Reviews from

in the past

I'm into this type of just kinda walk about and talk to people in a horrifying setting game.

Main character: Battered, physically and mentally broken, bordering on insanity, begging for some reason in this never-ending nightmare.

Me, spying yet another whispering tome bound in human skin from across the room: "Time to increase your Occultism stat by +3% >:)"

There is this lovecraft atmosphere present which i liked but the game simply does not deserve a higher rating.

Simulador de adicción al alcohol y sus consecuencias.

Ojalá tuviera las tetas de hombre que tiene este señor

Has a lot of cool ideas that feel hampered by a need for cheap scares and lack of polish.

Jogo ótimo de exploração, mistério e terror (só uns jumpscare, nada demais). Sua exploração vale ouro, devido a certas respostas só aparecerem tendo achado pistas ou conversado com pessoas, mas também tem um sistema de Pontos de habilidade, igual um RPG de mesa, logo há coisas que precisam de testes ou ter a habilidade no nível necessário para conseguir tal resposta/interação, oque deixa o jogo bastante rico em replay ou vontade de explorar o máximo possível.
Claro que o fator história não deixa a desejar, já que é baseado no próprio RPG, e cada exploração você acha documentos e pistas que enriquecem ainda mais a experiência em fator narrativo. Há 4 finais, então certas escolhas de fato tem impacto, pois não há volta.

Meu primeiro jogo do universo Lovecraft e achei bom na medida que o jogo mantia a história no controle, seu maior problema é a gameplay

Quem é fã e acompanha os livros pode ser bem mais crítico quanto a ambos

Today I finally played 'Call of Cthulhu' in one sitting. I fully immersed myself in this game because it provides really good entertainment. Great atmosphere, where you can really feel Lovecraft. The story is intriguing and the ending is satisfying. A very positive surprise. I recommend it for HPL fans!

had to be a call, couldn't have been just an email.

I don't really understand what happened, but this was an enjoyable experience.

This review contains spoilers

Ugh, I am so conflicted on this game. It's janky, the actual gameplay sucks, and I experienced many graphical glitches that were downright hilarious. BUT. This game nails the Lovecraftian atmosphere many others try to emulate. The sense of dread and mystery that hangs over you while you investigate Darkwater Island is palpable and engrossing. Even when it puts the horror directly in front of you, which in my opinion is not the best way to do Lovecraftian, it manages to be terrifying and unsettling. And of course, the "bad" ending where Cthulu is summoned is one of the coolest ending cutscenes I've ever seen in a horror game.

100% Completion Notes: I don't remember too much about this completion, which usually means it wasn't very notable. I remember having to replay the ending for all of the different choices, and enjoyed most of the endings delivered.

Atmosfera maneira, história legal até, gameplay poderia ser bem melhor, parece mal polido em vários aspectos e até mesmo parece ser algo com uma crise de identidade, porém pra quem quer um jogo curto com a temática lovecraftiana vale a pena dar uma conferida.

As a fan of H.P. Lovecraft's works, I am always excited to get my hands on any Lovecraftian piece of media. For some reason, the one area where Lovecraftian horror never seems to translate well is in videogames. This game does try but doesn't quite hit the mark, though it does succeed a little better than its counterpart, The Sinking City. Call of Cthulhu focuses on exploration, investigation, and stealth without doing any of these particularly well. The story is serviceable and the atmosphere is probably the strongest feature. Call of Cthulhu is not a must-play by any means, but if you are looking for Lovecraftian content it might be worth checking out at least for atmosphere and story. And it's mercifully short so if you don't like it, at least you aren't stuck with it long.

Loved this game, I had a great time with it and knew that this would be the kind of closest thing to any H.P.Lovecraft story. Most of the game you don't have a weapon (until right near the end, but still) and you have to solve things by having good stats in things in spotting hidden things, investigation, psychology and such. The two annoying skills are Occult and Medicine as you need to pick up books to boost those skills and that's the only way you can do it so if you miss them then you may never get to a decent level in those fields.

The atmostphere is very creepy and a lot of the horror is in the walking in the darkness and hearing strange sounds so I recommend a headset for the full experience.

The game is not perfect however, there are some issues with lipsync and there are many times where it's not explained to you what to do, like when you're trapped by the Shambler and it says simply to escape that creature with only very mild hints earlier, like when I found a book with the answer. I enjoy that there are many other options in the game's dialog based on either things you've discovered and can bring up or on the skills you might've sharpened to read a situation or even fireback with knowledge.

Not for everyone, but I recommend it since it's pretty good with it's references to the lovecraftian lore and I'm not a big horror game fan, but I found I really enjoyed this personally.

My first stream was this game, though I feel it didn't come off too well and I apologise to everyone for not having the game sound high enough

Jogo é bem maneiro só o final q é meio ???

Mistério envolvente;
Puzzles divertidos de detetive;
Terror leve (nada mt assustador);
Bons personagens (não são inesqueciveis);

Obscure mystic adventure! I like it! Better than "the Dark corners of the earth"

Te explotan 3 neuronas, pero to guapo. Empieza mejor que acaba.

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(time played: 8hrs, 52m)
(ending got: The Counter-Ritual)

I don't know if I've played a game that's such a mishmash of styles like this one. Some features are constant and decent – reconstructing crime scenes, the skill points system – while others feel very sparsely used and/or useless – the occasional audio logs, and being able to rotate items. I'm particularly salty about the latter, since I turned every single item around and never once saw something of note on the back. Also, a small note; very disappointing to have lockpicking in a game and then make it automatic instead of a real mechanic. Still, the mishmash of features – and story – is charming, but not very engaging.

The cutscenes are all extremely goofy except for maybe one, and the character model animations are very jank. My favorites being Sanders getting thrown around in the air and instead of the classic telekenisis unnatural bones break, he just sort of... had blood spurt in the general direction of his head and then died? And Cat saying she was bleeding out without there being a single scratch on her model.

A couple parts were very annoying – namely the first scene with the Shambler and that infinite door puzzle near the end – but other than that, the gameplay is okay. Reconstructing crime scenes blinds you every time you both enter and leave, and can be a little confusing when you don't know where you're supposed to be looking. I like that in the "semi-open world" sections you have multiple ways to tackle a problem; the asylum section as Pierce being the best example of this.

By far, this game's strength is in its atmosphere and its conversations. All the locations look appropriately eerie, and I love the aesthetic. I only wish we got to see more of Darkwater's general landscape instead of just the docks area. It wasn't very scary except for some sections that genuinely freaked me out. The conversations are pretty well crafted in that you aren't stuck listening to someone speak for too long – they give you a dialogue option fairly often. And having unlockable choices based on what you find and what you have skill points in was cool.

Chapter 5 marks when the story starts to go off the rails in a questionable way. I think the intro of this game is strong, with the spooky vision, poking around Pierce's office to get a feel for his character, and meeting Sarah's father. Darkwater has a great air of mystery at first, and I was very interested in Cat's storyline and the conversation I overheard about the asylum. But once you actually get admitted to the asylum, it takes a turn. The mystery surrounding Darkwater is dampened and it feels like it's just going through the motions of a typical cult story. Especially once you find out Sarah's actually alive. Somehow, it becomes simultaneously confusing and incredibly clear. I understood what was happening but not necessarily why. The character's motivations felt scattered – mainly Charles Hawkins – and the answers to previous questions not fully explained. Not to mention Cat's involvement in the story is a lot smaller than I expected it to be, and Fitzroy and Chief West aren't much of twist villains/sudden threats when you barely see them all game.

I got the Counter Ritual ending, which looking at the official list of endings, seems to be the most lackluster. But they all have one common thread – what about the dad? Like, in the ending where Pierce lives and makes it back, does he just say he didn't solve the case or does he explain to this man his daughter actually wasn't dead but now she is? Or what about the ending where Cthulhu gets summoned and everyone kills each other?

This game just feels like it lost its plot, with the beginning not really connecting to the end. There are such interesting plot threads but they're overtaken by the game one upping itself. Like, okay, now people are being experimented on illegally by an immoral doctor with an accent? And then now everyone is turning into zombies? For some reason?

Although I do talk so negatively about it, plus the fact that it made me extremely nauseous, I don't regret playing it and I'd even recommend it just for the experience. At the very least, it's better than The Sinking City, lol.

This game is by no means good - mouth animations disintegrate halfway through the game, the skill tree is completely arbitrary, and the plot has some issues. But idgaf. It was fun.

I expected an interesting story, but I got half of it. They promised an RPG system, but what they got was a corridor of monotony. Even with such disadvantages, the game was released at a time when there were no other more interesting mystical adventures. At the beginning, the narration hints that not everything is so simple, it’s even interesting to understand what’s next, but by the end it slows down the game completely. If you haven’t played a Lovecraft game for a long time, you can play it once, watch the variety of “endings” on YouTube and put it on your gaming shelf forever.

Ожидал интересную историю, получил половину. Обещали рпг систему, получил коридор однообразия. Даже при таких минусах, игра вышла на тот период, когда не было других более интересных мистических приключений. В начале повествование намекает, что не все так просто, даже интересно понять что дальше, но сбавляет к концу игру на полную. Если давно не играли в игры по Лавкрафту, можно один раз поиграть, посмотреть разнообразие "концовок" на ютубе и отложить на игровую полочку навсегда.

Para quem gosta de Lovecraft esse jogo tem uma história muito boa mas a jogabilidade dele é terrível

I was one of the people who preordered this game and I was hoping for the best. Needless to say, this game fucking sucks. It does have many good aspects but I am jaded and bitter.

There are fun gameplay aspects and things the game did right. Most of the environment locations has great atmosphere. Foggy, wet island with a mystery. Eerie buildings that make you feel you're being followed. They did a great job with audio. As you play, you earn character points you can place in four attributes. Two are focused on gameplay, while the other two help with dialogue. Leveling the dialogue options gives you more options to question NCPs. It makes the investigation part unique, almost RPG-like. The final two attributes can only be leveled by reading books and observing objects in the world. It encourages you to explore and find content. You also have a sanity meter that makes a difference in your playthrough.

This game starts off VERY strong and the final level feels powerful. There are four different endings and the studio did a great job with the cinematics. The middle suffers the most. I'm not sure if that happened because one studio was working on this project and then handed it to another. There were dumb horror tropes and odd sequences that had no place in the game. Perhaps the team was running low on time? But the strange transitions were off-putting. The story becomes nonsensical. I have played this twice and still had to wrap my head around the fckary that was happening.

I understand Lovecraft's style of dread and questioning your own sanity. Sadly, I don't feel it worked here. Though I'm certain that would be a difficult job.

Last complaint: the monster. When you first meet them, wow! Great job being scary...and then they keep using it. Three different times! Surely Lovecraft had more creatures? It becomes "ah, spooky!" to "get the f
ck outta my way!" in a hurry. Every time I saw them in game, I mentally spit in their direction. Screw that thing for being a nuisance.

Please stop putting instant kills in horror games. It quickly desensitizes the player to your monster. When I died and just spawned back in the game, there's nothing to fear. Only eye strain from the rolling.

There are a total of 141 shades of green in this game including Lime Green, Forest Green and Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.

Call of Cthulhu is probably the most underrated mainstream Lovecraft game right now, as people started to love The Sinking City, and the first Call of Cthulhu game, that was very problematic at launch, but it was patched to be an enjoyable experience.

This Call of Cthulhu however, is a very decent walking sim/detective game, that focuses on choices, which can lead up to 4 different endings. I am not gonna lie, this game really surprised me. The animations are rather janky, but the overall atmosphere and gameplay are top notch, and the graphics, especially the more gruesome and supernatural areas, are really well done, despite the lower budget.

For those who seek more Lovecraftian games, I can recommend Call of Cthulhu, especially if you enjoy atmospheric and slow burn horror. The only thing that can ruin the experience is the janky nature of the animations, but everything else is either okay, or excellent.

Give it a go, and visit Darkwater!

I started Call of Cthulhu after reading H.P. Lovecraft’s work to see what a video game adaptation would be like. At the end of chapter 2, unimpressed, I decided this wasn’t worth playing further but thought to give this eerie manor that opens chapter 3 a final shot. Half-delighted I did as that’s when the story and setting became interesting. Exploring through the creepier areas and putting the pieces together was alright, mostly through the mid-late chapters where some ideas shined. Gameplay, character animations, RPG elements, etc, were mediocre and unpolished. Overall, I’d say story and mystery is intriguing enough to see it through if you’re into Lovecraft’s work.

This was almost everything that I wanted in a Call of Cthulhu video game. For anyone that's played the tabletop RPG, this will feel right up your alley. From the combat to the investigation system, this one really pulls you in at first.

There's a turning point, about halfway through the game where suddenly it doesn't really feel like your choices matter much any more. It's truly unfortunate, because I thought they did a wonderful job with the setup, but then when it falls on rails, the game becomes pretty flat.

Still, the mystery is pretty compelling up until the end, but the replay value falls short because of this.