Reviews from

in the past

More roguelikeish than I was expecting. Looks and sounds wonderful. Unfortunately the game's design opened a portal to behaviorally-manipulative proto-microtransactional slot machine Hell and we all live there now

i played this on my fat play 1 and boy what a fun

I was so addicted to this game as a kid despite it scaring the crap out of me. Any time the Butcher said "FRESH MEAT" I almost jumped out of my chair, and it definitely gave me nightmares. I always wanted to try and beat this as a warrior, as my brothers had each taken either the rogue or sorcerer, but I could never get much further than floor 8 before the ranged enemies like spitters got too overwhelming. Always ended up caving and playing a rogue (aka easy mode) instead. The series has certainly been improved since, but I still find this a lot of fun to revisit, especially the randomized quest pools and levels making each playthrough feel unique

video games distilled into a bottle would be diablo. kleptomania ravages the mind as you see your numbers go up and as you delve deeper into the dungeon. stock pile supplies, repair armor, become a military surplus merchant, you constantly build up your character in just about every way possible. despite some annoying ass enemy behavior in the end game, this was incredibly fun and addicting. fuck dude this was so cool.

Despite it's age and simplicity there is a distinct charm to whacking baddies and talking to silly NPCs.

Amo la atmósfera, ni siquiera la misma saga pudo replicarla. Me encantaría re jugarlo algún día.

"Coma seus vegetais e escove os dentes após cada refeição"

morri no leoric.. muito bom..

Totally shocked at how smooth of an experience this was. Usually when I play a PC game from the 90s I just assume I’m gonna have to read a guide to get around a bunch of weird archaic shit, and that is not the case here. I was able to just hit the ground running and feed demon after demon into the wood chipper while vibing with the atmosphere that is completely singular.

Chasing down those succubi to hit them with my giant cartoon axe made me feel like I was playing a Tom & Jerry episode.

Since I don't have nostalgic feelings, it's easier to comment objectively. The game hasn't aged well, unfortunately. It has no QoL updates by today's standards that will allow you to play the game for long hours.

this game is a pain in the ass , too lazy to play it , never got a chance to end it, but well-crafted story, i love the theme and the whole aesthetic of this game

Sort of dropped - got right to the end but couldn't make progress, wanted me to start all over again and grind and I just don't like the game enough to do that. Great atmosphere and art, very charming, but meh- it's been done so much better since this one. Still you gotta give points for it being the first of it's kind.

This for me is not the greatest Diablo game. Diablo II takes that price for sure.
This came out when I was like 15 or so.
I was a teenage boy, that listened to Nirvana and Metallica, had long hair, and an attitude.
I was in a dark period doing dumb stuff with my dumb teenage 🧠.
This game with it's dark themes and wonderful gameplay made sure that I had fewer hours to do other dumb stuff.

I was reading Dragon Lance, playing MtG and DnD so having a game give me a taste of hacking and slashing, leveling, finding gear, equipping, doing magic was unbelievably awesome for an idiot kid like me.

What wonderful hours I spent in this world.

Still a wonderfully dark, tense, harsh ARPG that set the groundwork for the genre to come.

Um clássico. Um dos maiores Hack-and-slash da história dos video-games.É um jogo que começa somente com uma simples aventura e se torna algo colossal no final do e eu amei isso. A história vai progredindo de uma forma sensacional e eu me senti extremamente imerso principalmente com a música PERFEITA dessa obra-prima.

got me through some really rough classes so it did its job

The greatest hack-and-slash game ever made, and absolutely the best Diablo title. A near-perfect rogue-like distilled into a grimdark vision for the masses. Much, much slower than its sequels, but also more open, more mysterious, and more obtuse in all the best ways. It's also, mercifully, not an endless meat grinder. Relatively short and a great co-op experience.

The church has a long ass basement that goes to hell.
This is a joke about kids in churches.

cool Esp. in style but loot suckedd&got stale so im skipping to diablo 2

Genuinely wonderful experience that, much like many RPGs in the 90s, may require a guide to get the full experience and not totally ruin a run.

It's short, it's gritty, it looks wonderful, it's simple, it's fun... Diablo 1 and 2 are just fantastic ARPG experiences and the peak of the series.

aesthetically might be my favorite of the series, love the atmosphere especially

I can't help but see this through nostalgia tinted glasses. This introduced me to the world of online play; something I had to incredibly wary of falling into further as the pull of addiction was STRONG with this. Sure, it doesn't hold up nowadays with a myriad of diablo-likes now available, but it's still a very enjoyable trip down memory lane. Pour one out for Blizzard's glory days.

imagine a world where arpg genre evolved from this instead of diablo 2

When I was 14 I played this with two random people on and after several hours of playing and finally getting to Diablo the guy playing a Sorcerer killed me and the other player and it made me so mad I didn't play the game for like another decade.

I was playing this after the second part, and it felt rather dull in comparison.