Reviews from

in the past

Extremamente confuso e absurdamente simples ao mesmo tempo. Pessoas vivem zoando com a ideia de um Jogo da Velha 2. Isso... é basicamente o que isso é.

Nunca entenderei por que fizeram isso.

I have no clue whats happening, so that means the game sucks ass

Played (with a friend) as part of Atari 50.

Dangerously high novelty value. Finding weird hidden 4-in-a-rows is very fun, but I imagine literally any 2 players playing more than like 30 minutes would probably be able to play perfectly. The computer thinking for 20 minutes on the highest difficulty mode is crazy though lmao

Dreadful way to play one of the world's most boring games.

My Nana used to have a physical 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe board. Growing up, I used to think it was the coolest thing ever and would ask to set it up to play every chance I got. Sometimes my uncle would play with me. It was a little clunky, but I remember loving how the plastic boards were transparent and how the rods meant to keep the boards in-place kept falling over. Usually we'd play maybe one or two games and then I'd ask to play Chinese Checkers or Super Mario Land on my then-new GameBoy Pocket.

I have nothing to say about the Atari 2600 version of 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe, but it was nice visiting memory lane.

I should visit my Nana. I love her. :)

Lol do people even still play Tic-Tac-Toe in this day and time and as far as this game goes it sucks.

Como melhorar jogo da velha? Elevando ao cubo, é claro! Exceto que não melhora em nada.

this game keeps kicking my ass 10/10

I don't know who thought it was a good idea, but this is Tic-Tac Toe except for whatever reason it's a much larger grid and there are like 5 different grids, so it makes Tic-Tac Toe longer and less fun, because it being a small grid is what makes the game enjoyable. Ugh, trash game.