Reviews from

in the past

Best fighting game ever made, I think. Crazy depth to the fighting mechanics and it adds tons of weight to give impact to your actions. Setting is also super cool.

Cool ass game, but really short

Very fun and satisfying combat system, the dark souls of martial arts.

great combat, story was meh but enjoyed making builds of moves. fully custom move set for your playstyle

I was really intrigued by this game due to its unusual visuals. While I don't really care for PvP, the game also features a short PvE campaign that I somewhat enjoyed.

Man, I quickly felt overwhelmed... Putting together combat decks, switching stances, combat schools... I think there is a lot here for people that really enjoy the PvP, but combat is extremely complex and requires a lot of time to learn.

This game could've been great! The gameplay that is there is awesome and really in depth. I would've enjoyed a longer single player experience and less focus on multiplayer as unfortunately this game couldn't keep hold of a large player base for multiplayer.

I long for more people to fight...

Absolver walked to Sifu could run, really really enjoyed this game and its pvp. Loved the leveling and level design.

Personally enjoyed this quite a bit. Building my combat style like a deck of cards was pretty rewarding. Had a nifty drunken fist style fighter by the time I put the game down and that was pretty chill. Very atmospheric.

this was such a letdown for me, i remember being so excited for it only for it to come out and be lowkey unfinished, basically no content and kinda jank as hell

the way you learn moves is on paper cool but in practice is not very fun

coulda been great but just didnt land, lot of missed potential

you had to be there

when the online wasn't a ghost town it felt like the full experience it quite obviously isn't in any other context. the fashion, the modular create-a-wrestler style movelists, duels; it was delightful, if insanely obtuse in ways it never should've been allowed to be. absolver is a dreamer's game, made with the impractical grandeur of idealists

the dark souls veneer followed by the realization that the single player content was a total wasteland certainly turned some folks off, and it's not tough to figure out why. uncover this shortcut, now fight this boss, now calibrate the north western stance in your cardinal direction combo deck. regular people turned to goop when this shit hit; folks were disintegrated for thinking it's another R1 bonanza. this is a fighting game, baby, or at least the corpse of one

revisiting it now's a bummer. just doesn't hit the same way without player interaction. an extended tutorial devised to usher you toward a wider community that's dead and gone. bones long turned to dust. the fallout 1 death screen where you're slumped in the desert repeating for eternity

ppl talk about when mmos lose their communities, but there's something extra sad about this space + time for me. reaching for the moon, designing a combat system so heavy and nuanced, and then having it relegated to fighting hollows in the undead burg forever. purgatory shit. gustave dore woodcuts depicted this exact scenario and we should've learned from them

true marvel of ungoverned spirit. indie games rarely felt so brazen and optimistic as in those ten minutes in time

Awesome concept and when it worked it worked well but unfortunately it felt kinda half baked and learning moves and levelling was just not that fun.

Played it for an hour, didn't liked it.

My most regrets preorder ever
I don’t know how they made sifu after this but good for them that scale of improvement is everything they needed after this game
avoid this game I don’t think anyone is thinking about it to begin with
And go play sifu

The gameplay is fun and simple but storywise there really isn't that much going on.

Solid game, just wished it would've been a little bit longer but still is good

Cuando yo llegué este juego ya estaba medio muerto pero es muy muy bueno, incluso ahora.

Combat was fun and had depth. Can be difficult to get used to for some. Great game to playthrough with a friend.

Makes you learn a specific combat with stances and decks and movesets to provide you with a meh story and a dead multiplayer. Playing in coop could be fun but only if you two are into actually learning a combat and getting good.

I feel like it asks too much for too little payoff.

Very cool design, good combat.
Repetitive and lacks a lot of contenent

Lo encontre muy aburrido , es mi vista personsal.

"I admit that I appreciate the ambition behind this game, but, unfortunately, it seems to have been merely a crucial step toward achieving SIFU, which, in some ways, is simpler but with a significantly perfected combat system

bué bué muito dificil pra mim

idk it's cool but the leveling system is shit and it's not that good rn cause it's like completely empty

Barebones story but the combat system is very interesting and unique.