Reviews from

in the past

A decent First-Person Shooter that shows it's age, but still holds up as a fun experience.

Oh look, a classic WW2 shooter! I sure hope it doesn't turn into a yearly franchise with microtransactions, lootboxes and battlepasses in the future!

I don't remember this but i'm giving it 3.5

A really well rounded game that started the series strong.

awesome, aged like a cheap wine, but its good, the lore is not that great tho

Lançou depois de Halo Combat Evolved e é pior em todos os sentidos possiveis. Puta que pariu, Call of Duty SEMPRE teve esse problema de depender muito de ADS, que horror.

„Wenn Sie nicht so dumm wie hässlich sind, dämmert Ihnen vielleicht, dass jede Waffe ihren eigenen Zweck hat.“

„Bei der Produktion dieses Spiels wurden keine Kühne [sic!] verletzt.“

Eine erstaunlich gut gealterte Kampagne, die sich über mehrere Jahre des Zweiten Weltkriegs erstreckt und den Spieler dabei historisch teils signifikante Militärmissionen aus Sicht verschiedener Protagonisten erleben lässt.

Ob im Panzer mit überraschend optimierter Steuerung schneebedeckte Schlachtfelder befahren oder zu Fuß mit einer kleinen Truppe in ein bayerisches Nazi-Schloss einbrechen – all das ist technisch eindrucksvoll umgesetzt und macht Spaß. Als Highlight empfinde ich die Infiltration eines deutschen Kriegsschiffs, mit dem weiten Meer und den engen, U-Boot-ähnlichen Metallgängen.

Nach der umständlichen Einrichtung läuft Call of Duty angenehm flüssig und praktisch bugfrei. Oft überlagern jedoch Alarmgeräusche oder das Feuern der Waffen stark die gute Musik und manche Gespräche. Das trägt zwar zum erstaunlich hohen Realismus des Spiels bei, zermürbt aber die Nerven mit der Zeit.

Nimmt man den Multiplayer-Modus aus der Gleichung heraus, sind ganze 20 € schon stark an der Schmerzgrenze. Schön finde ich aber den kreativen Abspann, so etwas habe ich bisher noch nie gesehen!

Das ist übrigens mein erster COD-Teil.

Gespielte Fassung: Uncut-Windows-Version mit deutscher Synchro unter Linux

man the memories. not the greatest game ever made but its still a relic from my childhood.

É muito bom revisitar esse clássico depois de muitos anos. Porém, o jogo é bem datado.

Enquanto a IA dos seus companheiros é extremamente terrível, a IA dos inimigos é bem quebrada, fazendo com que o primeiro tiro de rifle sempre acerte. O que dependendo do nível de dificuldade que você esteja jogando pode ser fatal.

Aqui o barulho das armas são bem irritantes, principalmente os das metralhadoras montadas.

O cenário é desolador, como o de qualquer guerra, apesar de décadas, ainda me mantive imersivo e nervoso durante os bombardeios no jogo.

Próximo ao final enfrentei um bug terrível que meu jogo salvou um segundo antes da minha morte e se iniciou um eterno looping de nasce/morre, sendo necessário reiniciar a missão inteira.

Ainda é um bom jogo, mas não envelheceu tão bem.

Extremely dated. Friendly AI sucks, enemy AI cheats, missions are awfully paced, and that fucking machine gun noise will forever be stuck in my head.

Not as fun as a remember, and honestly a lot harder than I remember too.

The first Stalingrad mission and raising the flag over the Reichstag are two of the finest moments in gaming though.

One would expect a game that has been iterated upon as much as Call of Duty has been would have aged poorly in the ensuing years. Surprisingly, that's not the case. While the aged graphics do evoke a sort of action-figures-in-the-playroom sort of feel, the gunplay is solid, and for once, it's nice to have actually-useful squadmates in one of these games. Ditto with the (mostly) non-respawning enemies. Finally, the levels do not outstay their welcomes, a quality most lacking in modern CODs.

ça a mega bien vieilli ?! l'immersion est tres bonne les niveaux sont ouverts et tout fin eh

Esse por exemplo eu lembro melhor, lembro de pegar a pistola Luger e viciar nela, puta merda.

Really impressive for the time and miles ahead of most of it's sequels. At it's best its probably one of the more immersive war games out there and at it's worst it's stumbling around unrelated setpieces that don't mesh together.

The worst comes whenever you're not in a squad battle and are just sort of roughing it out solo. Even with your squad later levels on veteran often just devolve into you becoming that one guy from saving private ryan crying at the bottom of the stairs while his friend gets shanked to death. There's no regenerating health and on veteran, no health packs, so every holdout setpiece turns into savescumming between every minor altercation.

It also borrows a bit too much from film and television portrayals at times. It sort of left me wondering why I hadn't just finished band of brothers or watched the great escape. Regardless, I had fun.

I love you spike spiegel!

Classic game with a lot memorable missions.

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There was a time when Call of Duty was good, this was the start of that time.

The Story is that the three characters you play as are involved in different operations for different nations to stop the Nazi's during World War 2. There is barely any story moments outside of the missions themselves, but for a World War 2 based game, it didn't really need too. It's focus is on the Gameplay. The Cutscenes that appear sometimes before levels are great, and give a real war feel with the atmosphere of the game.

The Characters are bland, I would not care if any of them died, including the ones I play as.

The Graphics were good for their time, but are now very pixelated. But not to the point where the game is unplayable, and there is more detail put into the environments than the average first-person shooter of the time.

The Gameplay has you in first person, shooting Germans with your weapons, and completing tasks to help the squad you are in to become one step closer to winning the war. Now although Call of Duty wasn't the first first-person shooter to change the gaming industry, it was the first to use friendly AI to help you out in missions, and the gameplay itself is very iconic, and can lead to many games trying to emulate what this game achieves. Also it's a computer game, so you can save whenever you want. Your actions can also make the difference between the fates of random soldiers in your squad, it doesn't matter that much as a new soldier will spawn in most of the time, but it's nice to know it's there for people who want to simulate it. The first level in the russian campaign is easily the best level in the game with it's real look into how some of the allies had to fight, and the suicidal mission atmosphere that the whole sequence gives off. Now there are some flaws with the game. Like the fact that the objectives reveal future tasks, despite the fact that it doesn't feel as real to know what is going to happen next. The AI barely ever kills targets, and at least three quarters of them will have to be killed by you. The Text to tell you about where you are at the beginning of levels is too fast for you to read. You can cause a vehicle to explode without the vehicle you are in exploding itself. Random soldiers for the group sometimes have ranks that surpass the leader of the squad. There is no Grenade detector. Sometimes the enemy isn't prepared for you, even when they should have heard what you were doing prior to that. Multiplayer is good. You can play a few different game types, while in the maps from the game (or more if you get the United Offensive pack). But unlike the campaign, more like in reality, you can die in one shot. Which is fun if you are okay with the realism "minus the respawning of course", and I say it works for a game where you kill normal soldiers in a realistic way, and where the opponents are other real players. Also the feature of having certain random players use submachine guns, and others using ones that cause more damage, but can't be fired as fast is a great way of having people play with many types, while not making it so that everyone uses the same gun.

The Music is awesome. It was composed by Michael Giacchino, the same guy behind a number of Pixar films. The tracks really push the dark atmosphere of each level that it's in, and are great to listen to on their own.

Call of Duty 1 deserves to be known for it's achievements that are very forgotten about thanks to the modern era of the franchise.

Idk, why I enjoy this game so much, something about its simplicity, and I guess it just takes me back to a simpler time.

i play this at my lowest
fucking hate this game with my guts
killing males is satasfying

O jogo envelheceu bem, ainda dá pra jogar até nos dias de hoje. Recomendo Call of Duty caso você queira um jogo bom e leve de FPS e um pouco de história.

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Warning: spoilers

The true origins of the series, before becoming a cashflow.

The first Call of Duty is where it all began and what inspired a series of good sequels, along with the cashflow milking cow that it has become today. The original game shined with excellent AI, a solid story and fluent mechanics.

Call of Duty revolves around the events of the second world war. Although this concept is nothing new and used many times before, it is one of the more stable, balanced and straightforward ones that was around at the time. The main difference with other WWII franchises is that you play as multiple countries that fought in the war like Russia, Great Brittan and the United States.

You start as Private Martin, a paratrooper that has been sent behind enemy lines in the events of D-Day. His platoon is scattered badly and nowhere is were he should be. You mission is to disable Flak guns and artillery positions to grant the soldiers some slack that are fighting on the beaches.

Then, the perspective switches over to Sergeant Evans, in the British army.
After participating in Operation Tonga, you are transferred to the commando SAS unit, which is then tasked with sabotaging the Eder Dam. After that, you infiltrate the battleship Tirpitz with Sergeant Price and a small squad. You discover plans from the Germans in which they are about to launch their feared V-2 rockets. You destroy the rockets before joining your squad mates in the battles ahead.

You also play as Corporal Alexei, starting at the battle for Stalingrad. Your heroic deeds get you promoted to Sergeant and after many battles with lots of lives lost, you enter Berlin and conquer the city with your fellow squad mates, ending the war.

The first Call of Duty is the only game in the series that implements the health bar. Although opinions differ about what system is better, I preferred the search for health kits and keeping track of your current vitality. It is what makes an FPS interesting and challenging in my opinion. Medal of Honor is another franchise that shined in this mechanic, by finding soldier canteens.

Call of Duty looked beautiful back then and, even to today, still does. Surely it aged and the graphics can be considered ancient, but the detail remains fair enough. The small blood effects and explosions are still great. The sound effects are still solid. All the sounds of guns firing and grenades that explode are still awesome. I like the Kar98 sound effects the most, it is just a solid blast when you fire your single bullet towards the enemy.

What sets Call of Duty apart is its excellent AI, especially for the time. Enemies and squad mates “do their own thing” and are focused on the battles ahead. There is also a solid balance between the focus on you and the AI on each other. You can surprise an enemy from the side because he is busy fighting with another soldier and does not notice you yet.

The expansion pack, United Offensive, I did not play. This was only because my PC back then, would not read the disc properly. This is something that I want to complete at least once in the future.

Call of Duty will always remain a true classic and, even today, it is still played widely, although many servers are now fun and hack servers with some crazy sh!t going on. There are custom made maps in toy block landscapes, obstacle courses, you name it.

It is a shame that the series nowadays is a business model in which the same crap is released every year and kids today do not know how great the series was back then, but before I turn into a complete grandpa again, that is all I will say about it.

I definitely still recommend this true original classic.

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- Interesting to see where the franchise came from, but nowhere near as impressive as newer instalments in the franchise
- Feels very dated, but this is expected

Call of Duty is nothing special. All of the problems I have with most post-boomer/early 2000s shooters are present here. The AI is primitive, the level design is simplistic, and it's restrictingly linear. Combat mostly revolves aro und waiting for enemies to poke their heads out and immediately murdering them.

It's hard to see how this spawned a mega-franchise. It doesn't seem like an improvement over Medal of Honor.

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It's fine

1. oyundan başladık tekrardan. Yeni çıkan rezil oyundan sonra iyi geldi

Неплохо для тех годов.

(COD marathon #1) Man what a cool game, wonder if there's gonna be a sequel.