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just finished the Battlefield Bad Company 2 singleplayer campaign, overall its good i guess. a solid 7/10. it can be funny, started off strong and ended a little weak, i felt like they rushed it lmao. its also short as hell. 13 missions and all can be beat in less than 20 mins.

jogo bom mas tem varios bugs irritantes na campanha

zerado no hard too

What can I say about Bad Company 2? The game beautifully expanded on the already impactful and insanely addicting formula, and I found myself coming back night after night with friends and alone. Another Battlefield I hold close to my heart.

ОЦЕНКА КАМПАНИИ: 5/10 - Пиу-пиу в пустых коробках 4 на 4.

Полная рецензия: Никогда не играл в 1 часть серии Бэд Компани, ибо ее не было на пк, а на сосноли как-то лень было покупать, поэтому не могу сказать за нее ничего. Но вот про сюжет 2 части можно сказать пару ласковых словечек.

Сразу отмечу, что хочется похвалить высокую разрушаемость, открытость локаций, вследствие чего повышенную вариативность прохождения той или иной миссии, приятных и забавных персонажей, а так же довольно приятную графику для 2010 года (которая дает офк на ротан блек опсу 1 того же года). Но увы, это все крупные плюсы, которые я могу подметить в кампании этой игры.

Очень скучная стрельба с довольно слабой баллистикой, из-за чего многие оружия не имеют отдачи и попросту не ощущается геймплейно. Унылейший лвлдизайн локаций с довольно скудным разнообразием биомов. Почти все миссии происходят на пустынной/снежной/тропической местности, которые представляют из себя поток одинаковой флоры и абсолютно пустые однообразные здания, но которые могут полностью разрушаться. Из-за такого монотонного путешествия игра уже начинает дико душить ближе к середине, к тому же она почти никак не создает крутые постановочные моменты с мега эпиком, лишь под конец выкидывая что-то в этом духе. Еще как раз хотел отметить, что последняя миссии игры просто какое-то дерьмо дерьма невыносимое, с нпс которые находятся за пределами игровой зоны, с отсутствием динамики в финале и с кучей моментов, которые явны были взяты у франшизы-конкурента.

И вспомнил под конец под еще одну проблемку, какие же здесь убогие автосейфы, я не раз после смерти откидывался почти на начало уровня и приходилось душиться на духоте еще раз, еще раз и еще раз. Геймплей здесь немного разбавляют секции на транспорте (миниган на вертолете, миссия с танком, миссия на машине), но их очень мало и игра особо не углубляется в этих механики.

Что про сюжет? Ну он есть, но абсолютно проходной и неинтересный.

I was whelmed, I guess. Story is mildly interesting, although it resolves unsatisfyingly, and the gameplay is serviceable, if a bit frustrating at times. It’s an interesting relic of early 2010s military shooters, but little more than that.

One of the first military shooters I've ever played. It felt like this is the game that provoked the franchise's detour into a more casual and call of duty-like identity, but nonetheless remains an incredible experience. I thought it was disappointing that they went for a more serious tone to compete with rival IP's which i felt reduced the charm and personality of the game, blending in with the rest of these testosterone-toting war games. But the immersion factor is through the roof. Bombastic sound design, flashy and heavy gun-play, and the destruction. It all makes for an incredible gaming experience. The campaign still has its moments too... it's not over-the-top and the characters swear a lot more but they still remain rag-taggin' along and have some pretty funny lines to spout here and there. The idle conversations are the most memorable, some fine improv work by the actors there. It's a great game overall.

This game had the best shotguns, you could outfit them with slugs for long range shotgun kills it was awesome. Probably the best map design out of any battlefield game which resulted in the rounds feeling more intense even despite the lower maximum player count

Camperavo tra le montagne e facevo il cecchino bastardo? Forse sì, forse no

dommage je l'ai crack jaurai bien aime tester le multi
Campagne assez cool meme si bon on skip toutes les cinématique la destruction des environnements était déjà impressionnante...

cadê o terceiro em dona EA???

Very good when it came out, could drive vehicles and break walls, innovative

Better gameplay but, despite an actual strong opening level, a really bland and boring campaign.

And good god the grey dust everywhere from the frostbite engine's debris destruction is somehow even worse in this sequel. Felt like I using the radar/minimap as my GPS driving through the densest fog of all time.

one of my favourite campaigns and multiplayers, love the characters and environment

A fun war shooter with a solid story and cast.

Damn, this game was GOOD. Fuck BF3, let's play BC2.

gosto mt
historia 10/10
personagens 10/10
gameplay 10/10
multiplayer 10/10
mapas 9/10

what more to say, than one of the best battlefields to this day

Es de mis favoritos, por la época de lanzamiento tuvo sus aciertos y sus desaciertos. Sigue siendo uno de los Battlefields más divertidos

i jumped out of a helicopter and dropped some C4 onto another helicopter parachuted away and detonated it.

Una joya,solo eso te puedo decir.

Contrary to the grim-faced realism of later Battlefield games, Bad Company 2's campaign focuses around a light-hearted (but not unrealistically so) team of misfits sent to do amazing things in a very action-movie-y kind of plot. Structurally, it's actually more akin to one of the COD Black Ops games (though still much tonally-lighter than either of them). This aesthetic departure isn't the sole defining feature of BC2, as the shooting gameplay is up there with the strongest of the genre.

Not long after a brief but fairly fun stint with Battlefield 4, I decided to try out the last Battlefield game that I hadn't tried, Battlefield 2 Bad Company. As with all the battlefield series and a lot of FPS games in general, it's obvious the focus of the game is the multiplayer aspect, which with the servers closing this month, is a bit of a detractor. Luckily, BFBC2 has a really nice single player campaign that builds on what made the BFBC campaign good! You play as the slightly boring main dude (can't even remember his name), one of the 4 members of Bad Company, a rag tag group of soldiers including Sweetwater, Haggarty and Sarge. BC1 was a great game because of the fun and witty banter between the characters and the fact that pretty much everything can be blown up. These are both still present, even if maybe to a slightly lesser extentent. The dialouge makes your teammates seem so realistic and its such a refreshing change from a lot of games that put little effort into their voice overs. One particular highlight for me was listening to Sarge comment that he "should have taken that adult education course" when trying to use a computer, and I also really enjoyed the addition of the new pacifist pilot. These moments are littered throughout the campaign and really build on what is a fairly solid story. The levels themselves are a bit shorter than BC1, with most taking around 20 minutes to complete. They have also updated the slightly awkward checkpoint structure from the pervious game, which means you will spend less time repeating sections when you die. I think what really makes BC2 a better game than most shooters on the console is how the game feels. Even though some of the button choices are strange, the controls are responsive and you can take down a group of enemies quickly and accurately. The difficulty level is great, and most enemies will prove a decent challenge, especially with the excellent AI. The levels are varied and offer different challenges and the vehicle sections work well as a nice respite from the shooting. Overall it's just a really solid and fun campaign which I would argue is up there with CODMW1. Don't think of it as just a multiplayer game, it's a great singleplayer addition to any collection.

La campaña es terrible. Las distintas secciones a pie, en tanque, con francotirador y donde apuntas puntos de bombardeo son de lo más genérico y poco inspirado que he visto. La historia es pésima en su guion, personajes y narrativa, sin mencionar que tiene un final abierto innecesario que quedó inconcluso para siempre.
No doy una peor calificación solamente porque estoy seguro que el multijugador en su momento fue algo especial, sin embargo, el juego en la actualidad resulta difícil de recomendar por mi parte.

RIP BC2 I'm glad I was able to play to the very last second when the servers went down.

I only played singleplayer campaign of this game and it was meh. This rating is only for campaign, not for multiplayer.


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