Reviews from

in the past

Loved this for the Atla.
Hated everything else.

A not so great adaptation of the beloved anime series featuring a storyline that would have been way better had they made a special episode about it instead of this game.

From the imprecision to land blows in attacks to the lack of balance in the moves that don't make much of a difference, the game is mechanically buggy without leaping into game crashing territory. No number of battles could change my opinion once I was able to reach a threshold that led me to avoid them as much as I could. Also, Momo mode isn't really precise either thanks to the potato looking scenarios and Four Nations is a terrible minigame that I wish I didn't have to do for full completion.

Still, the soundtrack fits the series as do the characters who very much behave like they do in the series. Even the quotes they have mid battle, as they open chests or the lines while talking to random NPCs are much more on point than the recent Netflix remake even. That makes it much more of a disappointment considering what could have been with better equipment and programming resources.

The show is my all time favorite show. So while it's easy to be biased, I always view games as fairly as possible: if it sucks despite the brand, it will sting much more.

Personally, I believe this game gets way too much of a bad rep. Especially compared to the other games. It is honestly the best Avatar game. Now that isn't saying much sure, but it felt like there was a lot of care, and time and attention put into this one instead of a cheap cash grab.

For one, it opts to tell an original story. One that the first season of Korra oddly borrows a lot from. I'm not going to act like the story in question is anything special, but it's a good excuse for you to travel to each area, see old characters, and have a villain of the week.

It also has all the voice actors from the series who do a great job with the material. The graphics and animations are a little strange at first but they are colorful and bouncy and capture a good amount of the charm from the show.

In terms of gameplay and structure this formula is actually what we want in an Avatar game. Really stop to think about it: first of all, you have these massive maps in each level. Full to the brim with sidequests, monsters, small towns, you name it. The whole appeal of the show is the adventure aspect and the places they go: and there's tons of places to see here.

Omashu in particular is MASSIVE. The kingdom in the show felt pretty big and like you could get lost in the streets and that's perfectly realized here. This really helps to add to the charm of the show and feeling like you're in it.

It also has tons of RPG elements. There are sidequests, you level up. There's items and equipment for each character. You can customize the skill set. You can upgrade or create things at a blacksmith. The gameplay is a good mix of a beat em up with rpg elements. It's nothing fancy or special, but serviceable.

The game obviously has its flaws. The game can be very button mashy. I don't like how the basic combo requires the use of limited skill points. Those should have just been unlocked by default. You can control any 4 characters in your party.... but for whatever baffling reason there is no co-op. I suppose this is because there are moments when you are alone, but just have us play as Momo or something. Or just design the game to where you aren't alone?

Everything about the game is certaintly simple: equipment is not complex and there aren't any like, unique builds. Just items and armor with higher stats than the last.

That said, none of it is ever bad. And there is a lot to like here as a fan of the series. Some of the sidequests are quite funny.

So I think it deserves more respect. There was clear effort on display here into making it a solid experience. It's a shame I can't say that for the next game.

The first game I ever finished and I had a blast. I'm not sure if the cats in Omashu were supposed to be on fire all the time but I don't care, it was fun!

dude i was really bad at this game lmfao why was it so hard

O jogo é maneiro mas tive a infelicidade de só ter jogado a versão de GBA no emulador pra Android.

As an avid ATLA fan I dove head first into this game the day it released, had a blast until it abruptly ended 4 hours later. My parents grounded me as they watched me beat a brand new £40 game in one sitting, a game I was supposed to make last, really funny looking bad.

Divertidinho, meio repetitivo mas mecânicas legais e gráficos bonitinhos. Joguei em 2018/19, então tá meio difícil de recordar, mas lembro que foi legal a experiência.

Avatar deserved better than this.

Very much not as good as I remember it. The foundation is there for the next 2 games

"Avatar: The Last Airbender" was a game I loved during my childhood, but revisiting it now, I found the gameplay incredibly lackluster. The progression feels forced and uninspired, with little to keep me engaged. The stealth sections are tedious and drag down the pace of the game, while the combat, though somewhat enjoyable, fails to compensate for the overall sluggishness.

It's disappointing to realize that there hasn't been a good adaptation of the Avatar series into a video game. While the nostalgia factor may provide some initial enjoyment, ultimately, "Avatar: The Last Airbender" falls short of delivering a satisfying gaming experience.

We will never get a better Avatar game...and that's just sad...

Avatar brainrot got me playing shitty tie in games 💔

jogo de infância, sou suspeito pra falar desse mas como amo avatar eu gostava muito desse. numa época sem memory card jogava quase que diariamente desde o início até mais ou menos metade e continuava achando incrível. lembro de jogar isso muito novo numa era sem muito acesso a internet então não tinha muita noção dos diálogos e ficava perdido em algumas missões... e nem isso me desanimava de ficar simplesmente andando pra todo lado até completar as quests. saudades.

mais um jogo da minha infancia que queria jogar e bem enfim terminei, só algumas a localização de algumas missoes principais que eu nao conseguia achar e fazer, onde era para estar marcado nao tinha saber como é, mas fui ate o fim e vou jogar os seus sucessores

Estilo de arte maneiro e o resto não é nada demais, porém é muito, muito, muito chato. Chato ao ponto de estar dropando daqui. Sério, literalmente fiquei com os olhos pesados e bocejei muito jogando isso.

A little crunchier than I prefer and I just had a headache the whole time playing it

This game is unapologetically shit, barely played an hour before I stopped. It's crazy how the devs have improved as I also played the last game of the trilogy and it was great.

Não lembro se cheguei a zerar mas curtia demais.

Im having a hard time finding a meme for this. Maybe this will quench you it's the quenchiest.