Reviews from

in the past

factorio in 3d and it is just as well made

Eu odeio o organismo vivo.

Do you want to play factorio in 3d with significantly less hostile mobs? Me neither. It does what it sets out to do well, I just have plenty of other games to scratch this itch.

I love destroying whole biome's just to make some plastics. Better it's in a game then in the real world.

really good early but gets boring late game

It's okay but it is very very grindy

You sadly quickly get lost in all these ressources, but it still is a very good game, let's hope the future brings more !

It's starts in a strange adventure through an beautiful world and relaxing landscapes, but it soon starts to be a painful gameplay, you almost need and Excel Plans to math your factory(Bad perfomance too, unnecessary port to unreal engine 5)

awesome automation/factory building game, very excited what future versions bring contentwise but as of v8 its already a very fun game. I don't really get why there are enemies tho, as they dont destroy anything, dont pose a thread, are so easy to kill...

i really liked the alien planet setting. however i didn't like trying to navigate 3d space when setting up my production queues or the repeated force back to manual crafting even when I was trying to set up my automation. i'll probably come back to it later?

Great coop, always hit a wall

De los survivals más divertidos que he jugado

i bought way too many games to play with friends

fun game to play with friends

The coffee mug clanks against the helmet.

Also an amazing factory game to hyperfocus on

Faz jus ao nome e isso é a review mais sincera que posso dar

Cool game with friends. I remember we tried to avoid a friend from playing with us because we didn't like him. I'm now on very good terms with him. @Ianouu

When I first started playing last summer I got addicted and played like 10+ hours a day.

Played a lot of it in early access 2019, waiting for its full release

there's something in my brain that just likes pseudo-linear advancements. for example, I LOVE Skyfactory in Minecraft so much, that it paved a way for me to enjoy games such as this. Cant wait for its full release, and to restart a new world. Here's to automating nearly everything!

Fine automation game. Good automation mechanics and a fun environment to explore. Otherwise nothing majorly interesting.

I don't know anything besides THE FACTORY MUST GROW

Play this with friends and take a shot any time someone uses the phrase "bottleneck"

Usine satisfaisante, tout est dans le nom.
Utilisez son brain a 100% pour crée une chaine de production plus optimisée que ce qui existe dans notre monde mais pour crée 6000 câbles électriques par minutes.