Reviews from

in the past

Um jogo que consegue ser bastante criativo principalmente em relação a se renovar nas suas mecânicas, sendo bastante necessário isso para seu funcionamento já que é um jogo que depende de um looping constante e precisa prender a atenção do jogador e ele consegue fazer isso bem.

T B H one of the most creative games I've ever played... at first I was like "wait, I just play the same level over and over again?" But then I ran through it a few times and I got it. The incredible sense of humor of this game is really what carried it, I wanted to keep going just to see what other twists the developers would throw at me. Plus the grotesque imagery and central mystery were really cool!

Also, for a game centered around constantly dying and replaying things it was actually remarkably forgiving, there were a lot of small quality of life touches that showed the devs knew what they were doing. They knew exactly when to give you slack and then reel you in.

(Completed on stream)

I saw the trailer for this game awhile before it came out, and was really intrigued by the idea. I didn't end up picking it up on release because I just had too many games to play at the time. Cut to about a week ago from this review, and I'm a bit sad that I sat on it for so long! It's a wonderfully confusing, surprising, and creepy roguelite game that will do everything it can to try and screw you every chance it can... But it isn't unfair. I died a lot, yet I never felt bored having to repeat some of the same rooms over and over again because the game always made them just a little bit different each time. Plus the devs are also incredibly cool people from the small interactions that I was lucky enough to have with them! I highly encourage anyone reading this to play the game.