Reviews from

in the past

Disappointing after 9. Mega man 10 is on the lower tier of the classic mega man games for me. Being able to play as proto man and bass is cool, but the levels are not as memorable and don't feel as rewarding to complete as 9's levels.

The soundtrack is also weaker and the robot master weapons are nowhere near as good as 9's.

The best game since sliced break (not to diss sliced bread)

This is a big step down from MM9 and probably has worse level design than MM4, 5 and 6 but there is one little reason why I prefer it to those games... Bass. I really, really enjoy playing as Bass and he makes this game really fun, that is literally the only reason I really like this game. The level design is pretty uninteresting but Bass makes it fun which is a good reason as to why Bass should be playable in all Mega Man games. Seriously Capcom, what happened with MM11? Where are my extra playable characters?

First Mega Man game I ever picked up back when I was in 2nd grade (I played on easy mode cause I used to suck ass at video games but we'll ignore that part)
P solid classic mega man game, one of the more enjoyable weapon sets in the series (triple blade my beloved) and also maybe my favorite soundtrack? It's between this 6 or 7

This one has Megaman in it.
Who woulda guessed?

fire ass music especially wily 1's theme, but i could never get past wily 2 and i dont plan to

I dunno, it doesn't do it for me

Gostei mais do 9, no entanto é bom.

Being able to play as multiple characters like Bass and Protoman is an awesome way to play this game.

This game feels far less unfair than Mega Man 9 did, the weapons are pretty neat and the stages, while extremely challenging, don't feel THAT unfair.

Honestly, it feels like a complete inverse of my issues with Mega Man 9. I wouldn't say it's bad or anything, but definitely one of the weakest entries in the series.

Slightly better than Mega Man 9 by way of better graphics, more playable characters, and less cheap level design (other than a couple goofy Wily Castle stages). I wish it were 16-bit though since they already did an 8-bit throwback one. Ah well.

Better then MM9 but idk, while I did enjoy it it still felt like something was missing. Rock still can't slide or charge, I know Protoman can (believe it is this way in the MM9 dlc too, tho I haven't checked that out yet) but I have no idea why they wont have it as Rock default abilities (or if they want to limit it, have it be an upgrade you can find or buy). The store is better this time and they seem to have given the hair item a use, with it being a debuf if you want to make the game more challenging (if this is how it worked in MM9 it wasn't stated). I do wish some of the upgrades and stuff were brought back from like MM5/6/7, there's even 3 empty slots in the weapon menu they could have put something there.
Story is nonsense but honestly liked it, didn't take itself too serious compared to MM9 which tried to do something more serious but then completely neglected the premise at the end.

Protoman playthrough: TBD

maybe im just getting fatigued of classic mega man, maybe proto man's double damage biased me, but man I was not a fan of this one. it's still fiiine but good lord am I glad to be done

An Improvement over 9 to me, but nothing remarkable. it's alright

I don't care what anyone says - this is the best of the modern games.

Playing this game, I had my fun and it did provide a good challenge mega man is known to have, but idk, I didn't liked it as much as I wanted to. Atleast the music is some of the best I'm the classic series.

I don't think it's as good as Mega Man 9 but it's not big enough of a difference for me to care. It technically is even more polished but the level design is worse and a handful of the boss fights suck. They focused on making the weapons just fun to use instead of making them all practical and I think it worked out wonderfully. Also has an endless mode that you could argue is better than 9's.

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A follow-up so astonishingly botched, it's embarrassing. The more atmospheric lean to the music works against itself in most cases, the weapons and bosses are functional but largely underwhelming, and while the story does have deeper implications for later in the timeline, it ultimately plays a pretty silly story super seriously to its own detriment.

just like mega man 9, capcom went back to the old NES style like in 1-6. it's a bit disappointing because of that, but still a lot of fun and having both proto and bass as playable characters is a cool addition

It's not a bad Mega Man game but it's not as great as 9 was. Also has additional playable characters with Proto Man and Bass (as DLC) with the former making 10 even harder Mega Man 9 was.