Reviews from

in the past

nostalgic as fuck, the series should of ended here, (birth by sleep can stay though)

Critical mode is the bomb, it's made a brilliant game even better and less of a mindless hack and slash.

BROOOO I love this game so much. Has some of my favorite characters of all time. Not only that, but the game is a lot of fun, and the entire ending sequence is one of my favorites of all time. Post-game for this game is awesome too.

Narrativa excelente, temas trabalhados bem pra um caralho, combate de primeira, ost perfeita, estética foda, vários dos melhores personagens q já vi... esse jogo tem td

Meu segundo favorito da franquia e um dos melhores jogos já feitos fácil

My favorite kh game, the combat, the story, the setpieces, was everything i needed from the game

one of my favorite games of all time, combat is peak, bosses are peak, story is great, disney worlds were pretty good the only complaints i have for it is that it feels more linear than the first and the fact that YOU CANT SKIP THE FUCKING ROXAS SEGMENTS

One of my favourite games ever, I still remember the first time that I completed it and have one of the most epic final boss battle <3

Getting back to form after Chain of Memories' unique gameplay system, Kingdom Hearts 2 is a fantastic sequel, building on almost all aspects of the original and being a phenomenal action game in its own right.

Having assumed that the player is familiar with the plot of both the PS2 original Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts 2 begins with a prologue that involves a new character. Though an atmospheric and fairly emotional opening at first, the prologue takes its time and can be a pace-breaker on repeat playthroughs. The remainder of the plot is fairly usual Kingdom Hearts. Its Final Fantasy mixed with Disney that takes its bizarre concept seriously. Though a bit of a double edged sword, the premise being played straight still makes for a sufficiently enjoyable story. It has good comedic appeal, good attempts at emotional moments and despite common criticism, is perfectly coherent and straightforward to follow. Though not a masterpiece of writing by any means, the story does its job well. Tense moments are tense and the Disney branding is used well.

The real meat and bones to Kingdom Hearts 2 is the combat, which is some of the finest in any action game. Sora controls like a dream. Tight, responsive and with a good weight makes for a fantastic feel, only enhanced by the vast array of versatile and viable tools and abilities Sora gets access to. Despite a seemingly overwhelming amount of options, almost all of them have good utility and are fun to use. The free-flowing combo system and general design creates incredible synergy and a massive potential for player freedom and ingenuinety. Unlike the original's deliberateness and low to the ground approach, Kingdom Hearts 2 Sora has a degree of flashiness trademark to character action, but instead of being a case of style over substance, Kingdom Hearts 2 translates this to gameplay very well, with a versatile toolkit that is delightful to use. Enhancing this is the game's excellent enemy design. Enemy variety is high and they encourage utilizing all the tools available, in particular boss fights and the 14 excellent super bosses the Final Mix version introduced. Exemplifying this is the addition of reaction commands, allowing the player to use Triangle to perform context-sensitive, enemy specific manevuers. This adds even more depth to an already excellent combat system, rewarding knowledgeable and skilled players with powerful maneuvers provided they are familiar with enemy patterns. Kingdom Hearts 2 does an excellent job of getting the player to engage and get better at the game, and it only gets more fun when they do.

The level designs of the game have often been criticised. While I agree with the observation that levels are far more simplified and straightforward than the first game, I don't agree that this is a problem. While the interactivity and fully fledged worlds of the original are a positive, Kingdom Hearts 2 is aiming for a different goal with regards to level design. By sacrificing the interconnectedness and depth of Kingdom Hearts 1's levels, Kingdom Hearts 2 is able to streamline levels and create a better pace for the moment to moment action game it clearly wants to be. On the macro level, worlds are simplistic and linear, but on the micro level they have a great amount of variety in combat arenas, and are only as big as is necessary to fit the combat encounters the game is focused on, killing downtime.

I find the PS2 version's soundtrack to be better overall than the HD remaster's, however the HD remaster's looks overhaul is greatly appreciated, running at a constant 60fps and having a crisp look that ages well.

Overall, Kingdom Hearts 2 is a joy to play, and despite taking some liberties, is a brilliant sequel to the initial entry.

best action game in the whole world beats dmc not even close

story is either peak or messy as hell but my boy can swing a keyblade and thats what matters

Tout simplement mon jeu préféré.

L'histoire est parfaite, très simple à suivre à vue d'oeil mais s'intensifie et deviens plus profonde, surtout si vous avez fait les anciens jeux et les spin-offs, essentiels pour comprendre certaines choses. Les mondes Disney sont utilisés à la perfection et le faire étant enfant, encore en plein dedans était un réel atout pour encore plus apprécier ce jeu.

La musique est vraiment incroyable, Yoko Shimomura m'émerveillera pour toujours avec ses OSTs, notamment vers la fin dans Illusiopolis.

Le système de combat est PARFAIT, il est fluide, et demande de la maîtrise pour son contenu "Final Mix".

C'est mon Kingdom Hearts préféré.

Best game ever made.
gameplay on first time and endgame are totally different.
Making combos is fine
Story is perfect
it would be perfect final for series if ended

Une suite parfaite, une histoire plus profonde avec un gameplay qui a évolué

best death fake-out in the entirety of gaming history

Одна из лучших игр на ПС2

this was a very fun game to play through, i loved the combat and all the phases of the final boss using mechanics from previous fights was very cool! this is a game i will be thinking about for a while... i love how genuine it is to its themes, very sweet :-)

Just a better version of an already stellar game.

Kingdom Hearts 1 already blew me away when I first played it, and KH2 does nothing but ramp it up. The combat is reworked a little to be more aggressive, Sora gets multiple drive forms which help differentiate builds and spice things up, and every world throws out the tired Disney storylines and become entirely focused on Organization 13s shenanigans, not to mention the brand new wrinkle of the Nobodies.

Did not expect it to be THAT good wow, fucking incredible, what video games are all about, even as a jaded adult this game hits like a motherfucker, PEAK