Reviews from

in the past

Makes you learn a specific combat with stances and decks and movesets to provide you with a meh story and a dead multiplayer. Playing in coop could be fun but only if you two are into actually learning a combat and getting good.

I feel like it asks too much for too little payoff.

Combat was fun and had depth. Can be difficult to get used to for some. Great game to playthrough with a friend.

Cuando yo llegué este juego ya estaba medio muerto pero es muy muy bueno, incluso ahora.

Solid game, just wished it would've been a little bit longer but still is good

The gameplay is fun and simple but storywise there really isn't that much going on.

My most regrets preorder ever
I don’t know how they made sifu after this but good for them that scale of improvement is everything they needed after this game
avoid this game I don’t think anyone is thinking about it to begin with
And go play sifu

Played it for an hour, didn't liked it.

I was really intrigued by this game due to its unusual visuals. While I don't really care for PvP, the game also features a short PvE campaign that I somewhat enjoyed.

Man, I quickly felt overwhelmed... Putting together combat decks, switching stances, combat schools... I think there is a lot here for people that really enjoy the PvP, but combat is extremely complex and requires a lot of time to learn.

great combat, story was meh but enjoyed making builds of moves. fully custom move set for your playstyle

Very fun and satisfying combat system, the dark souls of martial arts.

Cool ass game, but really short

Best fighting game ever made, I think. Crazy depth to the fighting mechanics and it adds tons of weight to give impact to your actions. Setting is also super cool.