Reviews from

in the past

Eu tentei... Mas mouse e tecado não é pra mim, além de ter envelhecido meio mal, eu senti que é muito atira e anda, atira e anda, atira e anda.

didn't finish, got around halfway through. campaign is kind of plotless

Basic Story i guess but i really liked it ^^ Graphics and Gameplay are pretty good for a 20 Year old Game

it was fine but it was a start of the series. it was pretty much a ww1 historical simulator. gun play was fine

I was on the fence about recommending this one, while it does show it's age, it's actually a short and fun experience. It's a pure/simple shooting gallery, you move to your objective while shooting targets as they pop up. It's an easy game to pick up and play, with no real thought process needing to go into the story or gameplay.

If the game is available on Steam, you will find my review there.

MOH Killer adıyla çıksa daha epik olurdu. Koskoca serinin başlangıcı. Efsane

strictly played online multiplayer a lot, still so much fun even today

I am so thankful for my young uncle at the time who always had new military games to play.
I played COD on PC at release when I was 8 years old, and replayed it and its extension many times and I still come back to it every few years. It feels like a privilege as a gamer and fan of the series and the FPS genre.

A classic "blockbuster" WWII game that sets itself apart through sheer quality of level design, gunplay and atmosphere.

Plusy: dobry gameplay, klimat, kilka fajnych misji, nostalgia, muzyka
Minusy: nierówny poziom trudności, gra się przeciętnie zestarzała, misja w „Warszawie”

Primeiro cod......sendo sincero, não esperava muita coisa desse jogo, MAS É MUITO BOM
meus únicos problemas com esse jogo é o fato de que os inimigos morrem com muitos tiros e as vezes causam um dano absurdo do nada, certos bugs ali ou aqui, mas nada que atrapalhe muito a gameplay
Teve algumas missões solos que deu UM MEDO MDS BIXO, esse jogo tem cada jumpscare veikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

meio cansativo mas até me diverti quando criança

A little difficult but still a solid WW2 fps, for anyone struggling to progress on PC my advice is quick saving with the F5 key.

Amazing and such a classic fps game

I started a playthrough of every CoD campaign and started here. This game obviously isn't as special as future games, but surprisingly good for a WW2 game!

A game that I downloaded much later after it came out. I can't state the reason, I found out relatively late, but as soon as I found out, believe me, I didn't leave the house until I played.

It's been about 20 years, and I still remember the emotions this game provided. The graphics were also breathtaking, especially for that time!

surprisingly well realized shooter even early on, pretty fun, but totally shows its age.
i think medal of honor is more solid of a game for games of this era, but for something more action heavy, cod1 is perfect.

Enjoyed this game as a kid playing split screen multiplayer was an expirence I will never forget good campaign highly recommend if your a cod fan

why always fighting with american

Still holds up, story is basically non-existent however the guns, soundtrack and setting is worth your time if you're into the fps genre.

Все хорошо ровно до того момента, как заканчивается первая миссия советской компании, после игра тебя начинает дико душить, особенно оорона общаги. Миссия где танком управляем, немного разбавляет, но это максимум, дальше ничего интересного не будет и игру можно смело дропать.
Если бы вся игра была как кампания за амеров, то легкие 4/5

es un juego d la epoca y puedo entender xq la gente lo banca pero mi problema arranca con que a este cod t lo venden como una "fiel experiencia d un soldado" queriendo hacer un juego que no t conviertas en un master chief d nazis pero realmente no m senti asi d acompañado, el movimiento en el entorno es muy tosco y algunas misiones me parecen simple accion absurda con intento d acto heroico y hasta anticlimatico, m gusta su variedad con los bandos y armas pero se queda corto en todo, sacando la mision d stalingrado para mi la atmosfera se siente mediocre.

A nice start to one of the most well-known and polarizing video game series. If this feels a lot like Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault that's basically because this is the follow-up from the same developers, under Activision instead of EA.

An intensely fun game, even to this day. The missions are not as varied or as memorable, but the game set the standard for all of the sequels after, by making it entertaining through its animations, audio, and addictive gameplay loop. Its intensely fun to snipe, explode, and mow down patches of enemies, and the combination of loud, powerful sounding weapons and reactive enemy wounding and killing animations make it a short but sweet experience.

I've been a fan of this series for years and I've only just now decided to head back to where it all began. Held up way better than I thought.