Reviews from

in the past

its still pokemon. it does what it does

Ótimo jogo de pokémon, super divertido e a adição dos tera types melhoram muito a gameplay entre treinadores. O mundo é bem rico e te faz se sentir imerso com facilidade, ainda mais se vc for um fã de pokemon a muito tempo.

Ele não traz as inovações que o legends arceus trouxe mas ainda assim é divertido.

Acima de tudo ainda falta localização pra português e dublagem nos personagens.

This shit is so glitched, but it's honestly very fun, especially when playing with friends.

Simultaneously one of the biggest steps forward and biggest steps back for Pokemon. It's obviously still a Pokemon RPG at its core, and as usual comes with a solid new roster of monsters, cool characters, banging music, etc. The stuff Pokemon has been good at since the beginning. But the big difference is that now it's completely open world. Sword and Shield were the first to experiment with something like this, with a large open area placed in the middle of the rest of the game's linear map. Legends Arceus was pretty close to open world, consisting exclusively of multiple large maps. But Scarlet and Violet were the final evolution, and has one big & completely open world. Overall, it executes it pretty well, aside from no level-scaling for the gym leaders/boss battles. You could make the argument that level scaling would make the difficulty curve much more boring, which I sort of agree with. But it would be nice if the game at least let you know what the "correct" order is to do the boss battles, because for every battle that you are underleveled for, there's another that you will be overleveled for.

However, this game suffers from some of the worst technical issues I've ever seen from a video game series as massive as Pokemon. The game runs terribly on the aging Switch hardware, and the visuals range from "decent" to "complete shit." The Switch was already underpowered at launch, so the fact that it was almost six years old by the time this game came out is certainly part of the equation. But multiple other studios have proven that you can squeeze out a way better performance/visuals ratio, and with Pokemon being the most profitable media franchise in the world, there's absolutely NO excuse for how it turned out. I'm writing this almost a year after the game launched, and it still runs just as bad.

Despite all of that, the game is still playable. Pokemon is thankfully a series that doesn't require quick & precise movement. And it didn't stop me from putting in around 75 hours within the first month. I had a ton of fun with it and I'm excited for the future. But the technical issues absolutely took away a good amount of the enjoyment, and if I didn't enjoy playing this series so much, there's a good chance that it would've ruined the whole thing for me.

Pretty disappointing in most regards, pretty ok in others. Sad to see the state of this franchise.

Game is fun when you don’t got a Twitter bitch saying it’s garbage

Me diverti demaiiiss com esse jogo, apesar dos pesares, da pra ver que a Game Freak ta indo no caminho certo com os jogos Pokemon e finalmente ta se renovando, Pokemon SV ja é absurdamente diferente dos outros em muitos aspectos e com certeza na direção certa. Ver os Pokemon na natureza em seu habitat é daora demais. Ter 18 objetivos, um de cada tipagem e poder fazer cada um deles na ordem que quiser é muito bom também. O jogo deu um longo passo em direção ao futuro da franquia. Torço muito para que continuem fazendo tantas mudanças boas quanto fizeram nesse jogo.

This game genuinely is filled with a ton of fun mechanics and ideas.
It's a damn shame that the game is held together by duct tape. I really thought, I'd finally understand why this series was so important to so many people. I hope next time Pokémon Company will let Gamefreak actually finish their games.
It also didn't have Espurr on launch, sickening.

honestly not as bad as people make it out to be, it for sure isnt one of the best pokemon games tho, just overhated imo
the open world formula could work really well for pokemon, but the hardware on the switch and the poor optimization did more harm to this game then it did good, quite a shame really

Tras una decepcionante octava generación, Game Freak decidió basar la nueva generación de Pokémon en España, creando la región de Paldea. Este mundo abierto en el que me he sumergido durante 35 horas posee grandes zonas explorables con relieve lo que otorga al juego de una gran verticalidad, y gracias a la montura (legendario del juego) se ha conseguido que la exploración sea bastante satisfactoria. A esto ayuda que los Pokémon estén campando por las distintas áreas y hace que el mundo esté vivo. A su vez quiero destacar la nueva opción de pelear con el Pokémon que hayas sacado, ya que da dinamismo y una pizca de inmersión. En cambio, lo peor del mapa sin duda son sus ciudades, carentes de profundidad y originalidad y actuando como meros escaparates de los gimnasios, un punto muy decepcionante. Estos, a su vez, poseen líderes carismáticos y me ha gustado el papel que desempeña cada uno en su ciudad. En cuanto a la historia, me ha parecido correcta y bastante aceptable para lo que acostumbramos con esta saga, partiendo de tres historias distintas que podemos seguir con el orden que queramos (esto ha permitido dar una gran sensación de libertad) y que concluyen en un gran arco final. La jugabilidad sigue siendo el punto fuerte de Pokémon, combatir es muy divertido y los nuevos añadidos a este juego como la teracristalización abre un mundo de posibilidades de cara al competitivo. La cámara de los combates otorga más inmersión que en otros juegos de la saga pero es mejorable. El multijugador está bastante bien implementado y me ha gustado mucho. La banda sonora es buena, destacando sobre todo algunos combates con canciones que van a pasar a la historia. Llegando a qué es sin duda el punto más débil del juego, debo comentar que yo he jugado en portátil por lo que no he notado tanto la baja calidad gráfica. Igualmente, técnicamente este juego es de lo peor que se ha sacado últimamente, siendo muy deficiente para una compañía como es Game Freak. Bajones de FPS, un popping exagerado y que te saca del juego, y una calidad gráfica impropia a la altura a la que estamos. Desgraciadamente, empaña mucho la experiencia. El apartado artístico no es muy destacable tampoco pero no está mal. Por último quiero comentar que la Pokedex tiene algunos Pokémon bastante originales y que me han gustado, pero otros diseños a mí parecer son horribles. También, el postgame me ha parecido bastante cutre. En conclusión, Pokémon Escarlata ha aportado cosas nuevas a la saga y ha conseguido con su historia y su forma de juego que se convierta en una buena experiencia para los fans, pero tiene numerosos problemas que no le permiten brillar y sigue quedándose un paso atrás de los juegos de antaño de la saga. Recomendado para los fans de Pokémon. 7,4/10 (01/2024)

These games are terrible why do I still like playing them

Le faltó y me duele que haya faltado. Tenía todo para ser el más grande y se quedó corto pero no deja de ser el camino que la franquicia tiene que tomar. Estas son las bases del futuro junto con arceus pero necesita mejorar y mucho. Así y todo lo disfrute enormemente por mi fanatismo, así que no dejen de jugarlo y disfrutarlo porque lo que ofrece es terriblemente llevadero y divertido

Idk I kinda prefer linear pokemon

Giving this game 5 full stars shouldn't be allowed.... BUT I'M DOING IT ANYWAY BECAUSE DEAR GOD, IT MIGHT BE TOP 3 POKÉMON GAME IN THE FRANCHISE.

Let's addresed the elepanth in the room because we should, The game is terrible in the performance deparment, it runs at inconsistent framerates and there's a bunch of clipping and visual bugs... with that said.

This Might be my favorite , to gave some perspective, My favorite Pokémon games in the franchise are Emerald, White and Sun.

Paldea IS my favorite region to explore, It feels great and it's fun, the Pokémon are all superb, some design wise are kinda lame, but the standar for this region is way high that previous Regions.

THE STORY WAS BUILD TO MADE ME EMOTIONAL, I love the supporting cast, Penny/Noa, Arven/Damián and Nemona/Mencia are fantastic Rivals and friends, The Teachers, Team Star and Gym Leaders are very memorable, I love how everyone is conected to someone in the world, how the world is expanded by the people you meet.

This game should be lower only because of the technical Issues... and I agree... but I don't care, I giving it 5 stars, because is the most enjoyment I've gotten from Pokémon in while, even more that Arceus(which to be fair, it is the better game, but I don't want to revisit ever again).

I understand that for many, this game represents the deterioration of a franchise they once held dear, and j wouldn't take that away from them, their experience is valid, but I look at it more optimistically. And not just because I love the game--though I very much do. But because this game takes strides to continue the cultural shift established by Legends Arceus in the direction that Game Freak plans to go with the series. In particular, it's increasingly clear that the focus is on fostering and curating subsections of the community that holds the series dear: The Shiny Hunters, the Theorycrafters, the Competitive Scene. This game is a love letter to these groups, many of who have historically been pushed away by Game Freak, are now being openly accepted and embraced. And I think that's really beautiful; it's a great time to be a Pokemon Fan. Now if only they'd extend an olive branch to the Nuzlockers.

An unfortunate slog of embarrassment on the franchise that the higher ups of game freak should be ashamed of with a "story" that matches. Game breaking bugs, unexplainable crashes, and visually a game to laugh at. Been a fan of the Pokemon franchise since I was four years old and it makes me sad to see something I enjoyed so much for such a long time be reduced to a cash grab money printer and nothing more.

These games got HARSHLY criticized and I believe rightfully so. As my first mainline Pokemon game, I did have fun and I wanted to finish it, but I also dread having to slog through the horrible performance and graphics. Underneath those issues, I think there is maybe a 4 star game, but those issues are impossible to look past. Introduced some of my favorite Pokemon though and the final story beats were amazing. I really want to like this game more, but it is so difficult to genuinely recommend.

Slightly better than SWSH but still hot ass

It's a very solid Pokémon game going back to its roots but using new technology. The previous Pokémon games really helped with the experience regarding the open world in this game.

The story has a nice plot and is quite suprising from time to time but it is on the shorter side. Use of multi-battles could be used more during the story and is really only seen once/twice during your Gym Badge adventure.

Multiplayer is fun, you can share an online world with other players where you can do multiple activities together without have the issues of loading screens.

It's a really interactive game and has made a big step forward regarding the Social aspect and multiplayer. Have not played the expansions yet but will be doing soon.

It's fun, but too buggy and broken for me to give anything above a 2, and that's generous.

Some of the improvements Gamefreak makes with Pokemon games is for competitive play, and while it’s really appreciated they’ve made it easier to get into the scene, I’m sad as a lifelong fan at the quality dips in other areas, particularly the performance and the open world design. I personally feel they should have never gone the open world route, if they weren’t going to get the extra dev time they desperately need to really flesh it out. People THINK they want an open world game without asking why and if it has any reason for existing for the type of game it is. Open areas like Monster Hunter or going back to the linear style would help tremendously, and I don’t believe a game where you collect gym badges with a linear narrative as the focus needs an open world experience, period. The open world experience to me should be reserved for an entirely different style of game, and that’s Legends Arceus. That being said, the best part about this game was the competitive being pretty fun, and the Area Zero story is some of the best writing since B/W. I wish we had more of that mature and though provoking story throughout the entire game.

This game’s awesome when you don’t have a b*tch in your ear complaining about the graphics.

Facilmente o melhor elenco de todos os jogos de pokemon, que personagens incriveis

an almost empty open world, hugely obvious lack of polish and bugs hold back a very fun and addictive blast that is a great example of a pokemon game with very interested characters and story, for the most part really good pokemon design and a diverse and interesting story. it is sorta easy but having an overlevelled annihilape mowing through everything with close combat may give me a slightly unfair perspective on that. i do really enjoy this game but it sadly has issues and couldve been something really special if it was given more time. also the art direction makes me want to vomit.

Juego muy entretenido y que puede revivir la pasión por los juegos de Pokemon si se ha perdido. Por desgracia, el apartado técnico estropea gran parte de la experiencia

it's a fun game, i love the exloration and the pokemon are so fun

Again this feels like Game Freak is finally starting to step in the right direction, and this is by far their most impressive project in a while but it is still just more pokemon at the end of the day. Very few significant changes outside of the overworld being revamped, which I will say is a significant change.