Reviews from

in the past

I respect the attempt, and it is undeniably interesting to go through different choices and see al the triggers and branches. A neat proof of concept, but held down by writing that is not all that strong.

I think I get what they were trying to go for with the texts feeling "legitimate" and not super proper or anything, but ultimately the writing is not very good, none of the characters are very interesting and making up on the spot what to say when you don't feel a role for the character is uninspiring. There are much better titles that do what this tries to do.

I really liked how the dialogue was done and how you could choose so many different ways to talk to the partner and the other characters. I was kinda sad that the game was so short, I deliberately selected the choices slower so I would get some more time in the game, because the soundtrack was absolutely a banger!

I was pretty surprised how much content they managed to pack into the game compared to how short each run was. I guess it's also good to mention that the main character is a queer person, so if that is really important to you, this game is great for that.

I like this game a LOT. Mainly how it plays and functions. It's extremely simple, but just changing one or two words around and affecting how the narrative goes is extremely fun to play around with. The story it actually told is very basic, but it has a charm to it and it is enganging enough

It is just way too short for it to go all the way with its premise though. It's a really great concept and base for a game, but it feels more like a tech demo than a full experience.

I really want to see this game expanded on more with a similar system. Theres tons of potential here.