Reviews from

in the past

insert some joke about shivers altering my brain chemistry

Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, "Don't do it!" He said, "Nobody loves me." I said, "Marx loves you. Do you believe in Marx?"

He said, "Yes." I said, "Are you a Socialist or an Anarchist?" He said, "A Socialist." I said, "Me too! Democratic Socialist or actual Communist?" He said, "Actual Communist." I said, "Me too! What school?" He said, "Marxism." I said, "Me too! Revolutionary Marxism or Reformist Marxism?" He said, "Revolutionary Marxism." I said, "Me too! Revolutionary Marxism-Leninism or Revolutionary Marxism-Trotskyism?"

He said, "Revolutionary Marxism-Leninism." I said, "Me too! Revolutionary Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, or Revolutionary Marxism-Leninism-Hoxhaism?" He said, "Revolutionary Marxism-Leninism-Maoism." I said, "Me too! Regular Revolutionary Marxism-Leninism-Maoism or Revolutionary Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Gonzalo Thought?" He said, "Revolutionary Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Gonzalo Thought." I said, "Die liberal!" And I pushed him over.

The game looking at me and saying: “What a day, hm? You look lonely. I can fix that.”

if youre fucked in the head like i am then you will find this game to be absolutely incredible and it will live in your brain like a parasite from now until the end of eternity.

This review contains spoilers


Unreal start to finish. No idea why I left it this long (yes i do, i was waiting for a sale and it finally went on sale) but GOD DAMN what a game. Never knew really what to expect as I had never seen gameplay but if someone had told me it was a Pentiment-like I'd have bought it full price.

Had a fantastic run through, didn't google anything and feel like my Harry was the best communist loving-apocalypse soothsaying-superstar in recovery he could be (fuck the boring ass book club and also fuck Evrart, I forged those signatures you dumb bitch).

Ending blew me away, just a perfect package of a video game. One of the best, can only hope we get another one even remotely close to this in quality somewhere down the line.

This might be a little disjointed since I literally just watched the credits roll, but I don't think I'd ever have enough time to fully process how I felt about this.

Absolutely incredible. It took me a little bit until the story fully hooked me, but once it did I was all-in. I feel like I've been saying this a lot recently but honestly - truly - some of the best writing I've ever experienced in a game. Also helps that makes true use of it's medium. It not only knows that its a game but it uses that to its advantage consistently throughout the story to great effect. The commentary on politics, games, cops, and the world at large is genuinely some of the best I've experienced in any art.

That same level of effectiveness is translated over into the game mechanics here as well. The skill point system feels overwhelming initially but quickly made sense once you spent a few hours with it during your first day. Aside from the writing itself, Disco Elysium manages to make dialogue engaging through its expertly crafted skill checks and dialogue options which made the story feel as interactive and dynamic as one could hope for from a game like this. Carefully choosing how to allocate my points was difficult not just from a gameplay perspective, but also from a roleplaying perspective. What kind of Cop was I going to be? Is it worth the gamble of taking on a mew thought which could have negative impact on my version of Harry? Every click through the menus felt like it had meaning in a way that I've rarely felt while playing a game.

Disco does stumble in some small areas, but none enough to ruin my experience. I do think that, despite that really being the main way of interacting with the game, the length and wordiness of certain character interactions can become very tiresome. I basically didn't interact with Joyce because I didn't want to waste 5 hours of my day talking to her, and thats a shame because it feels as though I missed out on some important story bits by doing that. I also think the very ending of the game does fall into the trap of trying to generalize my character, which felt awkward when Kim said I was a raving communist despite my version of Harry being pretty evenly split between a few different political ideologies. It's not awful, but for a game that maintained such a high bar of quality throughout it was weird to see a minor dip right before the finish line.

Disco Elysium fucking rules. It absolutely is a game worth exploring and obsessing over and all the ravings about its writing are so well deserved. It's a really unique type of game that had me thinking "I can't wait to see how that might go differently during a second play through" and that's a magical feeling that you just can't put a price on. I generally don't enjoy RPGs but this one quickly became one of my favorite games of all time once I fully bought into its story. Disco is a game that everyone should try, even if it doesn't seem like it'd be your thing. Games this special don't come along very often.

I do not suffer from alcoholism. I enjoy every minute of it.

what if disco elysium was a good game

I mean this game is just fantastic. I got it with the VA already in it, and what a huge difference that made. There is so much to explore, so many relationships to build/burn, so many WAYs to do it all. Truly an amazing detective RGP.


"Não há amor no passado; apenas no presente. O passado é composto por imagens estáticas, memórias distorcidas e uma nostalgia demente. O agora, o presente, com todos os seus erros e acertos, é infinitamente superior; é um organismo vivo."

Não vou dizer nada.

Nada do que eu disser vai fazer jus a qualidade disto.

Só sei que sou uma pessoa melhor depois dessa obra. Eu sei. Eu já fui o Harry, as vezes ainda sou o Harry. Não é fácil deixar de ser o Harry. Mas o Harry tem uma missão, e o Kim pra impedir suas manotas, e no fim, é tudo oque agente precisa pra viver.

Apolitismo é covardia dos que não se dispõem a confabular das ideias alheias, não se feche disto, abrace. Dê uma chance.

Carismático. Una experiencia de principio a fin. Uno de mis mundos ficticios favoritos.

A fantastic journey through my personality.

crazy great art and voice acting. Maybe this genre isn't my cup of tea

Not everybody's cup of root beer, but for those who enjoy it.. will LOVE it.

mental breakdown geçirten dünyanın en uzun romanı. benim yaptığım gibi ana hikayenin dışına çok çıkarsanız bir noktada çok bunalabiliyorsunuz. oyundaki bütün içerikleri görmek tek bir save dosyasında çok bunaltıcı oluyor normalde ben oynadığım oyunlarda görebildiğim herşeyi görmeye çalışırım ama bu böyle bir oyun değilmiş. kendi sikko deneyimimi bir yana bırakırsak oyun en iyi rpg oyunlarından falan olarak geçiyor ama rpg kısmı yaptığımız build ve bu build'ın bize sağladığı ekstra yan içerikler, ekstra bilgiler ve iç seslerimin çeşitlenmesi dışında hikayeye hiçbir etkisi yok. bayağı çizgisel bir hikayesi olması beni hayal kırıklığına uğrattı. kaç tane sonu var bilmiyorum ama ben iyi sonu aldım. iyi sonlar nedense akılda kalıcı olmuyorlar gibi. bu son da dramatiklikten biraz yoksundu ama 2. oyun için hype'ladı beni. oyunu ilk oynamaya başladığım zaman 5 yıldızı bile zorlayabilir gibi geliyordu ama oyun ilerledikçe üzerime tonla boş diyalog yazı attı yan içerik attı ve bir noktada bu şekil herşeyi görmek için çabalarsam oyunu bitirmeye yetcek istikrarımın ve mentalimin olmadığını fark edip ana hikaye rush attım. hani sadece yazı okuduğumuz bir oyun olmasına rağmen nasıl bu kadar az hikaye değişkenine sahip oyun anlamadım. her ağzımdan çıkan diyaloğun bir sonucu felan olmasını isterdim şahsen.

Harry is literally me also Kim is genuinely the cutest bestest boy I want him to feel good I want to hug him I love him deeply. I love when the voices tell me to kill myself to assert authority

Starting to sense some commie bullshit in this game ,':|

If there’s anything in this world worth keeping alive, it’s love.

In the void that is Revachol, we see the light of love and hope slowly fade away. It is up to us to cultivate and nurture that light so it does not die. Love is not dead! As you read this, you are alive and breathing, and it's up to you to seize what remains and fight for it. We can no longer wait for some great revolution that will fix all of our problems. If you truly desire a revolution, you must create the conditions necessary to birth it!

Disco Elysium isn’t just a game about what political faction you align with or finding out who lynched the man behind Whirling-in-Rags; it’s a story about love and why we must hold onto it, even in the darkest of times. I understand that nowadays, with the current state of affairs, it's hard to believe in love and hope. It's difficult to place our hope in a future that seems to have been stolen away from us, yet that's precisely when we need it the most.

I choose to believe in love. I choose to hold on to the hope that a better future is possible, no matter what, because I believe it is. The people we know, the community we live in, and the world we inhabit are worth fighting for. Disco Elysium taught me that fixing the world and making it a better place isn’t just about picking up a gun and waging some violent revolution; it’s about cultivating community and caring for those in it. That’s where the true beauty of Disco Elysium lies.

I believe the way this game conveys that message is quite powerful. Disco doesn't make some grand showy gesture beating you over the head with its message; instead, it laboriously takes the time to show you that the world you live in is beautiful and worth fighting for. It spends the time showing you the inner lives of those around you and has you helping them, one person at a time.

There is one specific character that I feel best embodies this: Cuno. Cuno, at first, is seen to be an irrational, difficult, vulgar, and poorly-behaved child, which leads you to inevitably hate him. As you learn more about Cuno and his home life, however, you realise there’s something greater at play. He doesn’t act out for the hell of it; he is the way he is because his father is a drunk who’s fallen down on his luck due to becoming a victim of the system giving up on him and his son. He’s left with no choice. The system has abandoned Uuno and his son, leaving them both to fend for themselves and pick up the pieces. Which sadly isn’t uncommon in Revachol and the real world as well. It’s perhaps one of the most striking and poignant stories in the game. I eventually went from despising Cuno to feeling empathy for him, as I did for many others in Revachol when I learned their stories.

I believe this approach to storytelling and character writing is incredibly effective, and the best part about Disco Elysium is that these kinds of stories are all over the game. This goes to show how much love and care was put into humanising the inhabitants of Revachol, which helps make the world feel alive. Because of how well the game fleshed out its world and characters Disco Elysium was successful at conveying the message that this world is worth fighting for. Not only was I captivated by this world, but as the game drew to a close, I found myself deeply invested in the wellbeing of these characters and the city.

As I learned about these stories, Revachol’s history, and the many political factions vying for power, I realised that this game was never about solving a murder or finding which faction is "correct." It was about learning to love those around us and working together to create a better world, one step at a time. Creating a better world was never an unattainable goal conjured up in the minds of idealistic and "ignorant" kids. It is a possible reality, but it demands the working toiling masses of the world unite and work hand in hand in creating this future. It is on us to seize the future and lift eachother up when we need it most.

Never give up on fighting for this future. It is only dead when you allow yourself to be convinced that it is.

Superbly atmospheric from the start and with enthralling characters. Not without faults (found some sections rather repetitive) It's the sort of thing you will want to experience again and again just to play as a different sort of character, and I'm sure I missed quite a bit, such as the gay stuff and the club sequence. Through the third act it's tense and unexpectedly beautiful.

Juegazo. De los juegos mejores escritos que vi en mucho tiempo. Súper divertido, original, creativo, atrapante. El universo creado es increíble, me encantaron las side quests, los personajes. El final un poco underwhelming, termina medio de la nada y no siento que la narrativa te lleve naturalmente hacia el final, sale un poco de la nada, pensé que iba a tener que elegir al culpable entre los personajes presentados durante el juego, en vez de al final mostrarme al culpable y confirmarme que es él. Pero bueno that's on me for expecting anything I guess.

4th playthrough completed --- and wooh. Definitely the shortest and less considerate of my playthroughs (both because it was a fascist playthrough and mostly done to grind trophies).

Nearly collected all trophies. Nearly.

a game that subtly emphasizes the idea of making something out of nothing, giving meaning to an otherwise pointless existence presented in a fun, hilarious, and overall entertaining game

"All the gifts your parents gave you, all the love and patience of your friends, you drowned in a neurotoxin. You let misery win. And it will keep on winning till you die -- or overcome it."

You must be a narrative junkie to get all you can out of this game, but it is truly special. Immediately the voice acting and premise grabbed my attention. Wish it was a little more fun to play as I typically like kinetic games. But this is done as well as it can be done.

Kim Kitsuragi my beloved.

I can't really find anything wrong with this game. The story, the characters, the art style, the dialogue, it's all so well executed and consistent. The voice acting is phenomenal. The game balances serious crime investigation with goofy side missions very well, and is filled with snarky political commentary.