Reviews from

in the past

Honestly, thought it was sweet for an 8-bit brawler before simultaneous multiplayer was standard practice. Sorta limited with enemy characters. Curious to play more of the Kunio Kun series and adjacent Technos games. For a ‘88 NES game it’s totally fine.

It's a fun game, albeit an occasionally choppy one. I love the over the top 80s action vibe carried with an unmistakably Japanese flair. The level-up system feels good too. What I don't love at all is the lack of continues! A 3D remake of this could be ballin.

Para a época até poderia ser um bom jogo,mas hoje em dia beira o injogável,além da dificuldade injusta.De ponto positivo,dá pra citar o sistema de combos que vai evoluindo conforme você derrota inimigos.

I'm torn. Inarguably, this feels so much better to play than the Arcade original. Movement and hit detection are fluid and set a standard for all beat em ups to follow. But poor programming led to a short, glitchy game with artificial difficulty.

Algo tosco a comparación de beat em ups posteriores, pero divertido.

Mayoritariamente difícil, en sus últimos stage se incrementa la dificultad, tiene buena música en la mayoría de sus stage, es un juego corto, pero su dificultad te tendrá empezándolo una y otra vez, con el tiempo se aprende el patrón de los movimientos de los enemigos pero no será rápido, en general es un juego que te tendrá renegando por un tiempo.

An interesting variation of the classic arcade hit. Interspersed with the expected beat-em-up action, Technos have also thrown in some fiendish platforming, something that would be repeated for their NES sequel. Also the majority of attacks have been locked until you earn enough to achieve them, such as the elbow and ground pound. It's a tough, colourful game that's fun to play, if a little frustrating.

Playing Through My Evercade Collection Part 10: Technos Collection

Honestly as far as Arcade to NES conversions go, you could do a whole lot worse than Double Dragon. As a sort of spiritual sequel for Renegade, its certainly better in multiple aspects, the controls are better, the graphics are chunkier and the general flow of fights are mostly better.

Its still very much of the wiffly side with the punches and kicks though to the point where you'll mostly be relying on grabs, weapons, pits and jump kicks to get you across the levels... There also isn't really a lot here, four main levels, one or two annoying bits and not that many enemies... honestly I found most of the game until the last level to be a bit of a cakewalk and I think I died/game-overed more from accidentally falling down pits vs actually being beaten.

I will also say, Mode B, the weird attempt at a 1 v 1 fighting game... its terrible, its clunky and bad all-round.

Honestly if the leveling up system didn't make you feel so limited at the start (which makes Mission 3 a pain in the ass), I'd say this was a damn fun game. It plays decently smoothly and the music is great, but yeah the fact you have to earn moves for no real reason is just kinda dumb.
Oh yeah, and the time limit is just annoying, specifically in Mission 3.

It’s amazing how powerful nostalgia can be. This version of Double Dragon is clearly inferior to it’s arcade source but when you play this countless hours as a kid, can’t help but love it. Don’t know how many times I made it all the way through the first few levels only to be countless killed in the cave. Thank god for save states.

Simply put, I feel that Double Dragon is a very basic beat-em-up game. There's nothing that makes it stand out in comparison to other NES games of the same genre and the gameplay is pretty annoying in general. Enemies felt much faster at attacking than me and they can completely dodge my jump kicks by crouching, while, to my knowledge, I can do no such thing against any of their attacks. It's pretty short as well but, in this case, that's a positive. If it were any longer, I probably wouldn't have finished it.

I think this is much better than the arcade version. Level Ups are a cool gimmick and this is also one of the most difficult games I have beaten

Good god is this game a pain in the ass. Nothing like getting to the final boss and getting a game over due to running out of time. Very fun, but without continues, it's brutal.

A simple beat em up on the NES. It was unique for its time considering anything before it's release was "Kung Fu." Good game for NES standards.

It's a good beat'em up for NES standards.

Double Dragon is a classic, simple, and effective beat 'em up that I respect for its difficulty and fun, despite its age.

I give Double Dragon a light 7!

Double Dragon is a very primitive beat'em up by today's standards.
One button is for punching, the other's for kicking, and pressing both allows you to jump. The more enemies you beat, the more hearts you get, which allow you to get more moves and become stronger? I think.

This game has not really aged gracefully. While the overall presentation is decent by NES standards, and the music can get pretty catchy at some points, the gameplay itself just feels weak, and most of the time, it feels like RNG whether or not you hit your opponent first or they hit you.
Combined with the game's high difficulty and it becomes a game you play once, and never again.

this game was on the movie The Wizard (1989) that's pretty cool

Un classique du BTA qui a quand même un peu pris dans la gueule, on va pas se mentir, même si ça reste toujours rigolo de devoir castagner son frangin à la fin (et balancer des Abobos dans le vide).

Oh boy... One of the few NES games that I owned as a kid and only managed to reach stage 4 one time. No saves? No continues? Man, games were hard back then.
The one-on-one fighting mode was fun.
Otherwise it's pretty crappy compared to the arcade version.

Might be just as good as the arcade.

This is considered the beginning of a beloved beat'em up franchise : The Double Dragon series. While this is the first Double Dragon game, it's a spiritual successor of the game Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun.

First off, the story is pretty simple : girlfriend gets kidnapped, you need to save her. That's about it for the plot of this game. It's basic, but this game was not meant to be played for the story aspect.

The graphics are a little bit better than Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun. The backgrounds are better, the enemies looks more different from one another. So we could say that they improved the visual quality of the franchise.

The soundtrack is also a banger. We could see that over all the games that I beaten so far, they seem to put more time on creating a better OST. This makes the game even more enjoyable.

Now for the controls : They improved them compared to the previous entry. The controls to do certain techniques are easier and the feeling of hitting an enemy feels good. However, there's still the same problem that some attack are hard to align certain attacks. It is also true about the hit box of the enemies. I didn't always knows if the hit will hurt me or not. The bottomless pit were also a real pain in the game, especially when you need to jump over it. The controls were not made to do some platforming in the level.

This game is fun to go through, even if there were some really hard bosses.

Game # 50 of my challenge

Man screw this game! DD1 on NES sucks! The only reason it has higher than a 1 star is cause I respect its legacy. There's such stupid stage gimmicks like the blocks in the wall and the platforming.

Not a good game by any means, but I've always had a soft spot for it. It's a classic example of "Nintendo hard," full of completely bullshit level design, bad collision, bipolar enemy AI and no continues, but at the same time, a lot of it can be easily exploited and trivialized. The graphics are charming and the soundtrack is probably the best part of the entire package.

Great soundtrack and one of my most replayed NES games.