Reviews from

in the past

I didn't grow up with the Donkey Kong Country series, but yet I really liked this game as a kid. I don't give a shit over what the hardcore DK fans say about it.

The definition of a hidden gem, this game feels like the 4th Donkey Kong Country game in many ways, except for gameplay. Once you get the hang of the weird controls though, you are in for a very fun, difficult, creative and charming entry in the DK series.

my emotional support monkey :)

I used to be completely obsessed with this game when I was younger

Esse jogo afundou os botões L e R do meu DS

they straight up had like no idea what to do with this franchise during this phase huh. still a lot of fun though I played it a lot more than you'd expect

For a game that looks like shovelware from the outside and is centered around only a singular gimmicky mechanic the game isn't that bad. Was surprised how much there was to do to 100% it, and the game itself actually acknowledges you going above and beyond and doing everything, which few games do and I really like that. Besides for that it's not like some hidden gem crazy experience, its just alright.

It DOES have krool though so that makes it a 5/5 immediately.

bitches out here saying that they’ve lived when they haven’t played dk jungle climber on ds

I'm certain most people have never heard of Jungle Climber, or many who do brushed it off as shovelware. While it doesn't hold up to Country Returns, it was fun enough for me to replay it multiple times.

Honestly a pretty sizable improvement over its GBA predecessor, this one actually feels a lot more like a Donkey Kong game which is neat. Has it's share of frustrating moments, but it's otherwise a decent time.

Dad brought me on a pheasant hunting trip when I was 6 or 7. Since I was too young for hunting, I stayed inside, where the girl who lived there handed me a DS with this game. She tried showing me over and over how to play the game, but I couldn't see her pressing L and R buttons, so naturally I never made it very far. I will not be returning to this game.

This feels like a shitty bootleg DK game that you would find on the android play store, but it's official. Good job Nintendo.

Dans mes souvenirs la boucle de gameplay était vraiment répétitive car prenait aucune liberté et n'essayait pas d'être un tant soit peu original mais je peux me tromper.

I initially wasn't planning on playing Jungle Climber after I had a middling experience with King of Swing, but I said "screw it" and caved in. This is a MUUUUCH better game.

Not only does it bring in more elements from the Country series (Diddy, Kong Letters, Banana Coins, DK Coins), Jungle Climber ditches the floatiness in favor of speed and action akin to the Country games. Leaping and swinging off pegboards felt satisfying as hell. The music is really nice too! The visuals aren't super great but I grown to like them alot as I played and the backgrounds are very nice.

Jungle Climber is a fairly gimmicky game, but it makes up for it with all the challenge, improvements, unlockables, etc. I was wrong for judging this game for how it looked and what I thought of King of Swing, it's a fun time!

The one mechanic is fun but damn it really feels by the end that there's one mechanic and that's all

No será sobresaliente pero divertido es un rato.