Reviews from

in the past

The game is very much like Link's Awakening. I enjoyed it for a while but found the map traversal tedious. The small screensize of the gameboy felt claustrophobic after a while. Compared to other Zelda games of that era, there is very little detail being shown per screen which doesn't help map traversal. Gave up eventually as I just lost enthusiasm for it but I may return one day.

The dungeons are the most fun in the series and the combat is smooth. Easily the best Zelda game.

Really delightful 2D Zelda, probably my favorite of the handheld games. I’m a big fan of Zelda 1 and I’d say this is the best successor that captures the same feel of exploration and dungeon crawling without over complicating anything. There are some frustrating parts where it’s very open ended where the game needs you to go and will have you running around the whole map to figure it out unless you use a guide. When you do know where to go it’s utter bliss, many unique characters and areas and dungeons with a good amount of difficulty. There was only a couple bosses I needed a guide for, because other wise you just kind of have to try every item until something works and that can be super frustrating. Another very frustrating aspect is the dark-souls like walk back to a boss/mini boss when you die to them started to drive me crazy. I tried to have as pure of a play though as I could without using save states, but a couple times caved because it was just too much time wasted. Overall a lovely time and can’t wait to play Ages.

¡De los poquitos Zeldas que me faltaban! El Ages tiene mejor historia, mientras que en el Seasons las mazmorras y objetos tienen más variedad. La conexión entre ambos juegos mola muchísimo

i dont remember if I finished this but it was fun, the oracle mechanics kinda sick

i need to replay

Very underrated game, highly recommend playing. (Nintendo PLEASE make a remake)

Din dancing at the age of 7 did things to me

Played it as the first part of the Oracles story.
Great soundtrack and visuals, similar to Link's Awakening DX. Loved the characters design and references to the 1986 game.

Gameplay wise it's a solid Zelda, the changing seasons gimmick is neat, although it didn't keep my attention as much as the previous games. Not sure if the problem is in the game tho, probably just burned out from Zelda.

The story is rather simplistic and typical for the franchise - visit X dungeons and find X items to beat the evil guy who imprisoned the princess. But it's not a bad thing, all the dialogues and interactions with characters, learning their stories and solving their problems were charming as usual.

maybe the most annoying zelda game lol

very underrated zelda game / games. would rec playing both oracle games and linking them. really great 2d dungeons. similar in style to links awakening with dungeons and overworld but i prefer the oracle games in this regard.

Peak top-down Zelda. Lots of action compared to Ages' puzzles. I wouldn't recommend this is a player's first Zelda but any top down Zelda fan should have this in their rep.

Really cool, short adventure in the Zelda Universe!!

Link is pulled into some void after visiting or discovering the Triforce, he awakens in a new world where Din the Oracle of Seasons is suddenly abducted by Onox. Use the Season Rod to navigate the overworld by changing seasons, for example water is frozen in Winter and can be walked over.

It’s a decent take on contemporary Zelda of the time mixed with classic 8-Bit Zelda, the dungeons start a little plain like the original on NES and gradually shifts towards LttP quality dungeons but smaller, with some more contemporary Zelda designs - for example the stealth mini-game.

Of the two, I’ve been told this one is more action orientated which Ages sight unseen is probably true, the last dungeon is an absolute pain and Onox is a well designed final boss for 8-Bit hardware.

I said it once, and I’ll say it again. Forget collecting all of the rings and heart pieces. They’re simply not worth the time sink necessary for the task.

I’m onto Ages, the two can be linked to finish off the established storyline in either game… I wonder who the true villain is?

I played Oracle of Ages more, but still played this one a fair amount. I liked the items and gameplay, especially for a Game Boy game. It is memorable and has iconic characters. Also the opening title sequence is memorable, being one of the coolest in any Zelda game. My issue with it is that I got stuck and had no idea where to go.

The best part of the entire game is the music.

finished a playthrough i dropped two years ago. will play ages soon. FUCK onox.

patches used: - Oracle of Seasons Force GBA Enhanced Mode - Oracle of Seasons GBC palettes

This review contains spoilers

Os gráficos desses jogos são muito bonitos, principalmente nas diferenças entre uma estação e outra em Oracle of seasons, e nas mudanças entre eras em Oracle of ages. Há uma evolução gráfica notável desde Link’s Awakening DX, principalmente na questão de cinemáticas, que estão muito mais presentes, e no design das dungeons.

A trilha sonora dos dois jogos é muito similar em questão de qualidade, sendo muito boas em ambos os jogos. Não é nada espetacular, mas está no padrão da franquia, ainda tendo algumas trilhas marcantes.

Os controles continuam os mesmos do último jogo do GameBoy Color, porém com uma pequena mudança, pois há a opção de nadar embaixo d’água em Oracle of ages que muda toda a jogabilidade, pois você começa a nadar apertando o direcional ao invés de segurar e o botão B fica inutilizado para poder afundar. É uma mudança um pouco difícil de se acostumar, mas depois fica mais fácil.

O enredo dos dois jogos está conectado, por isso essa análise é conjunta. Em Oracle of seasons, Link tem a responsabilidade de salvar a Oráculo das estações, Din, das mãos de Onox, o general das trevas, para proteger Holodrum. Para isso, Link vai atrás das essências da natureza, usando o cajado das estações para mudar as estações a sua vontade. Depois de conseguir, ele vai até a fortaleza de Onox e o derrota, salvando Din, porém ainda não era o fim, pois Kotake e Koume, também conhecidas como Twinrova, querem ressuscitar Ganon e, para isso, precisam acender 3 chamas, a chama da destruição, do desespero e da tristeza. A primeira chama é acendida e Link vai para Labrynna, em Oracle of ages, para impedir que as outras se acendam. Ao chegar lá, Link acaba sendo enganado por Veran, a feiticeira das sombras, fazendo com que ela possua Nayru, oráculo das eras, e viaje para o passado, para convencer a rainha Ambi a construir uma torre obrigando todos a trabalharem sem parar. Link, dessa vez, vai atrás das essências do tempo, para poder derrotar Veran. Ele consegue salvar Nayru e derrotar a Feiticeira, porém a chama da tristeza já foi acesa e, assim que a princesa Zelda chega na cidade, ela é sequestrada por Twinrova, acendendo a chama do desespero. Link então, tem que derrotar as duas e salvar a princesa, para impedir que elas completassem o ritual que traria de volta Ganon, porém após quase serem derrotadas, elas se sacrificam no lugar de Zelda para ressuscitar Ganon, o que causa uma ressurreição imperfeita, trazendo uma besta irracional a vida. Link derrota Ganon e salva a princesa, acabando a história dos dois jogos.

No geral, são jogos bem divertidos, com uma boa história, muitas horas de diversão, porém o número de coletáveis, principalmente os anéis, pois muitos precisam de sorte para serem coletados e outros ainda precisam que os jogos sejam zerados mais de duas vezes para pegar todos. De resto, são jogos muito divertidos e a ideia da história compartilhada é muito boa e bem executada, valendo muito a pena.

Nota: Ótimo

this game made me stop playing zelda games for a solid six months. everything about it annoyed me and i dreaded picking it up each day.

(this is NOT about rosa. i love her ♡♡♡)

Enjoyed it, liked the season gimmick.

This is my second to last mainline single-player Zelda game (I am playing Ages as the finale). I didn't know what to expect going in, but Seasons became my favorite 2D classic Zelda game, and one of my favorites overall.

Everything about this game is surprising. It's an incredibly vast and complex game, with many secrets and items. There's an entire underworld, and the seasons mechanic means the overworld plays like a four-state puzzle-box dungeon. You can explore everything multiple times and find something new (though this does result in some tedium).

Seasons also has one of the better Zelda stories (not saying that much) and some great comedic moments. The soundtrack is inspired.

The structure of the game strikes pretty close to (my) perfect balance of linear and exploratory. Dungeons are in order, but there are so many secrets in the open world that I was consistently rewarded for backtracking and careful exploration. Dungeons do trend towards mazelike, but rarely in a simplistic way. They are typically small enough to explore thoroughly without getting too lost or frustrated.

Seasons suffers from Walkthrough Syndrome, unfortunately. However, as one of the final games in my Zelda journey, I was pleased to have a challenge (I didn't mind consulting a guide when I got stuck on a few points). I took good notes, drew maps, and mostly got through on my own.

As a side note, since Minish Cap was one of my earliest Zelda games (and another personal favorite), it was delightful to see the ideas that Capcom introduced and carried through into their later title. Even specific sound effects.

I look forward to savoring Ages, and I'm glad I saved these two games for the end--when I was the most ready to enjoy them. I would love to see a remake of both, someday.

Better than Breath of the wild (part 2)

Esse aqui fez parte da minha "Zelda Fever" quando criança, eu respirava essa franquia, eu não tenho nada contra esse jogo, mas nem muita coisa a favor também, ele é legalzinho, acho que posso terminar por aí

Started this game first and then started a linked game in Ages. I liked this game but I preferred Ages a little more. I liked how what you do in one game influences the other game.

Very enjoyable title, would love to see Capcom develop more Zelda games.

Fine gameplay but not enough puzzles to strike that Zelda itch

Played it as my linked game and it wasn't long before I realized it was my favorite of the two. From the seasons mechanic, to the items (magnetic glove, magic boomerang, roc's cape are all much preferred to the power glove and switch hook), to the dungeon themselves, to certain pieces of music such as Tarm Ruins and Temple Ruins, and the subterranean land of Subrosia. While not as powerful or as complete an experience as Link's Awakening, it is top tier Zelda in the gameplay department.

Started out really not liking it, combat and reflexes in gaming are really not my thing. There's also something about having such a big map, but having to load every screen, just makes it impossible to recognize it, so finding every dungeons is just incredibly hard and unintuitive. But the more I went on, the more I started liking it, the 3 last dungeons are amazing and honestly, I didnt expect to say it considering it I really like 3d zelda much more than 2d, but this has one of my fav final bosses of the franchise. Seeing as Ages is much more puzzle based and I'll be familiar with the engine, I'll really love it.

Foda :)

(Jogo bem divertido. Só alguns inimigos tem muita vida e o boss final é um FDP)