous on higher difficulties, and the level design is genious. The second half is spottier in terms of quality and contains some really repetitive level design to the point of being boring. The game overall is a classic, and remastering it was a good idea, but the anniversary graphics just make the experience worse by muddling the aesthetic and harming the readability and visual clarity of the original graphics.

Fun for a legendary replay every now and then.

As far as remasters go, this sure “is” one

Todos os assets da Unreal estralando no combate envolvente.

VTNC 343

Honestly from the first half of the game I would say I had fun. But the game is confusing to play at times with no guidance on where to go and saves over you having very limited health. These 2 issues while completely manageable at first killed the experience for me. I will probably just look into halo 1 lore then start 2 at some point. Hopefully that will feel easier to get through.

I had surprisingly much fun with such an old game

Enough to get me sold on this series, but definitely clear that the next few sequels are going to be a good bit better. The level design is my big issue here, felt kind of repetitive. A lot of hallways that feels the same, a lot of fights that feels the same. I've played shooters that are way more unique in their level design, and I've found that this is a key element to make them engaging. Because otherwise, some parts just feel monotonous.

Still the core gameplay is very fun, makes me want to try some multiplayer for this. I liked the game more than enough to complete it and would say it does way more right than wrong. Completing this just makes incredibly hyped for 2, 3 and Reach, which all should be awesome.

(Played via the Master Chief Collection on Steam, Normal difficulty, mostly used Old graphics)
I really dug going back to this. The weapons are a blast to use, the story and writing was surprisingly good, especially Cortana and her interactions with Chief, and the levels are pretty well designed...mostly.
Yeah later on the game can get kinda irritating to play, special shoutouts to Assualt on the Control Room and The Library for being especially repetitive and hard. Also the grenade throwing in the last level felt way too precise.
But yeah, this is a great time and you should give it a shot.

Está bien, es entretenido y la historia es interesante. Eso sí, no ha envejecido tan bien, niveles abiertos llenos de enemigos por todos lados, un poco caos.

Halo: Combat Evolved é um clássico, mas infelizmente desliza muito em sua qualidade. Com uma gameplay divertida, uma história bem legal, o jogo se perde muito da metade até o final. Quando você chega no nível do Flood, é rezar e chorar de tão chato que fica, as fases se tornam repetitivas e com pouca atenção, visto que eles só tacam qualquer tipo de inimigo e os cenários são completamente iguais. A última parte quase me fez desistir de tão maçante que estava. Acredito que as futuras instalações do jogo devem ser superiores, já estou ansioso para ver!

Hard to mess up a remake but the visuals took a downgrade here.

i don't mind the anniversary graphics as much as the fandom but still not the superior version

Very solid shooting mechanics and impressive AI that aged really well. I think that around the mid point of the game the campaign starts to drag a lot and the missions map design and enemy encounters become repetitions of themselves. On top of that the interiors are not very varied and you get the feeling that you are running around the same stuff over and over again.

I dont have any emotional attachment with the original, but it is very clear that 343 took some weird liberties with the art style, lightning and graphics in this remaster that become very obvious specially with the option to switch original vs remake with a press of a button (which I think is a very weird option, maybe they weren't very confindent with the changes?).

Don't really care about the story, I think its serviceable for the power fantasy action hero sci fi FPS. Don't enjoy much the traditional cinematic narrative. And the soundtrack is excelent.

Haber... tiene muchos muchisimos problemas, es un port de la version de gearbox y los graficos nuevos no son lo mejor, tener en cuenta hablo de la version de 360 no la del TMCC

Achei o Reach mais interessante, mas ainda sim é muito bom! O que mais me surpreendeu foi a remasterização que fizeram aqui, GTA Trilogy sonha! 🤓

I played the first Halo back when it wss first ported to PCs a few years after its XBox debut, and back then I found it an enjoyable enough romp that wasn't anything new to someone who'd already been playing FPS games for years on PC; to this date my lukewarm take has been that a significant part of Halo's smash success is because it was a functionally playable FPS on a console. Coming back to revisit it now - under the Anniversary title - it's actually quite striking just how badly it has aged. All of its issues were present on the original release as well, but in 2023 they come across especially bad. The level design is bland and full of copy/paste corridors (and half the levels are recycled in the first place), the checkpoint system feels erratic, the combat starts feeling like a chore once the Flood have appeared and are in full swing, and the two-weapon mechanic somehow feels even worse now than it did originally. The sad thing is that there is a great game hiding underneath all of that, because it's full of so much potential and great ideas - but it feels barely finished despite its (at the time) AAA presentation.

I had to push myself to finish this because I've made it a mission for myself to play through the Master Chief collection, but I think in this day and age - especially if you come from a PC gaming background - this is a game only an established fan could love while viewing it through nostalgia-tinted glasses. That's completely valid and I don't discount those opinions (god knows how many mediocre games I have a fondness to because of when I originally played them), but without that attachment the original Halo feels like a relic left behind.

le combat est vraiment trop évolué

Such an amazing game that ends with a meh ending

I put this off for so long and really wish I hadn't. Enjoyed myself a ton with this game. WIll definitely be continuing on with the series.

Having played this, I'm very curious as to how the second Halo game will be, as I had a very bad experience with this game, even though I played it with a friend for the entire campaign- confusing map layout, irritating spawn in points even when your already very close to the other player, and very poorly executed campaign missions. It also doesn't help that I just personally don't find the art direction of the Halo series all that appealing. Really hoping that the second Halo game is better than this

I've played this game roughly fifteen or so times throughout my life. And no joke, this is the first time I've ever managed to run out of time during the warthog run.

This series playthrough with my friend is going to be very fun.

Très solide premier opus qui pose les bases de la série, le remake est sublime même si je trouve que l'ambiance de la vanilla reste meilleur avec de la vrai tension et un meilleur jeu de lumière qui donne un intérêt à utilisé la lampe torche.
Concernant le jeu en lui-même ce dernier est plutôt court et prenant, l'histoire est sympathique, gameplay agréable, une diversité de gameplay pas deconnante, les environnement sont plutôt varié amis malheureusement il y a énormément de recyclage dans les décors et le level design ce qui peut être très vite redondon

Mi primer Halo. Para mí el más misterioso y más abierto de todos. Auténtica historia para mí y para los videojuegos

aun tengo pesadillas con la mision de la biblioteca