Reviews from

in the past

Jeez, can't a cute bird get a bit of ice cream without being dragged into a Matpat video ?

I accidentally played this whole thing while watching a lute video. Did you guys know Nintendo mandated that they own 50% of the copyright for every game made on the Famicom Disk System? God, what an evil company! Anyway this is pretty cute lol.

I'd rather kill myself than let the mortal horrors of this world of Toree take me alive

Didn't realize I never reviewed this game. Better late than never, though.

This game was my introduction to Siactro, a solo game developer who makes small, cheap platformers, most of which harken back to the N64 and SNES platforming classics. Some might call their games pandering or shallow, but I think there's a surprising amount of depth and love for the craft in them that leads me to holding them in high regard. Whether or not you liked Toree, I highly recommend Macbat 64, Super Kiwi 64, and Beeny, they're delightful little treats and offer more than you'd expect.

But those games aren't Toree. And, well, to be frank, Toree is my least favorite of Siactro's offerings (that I've played). All of their games are simple, but I find Toree to be too simple. Lacking, even. The same charm that the others have isn't nearly as strong here, and I never felt like I was having as much fun. Perhaps because this is a level-based 3D platformer rather than an explorative collectathon? Maybe this just isn't Siactro's area of expertise? I don't know. On top of that, this game also just forces a sort of horror element in it much less elegantly; the others have horror elements (not much, you won't be crapping your pants or anything), but it's presented in a very natural way that feels befitting of the retro callbacks, here it just feels amateurish. As my friend maradona puts it, it's like something MatPat would make a theory video on rather than something that could just... be.

Unfortunately for me, this is the one of Siactro's games that has kind of blown up. I blame AntDude (I mean... that's how I learned of it). A sequel, two games of 3-4 levels each, and another one-level entry. I'll admit that I haven't played them, so maybe they're a lot better and makes Toree a much more worthy leading series, but I wish it was Macbat or Kiwi instead. Not trying to come off mean at all, I'm glad this developer is getting more attention, and Toree 3D is still good I just don't think it's great like their other works.

Still, it's only a dollar. I doubt you'll regret trying it even if you don't end up caring for it. But I recommend Siactro's other games more! And try playing them more or less in order, there's merit to that.

Toree is totally fine. For 49 cents, it made me crack a couple smiles with its obvious nostalgia for Sonic Adventure. I wouldn’t say, however, that it nailed what it was riffing on as perfectly as Super Kiwi 64.

Same dude. Short fun. Cute, weird. I'm not gonna lie the snowball mimic jump scared me. Ya got me. LMFAO
Uhh Sonic Adventure 2.

A very charming platformer with nice camera and controls. Kind of a shame it's too short because I wanted more of it.

toree is so fucking adorable I love this little birdy it also is insanely high quality for it's price

It's not perfect by any means but for a $1 3D platformer it's probably nearly as good as it gets (and the only better ones are just more Siactro games lol)

I forgot to log this one, I mean it wasn't anything to write home about y'know, it was... Fun enough, and I didn't have any other games on my switch when I got this so it scratched an itch I had for uh anything.

The horror elements were a bit surprising but they were kinda shoehorned in and you gotta kinda look for it tbh

"The people who made this game held the same beliefs about Sega as the people who put up statues for the Confederacy" - my dear friend @UnluckyLucky

The Pibby nonsense kinda killed the vibes here I fear

Simple, short, and fun! Not much to say but I liked it.

Life peaked when I played Toree 3D while drinking a beer and getting some good ass head

i read online something along the lines of is toree 3d a horror game and my real af reaction to that was like what the FUCK is going on with this game on god

and so I decided to play it teehee thats my villain origin story

now i saw toree around here and there because it looks goofy as fuck and there's a song from toree 2 that I got in my videogame ost playlist and I fucking vibe with that a bit too much

sooo this is a 3d n64 style collectathon (i actually dont regard side collectibles like this one as collectathons because theyre not required to continue the story but i digress i dont actually know the real definition) platformer and its pretty damn sick if you ask me

controls are as simple as they get you can walk around jump run and move the camera the fucking end

chicken guy named toree is collecting little stars around some different environments which are skyscrapers ? mountains ? traffic roads ? aerial whatever environments ? x2 because the second levels are the same assets but a little more "difficult" and "long"

so for a total of 8 levels + 1 you get a really short and fun experience if you ask me

the ost really took me by surprise because why the hell would you make so manu bops for a stupid game like this one ? I don't get it like the final level theme ? a fucking pussy popping tune

if you ask me what the horror parts are sometimes in 1 level stars will get spooky and the world will get red the end also theres some distortions here and there and "jumpscares" but if you get scared by this stuff please don't watch the day to day news on the TV because the real world is way spookier young one

chirp chirp/10

30 minutes of (mostly) jolly, simple and straightforward 3D platforming. It ends right when the gameplay needed more variety, which this 1 dollar game won't give you. I don't think the weirder elements of the game added anything substantial, would prefer them to not be in the game instead of disturbing a perfectly cheerful experience. But it's nothing too fatal, the vibrant low poly aesthetics are too hard to beat.

Also, this is just a tangent but this game makes me nostalgic for a penguin platformer game that was preloaded on my old Linux EEE PC back in the late 2000s. Images of that game were just flying all over my brain during this playthrough. And I don't think I have thought about that game for years.

a fun game to jump scare your friends with. also a fun short platformer

I feel like I ripped the developer of this game off by paying less than $2 for it. Nowadays I spend over $2 for a piece of shit snack that I eat in less than a minute and feel crappy afterwards from!

This is a quick cutesy nostalgia platformer with fun little linear Sonic-y levels to run through, and then there’s some other cool elements I won’t spoil. But my guy NitroRad recommended this in a video about indie platformers and for that price, I mean, come on. Bananas ain’t even that cheap anymore folks! Def checking out the sequel

Joguinho curto e bem bonitinho.
Ele é bem curtinho e tem uma gameplay bem gostosinha até. Um grafico bem bacana e com uma vibe muito boa.

Minha unica decepção com esse jogo foi que me falaram que ele era de terror ou algo do tipo e sinceramente eu não vi nada de muito assustador além de uma fase em que uma estrela macabra te persegue,
Enfim divertidinho, nada além disso.

Some days all a man needs is a beer, some good ass head, and some Toree 3D

its fun for what it is, i paid barely a buck for it and got some minutes of enjoyment, i wish it delved into the [REDACTED] more and was longer, it ends so abruptly that i though it had something else as secret.
but whats here is a quick and cute platformer, seasoned with a hint of [REDACTED]

A Really charming little platformer I got for like 80p. Worth it, heard the sequels are good too!

Short and cute platformer. Mostly fast-paced, but when the game decides to be slow, it is PAINFULLY slow. However that issue is miniscule when Toree gets its icecream back

Such a wonderfully weird game with a fun play mechanic

Sweet, short, vibrant and charming and plays surprisingly well for what it is. It's not without bugs and missing features though (you don't seem to be able to quit the game from within it in the Steam version, and you can only select character by force-quitting and loading back up), but nothing too major here. I wish it had it either gone more in on the 'haunted' elements or got rid of them entirely; at the moment they just kinda exist in a vacuum, and they get a bit annoying when you're trying to speedrun levels. Despite the crazy short runtime there's actually a fair bit of content in here, but I still feel it needed about twice as many levels as it does have at least. So I don't feel I can give it a higher score than this.

it's really fun and cute but some parts of some levels were kinda not fun, it's still really good tho!!!!!