Reviews from

in the past

I stole the teleporting gloves and got our party killed twice and then we never got out of fort joy. Now that BG3 is out I never have to touch this game again.

huge win for the crate stacking suck n fuck genre

Divinity: Original Sin II was a TRPG I should've liked considering my tastes, but playing it in a group of four had the opposite effect. Rather than getting engrossed in the stories, it came across as confusing and, quite frankly, a slog to get through. By the end, I even felt some hate for it. But is it my fault? Absolutely, I should’ve known that not going at my own pace would’ve ended badly. Lesson learnt.

I might revisit it in the future, but for now I’ll try and forget it exists.

This is the gold standard of TRPGs. YOu can pretty much do anything and get away with it. So much reaply value

An absolute blast to play co-op, and does everything the first game did, just better.
If you don't spend the first hour of the game with a bucket on your head, you're missing out.

There's a lot of depth to this game, particularly for those wanting to focus on getting a powerful or specialised build together. For me though, the narrative and adventure was the main draw and here I found the execution a little jilted and rough. The main story beats were hitting, but the emergent narrative didn't seem to hold together. There were numerous times where motivations and emotion seemed to cohere. For example, at one point we had a battle for a reasonably well laid out motive. But at the end of the battle, having lost one team mate, the gameplay just continued without any conclusion, at that point. It just ruined the immersion for me. A solid game though and I'm sure for those who are deeply invested in the combat mechanics, this will be great.

Puro engorilamiento. Mi agosto se fue y nunca volverá.

- Es la experiencia más cercana al rol de mesa que he jugado en mi vida, con Baldur's Gate 3 pendiente. La cantidad de posibles interacciones con todo lo que te rodea, ya sea durante la exploración o el combate, es apabullante.
- Las posibilidades a la hora de crear diferentes builds son muy numerosas y permiten una libertad absoluta, sin el encorsetamiento clásico de las clases.
- La dificultad está bien medida. Siempre sabe cuando buscarle las cosquillas al jugador cuando este empieza a confiarse en exceso.

- El escenario tiende a convertirse en una ensalada de personajes, enemigos, invocaciones, efectos de área y obstáculos que vuelve complicado enterarse bien de lo que está ocurriendo.
- Los diálogos, pese a estar muy cuidados, perfectamente doblados y ser muy numerosos, no consiguen dotar de suficiente carisma a los personajes que los entablan. Tampoco ayuda el nulo mimo artístico puesto en sus retratos.
- Lo que al principio son todo sorpresas a nivel de progresión, con infinidad de sinergias posibles y nuevas habilidades que mejoran a las anteriores, con el paso del tiempo adquiere mucha mayor importancia la estadística pura, el número con trazo grueso.
- La gestión de inventarios es un auténtico dolor de cabeza.

I've try to finish this game 3 times, and third time is indeed the charm.

Bored out of my mind. There's a semblance of cool co op teamwork here but I just couldn't get into it. I stole some spell books from a merchant without having to pay for it. That was the highlight of what I remember.

Tenho 73 horas e não joguei nada desse jogo.

first version is a mess, go play the enhanced.

Impossible to get people to finish

Excellent game tho