Reviews from

in the past

A história é muito qualquer coisa. O universo de Halo tem um grande potencial de sci-fi a ser explorado, e o jogo foca no papinho militaresco, o que é um porre. Mas se tirar toda a história e deixar somente o gameplay, dá pra entender por que foi revolucionário e definiu gerações de shooters.

flood mission scared me as a kid

Legendary Co-op Playthrough

Probably would be a 10/10 if I had grown up with this. Original graphics still hold up today. 343's updated graphics ruin the original game's impeccable atmosphere.

The real Halo was the friends we made along the way.

I had a decent amount of fun with this game. I really enjoyed the story and I thought the setting was amazingly well thought out. I liked some of the missions a lot too. However, at the end it started to lessen and I didn't really like those missions a huge amount, especially the last one. Overall, I had a good time.

Sometimes when beginning a series with an older game of a genre I don't always fully enjoy, I do worry about my experience

However, Halo CE Anniversary Edition has totally made me reconsider. The game at its core is a perfect length, has just the right amount of complexity, a well thought out world, very good level design, a story you can actually follow while running and gunning with a handful of well thought out characters, and (of course) an addictive combat. Tie this together with the (mostly) all the positive charm of this generation of games, along with the revamped graphics, sound, HD rumble, and lightning loading times - you've got a hell of a fun 5-7 hours with a buddy (I recommend highly)

My main qualms are just the very slight repetitiveness of gameplay in some parts as well as some random buggy pauses in the game (one that resulted in a crash), and some forced platforming with terrible platforming mechanics

Você percebe o quanto um jogo foi revolucionário pra sua época, quando você joga ele 20 anos após o seu lançamento e ele ainda continua bom. Esse jogo só não ganha nota 10, por problemas de level design em algumas fases que são extensas demais.

Eu nunca mais vou tocar nesse jogo

Probably my least favorite Bungie Halo to revisit. A lot of the campaign levels are repetitive. Nonetheless, still very good Halo music, gameplay, story, ect.

Gostei bastante, principalmente da jogabilidade…me surpreendeu!

*Jogado através da coletânea Halo: The Master Chief Collection

for 343's first crack at halo not a bad start, but it completely ruined the style the OG had. and for some reason they used the pc port of CE which has worse lighting and style in my opinion. not bad but could be better

I played on the Master Chief collection with a friend of mine, on Legendary difficulty. Played like I remembered as a kid and the story was fun to go through again having little memory of the events that occur. Definitely would recommend if you have a Saturday to kill and just want something fun to do for the day.

Holds up super well (played for the first time in 2022) even tho some of the level design kinda ass

First time experience with the Halo series definitively and it was a pretty decent start despite some issues with level/enemy design...

The gameplay is really great for it's time, despite being a remaster, it's aged really well and some of the visuals (I played on classic) are still really nice to look at for it's time. I played a bit on the Anniversary graphics and honestly, Classic was just so much better. Certain levels captured the eerie atmosphere more in the latter half of the game than what the Anniversary version was doing, so I'd say Classic is very much the way to go.

However, I did have some issues that hold me back a little from giving this a higher rating. I felt that the game sort of fell off a little bit in it's second half, I did not enjoy the Flood enemy types, honestly the bane of my existance - especially the ones who were given rocket launchers for whatever reason, most of my deaths were because of stray rockets or an enemy dropping grenades. Anticipating being one hit obliterated by a grenade became common practice.

There was also a certain lack of direction. I've seen some people complain that Halo: CE has absolutely no sense of direction at all and to a certain extent, I agree but I also disagree. The game doesn't have a map or much of a waypoint system and, sure, this is definitely a problem... but not as much as you might think. In certain levels, the game will actually give you an indication on where to go with a very vague waypoint display on the screen by Cortana but you can also determine which direction you're supposed to take by looking at the display on your assault rifle. While it is not that precise, there is still at least an element of direction I felt that was enough for me to find my way even though in some cases I did admittely get lost.

As for the aforementioned Flood, I really liked the Convenant as enemy types. I think they had very good power balancing, making any given encounter either a challenge or just really satisfying to tear your way through. The Sword Elites were quite fkin anxiety inducing, being jumped by one is almost as terrifying as being jumped by a Licker in RE2R, but not for the same reasons of course.

Narratively, it's just... yeah. I don't think this is that heavy of a story based game, it very much relies fully on it's gameplay than it does on telling a complex story you might have expected from this franchise, which very much is true I assume for the later games in the series, but as a debut it's not offering much and I feel you shouldn't demand much either in that case, so it's not that big of a deal. Where the story lacks, the worldbuilding and lore more than enough makes up for it, offering another unique perspective on the sci-fi genre and perhaps (so far) the best in gaming.

Don't really like the remake visuals.

Got me locked in the way subway surfers do.

Pretty much the same as the original, however, some of the cutscenes and environmental storytelling are lost with the new coat of paint. I'd recommend playing Halo: CE in it's original graphics but it's whatever I guess

Platform: Xbox Series X
Date Started: January 2nd, 2022
Date Finished: May 6th, 2023
Time Played: Unknown

"Just dust and echoes."

I was really looking forward to jumping back into and replaying this franchise, even now for the third or fourth time, but in the back of my mind I always kind of dread the majority of this first game.

Repeated levels, same-same corridors filled with seemingly endless waves of enemies that can kill you instantly even on the medium difficulty, backtracking through the same missions on reused maps, tedious level design that feels directionless and repetitive - in my eyes Halo: Combat Evolved doesn't hold up in it's second half near as excellently as it does in it's first.

It's a shame, too, because the story and characters, the world and the gun-play all stand the test of time, but during certain levels I couldn't wait to get to the end.

Graphics are upgraded, but does not faithfully remaster how the original meant it to be.

This is always fun to replay because it’s god dam halo to me halo is like kingdoms hearts final mix to me is it a perfect game no but do I have fun with it everytime I play it yes

This review contains spoilers

This was my first time playing through Halo: Combat Evolved in its entirety. I've booted this sucker up a few times over the years since I got the Master Chief Collection but only ever played the first couple levels. I have a hard time appreciating games that were revolutionary when they first released because I was but a wee babe at the time. So how does Halo: Combat Evolved hold up in the year of our Lord 2023? It’s alright. Halo: CE has moments when it's quite good but It’s definitely not good from the get go. Once you get past the halfway point the game actually starts to get fun and interesting. But man, that first half is boring.

-The music is the real star of the show here. Whenever it came on during the first half of the game it managed to trick me into thinking I was playing an actually engaging game.
-Being able to swap between the original look of Halo CE and the remastered version all in a single button press is really cool. I would like if more remasters of really old games had something like that. I played primarily on the original look.
-Enemy AI is reactive and quirky
-Mission 6: 343 Guilty Spark. The story picks up dramatically and the introduction of the Flood actually makes the game fun instead of mind-numbing.
-The Flood make you have to think a bit more about your positioning so combat becomes more engaging.

-Up until Mission 6 the combat is unengaging and repetitive. Hold forward, hold RT, repeat.
-The audio mixing is garbage. Can't hear what characters are saying half the time because the music is blowing it out.
-The Warthog and Scorpion tank
-The game is dark. So dark that it is a pain in the ass. It being that dark doesn’t even serve a purpose until you get to Mission 6. After that point I am much more ok with it but still find it a bit annoying at times. Even with the flashlight.
-A lot of the levels in this are just not good. Most of the game is just copy and pasted hallways which really wouldn't be an issue if there was some sort of consistent waypoint or clear path to take. Unfortunately the waypoints only ever pop up after a certain amount of time spent struggling or if the game purposefully gives you one. They even acknowledge this in the remastered style of the game by putting literal glowing arrows on the floor to show you were to go.
-Mission 7: The Library. How does Bungie decide to follow up the best level in the game? With the fucking worst one. The Library is horrendous. I don't know how they thought this shit was ok. They took some of the biggest issues the game has and bundled into one agonizing experience. Pitch black, never ending copy pasted hallways/rooms, super easy to get lost (mainly on the original version) because it's just one big dark and gray hallway, repetitive, tedious, and lasts far too long. Does it do a good job showing the overwhelming scale of the Flood and why they are such a threat? Yeah. Is it miserable to play? Also yeah.

I believe that had I played this growing up it would be one of my favorite games. But playing it for the first time in 2023 a lot of it dragged. I think that it redeemed itself quite a bit in the second half but still suffered from the same issues. Unfortunately, the final section being a timed Warthog run left my final emotions toward Halo: CE being those of incredible frustration.

Played on the Master Chief Collection and played Co-Op on Legendary. I had a good time with it, and I only had fun on Legendary when playing with one of my friends.

Switching between past visuals and updated ones at the press of a button blew my mind

new graphics takes away from the experience in some areas

Years later and it still holds up. Level design, music, dialogue and pacing are top notch. It's really amazing how gameplay holds up and I'm kinda surprised at how some design conventions present here are still used in modern games.

Played it with my wife. She likes!

I didn't expect to love the veichles in this game but honestly enjoyed the sections with them more than the claustrophobic, endlessly repeating levels (yes I'm referring to the library)