Reviews from

in the past

I just can't help the feeling that this game would've been better if it didn't get as self-important and dramatic as it does. It's got High highs and low lows. The "undertale" feel its clearly going for is best shown in its wacky cast of characters and silly dialogue. The battles and songs are quite good. I don't personally like the arm mechanic as much, but its still fun to play. A lot of battles have really fun visuals and effects that gives it a chaotic feel in the best way.

That all being said... The story is... not so good. I really wanted to like it, but it seems confused on what it wants to say or show. The plot holds itself up as very self important in a way it really doesn't earn. Also, the lost soul design for me is just too derivative of Gaster and I'm really sad the environments were so bland even if that was "the point".

If you like rhythm games this is worth checking out, but otherwise it might be worth skipping. It's a good game, but it just gets so wrapped up in itself.

Way better than I expected. If you liked Undertale I'm pretty sure you'll love this one, but make no mistake, the game is pretty different

very well made rpg with a good combat system and its fun I think

Honestly this game is really good, I just chickened out of the ending because I am hyperempathetic and didn't want to go through with it.

A game oozing with charm with its writing, gameplay and music.
I still listen to a lot of the tracks on a regular basis, just because they are so good. I would recommend it to most people, if they can get over the fact that the story might stumble over itself.

Got the regular, beat Frog, and 4 hour hallway endings. Very obviously inspired by Undertale, and that's fine cuz it's still a damn good game. Very unique combat system, wonderful music, and interesting take on immortality.

Everhood, um jogo que eu não dei nada e entregou TUDO!!!

Antes de qualquer coisa acho certo falar de onde conheci este jogo, em um dia qualquer em um ano qualquer, estava procurando algo para almoçar, até ver que Aiport tinha lançado um video, e cá esta uma demo deste jogo, achei legalizinho e enterrei esta memória na minha cabeça.

Em 2022 com um dinheirinho sobrando decidi comprar uns jogos, até que vi este jogo, e tive uma lembrança do jogo, comprei e deixei ele lá.

em 2023 sem nada para fazer deicidi pegar para jogar, e assim conheci o suprassumo dos jogos de ritmo musical.

Este jogo é incrivelmente bom, desde sua história até sua atmosfera, seus graficos são bons e nem se fale das musicas, esta parte é a melhor parte de todas.

Sua história é simples, você é um boneco que teve seu braço roubado por um anão, você vai atrás deste Anão, uma história que parece simples, mas que vai cada vez mais colocando para pensar e saber mais sobre ele.

A gameplay é muito boa, de te dar raiva e vontade de conseguir, sem falar de outras mecanicas de fora que tambem são incriveis, até agora o Kart é a minha favorita, Tem uma ambientação bem rica e lugares super legais de se explorar.

Vale a pena se você quer um jogo de ritmo, com dificuldade adequada, uma história interessante e um mundo mais interessante ainda.

A game about moving on
I moved on, it was somewhat fun though not memorable for me, maybe it's watered down by playing other games like outer wilds and rain world, which execute the same concepts way better

what a stylish game. the battle system is like, probably one of my favourites in any game I've played. and it's made even better by the soundtrack which is varied AND composed of a lot of bangers.
compared to other """quirky RPGs""", Everhood's world and characters could feel a bit tryhard, but with some elements of the plot in mind, I found the writing to make sense. its storytelling can also get pretty abstract but I think that it makes Everhood more of its own thing when put against its inspiration(s?).
this is such a neat project, hope the sequel will be worth the wait!!!

A really unique game. Good sound track, trippy visuals, cool boss fights. Obviously Undertale inspired, but also very much it's own thing.

Went into this game without knowing much about it and was blown away by how good it is. There's rarely games that keep reinventing themselves at every turn like Everhood. My expectations kept getting subverted and the rythm mechanics were just the right amount of challenging. Great soundtrack as well!

ele te promete nada e em seguida entrega tudo, absurdo

A decent game with a good story and gameplay. In the beginning, the gameplay took a bit for me to get used to with some fights feeling a bit too long. But in time I got used to it. The gameplay is kind of like a rhythm game but instead of playing to the rhythm you mostly move away from the rhythmical attacks. The story and the ideas presented were pretty good but I did not get much attached to the characters. Something that is both a positive and a negative would be that some fight sequences were a bit trippy in the sense that the visuals were a bit overwhelming at times but it seems it can be turned off in the settings. I also think that the difficulty was just the right amount for me to feel a sense of accomplishment after each fight. Would recommend it if you like games with a good story or that do something different with the gameplay.

It looks up to Undertale way too much. It has a few funny and unique moments, and we could even say it has charm or heart, but in the end I don't think it was worth my time.

This is the shit I live for.
Its amazing at showing so its hard for me to tell on it. A short and fanatic adventure with combat wholly unique and amazing music to accompany it. The story is nothing to scoff at either.
I don't think I could recommend any game with my entire being like Everhood. It's simply a must play.
I kept hearing about this game but didn't know anything about it so I went in mostly blind and I adore it. I'd say everything is perfect about this game and I won't expand on it. You need to try this out. Unless you have photosensory problems this game goes balls to the wall with them so keep that in mind.

Really enjoyed the music and gameplay but gosh golly gee willikers the message is dubious at best.

Pretty fun spin on the whole idea presented by Undertale with rhythm based dodging and features some pretty solid boss fights and an amazing soundtrack. The story kind of felt like a trip though (Not in a good way, more so in a confusing and not really satisfying way) but the cast was likeable enough. Worth a play purely for the soundtrack alone.

ma è davvero bello, un po' alla undertale

This is a very unconventional rhythm game with awesome characters. Yes. the atmosphere is very similar to yume nikki and undertale, but this is more of a very big respect to these projects than some simple carbon copy. Thank you very much to the authors, you did a very good job and a wonderful game.

Это очень нестандартная ритм-игра с офигительными персонажами. Да. атмосфера очень схожа с yume nikki и undertale, но это скорее очень большой респект этим проектам, чем какая-то простая копирка. Спасибо большое авторам, вы сделали очень хорошую работу и прекрасную игру.

Absolutamente brilhante! Everhood mescla o cartunesco com o existencial de forma absurda.

Gosto de classificar esse tipo de jogo como Mother-like pois apresenta inimigos não-convencionais, temas filosóficos, mecânicas subversivas, quebras da quarta parede, etc.

Aqui o protagonista não lida com oponentes em turnos e nem no bullet hell. Everhood inova e se inspira ao mesmo tempo em outras obras trazendo uma jogabilidade rítmica sobre fretboards de Guitar Hero com fundos que lembram as batalhas em Earthbound.

Confesso que nem todas as músicas durante as batalhas são boas, mas muitas vão ficar tocando no fundo da minha mente por semanas. Até porque algumas batalhas são bastante difíceis e requerem um certo nível de habilidade motora. Apesar disso há como diminuir a dificuldade se você é ruim como eu...

Acho injusto a comparação quase direta de Everhood com Undertale. Independente de ter uma estética parecida e uma óbvia inspiração na obra de Toby Fox, Everhood tem sim um charme único e subverte bem mais.

No aguardo para o lançamento de sua sequência!!

Precioso en todos los aspectos

A fun bullet-hell-esque rhythm game that delves pretty deep into themes of existentialism.

The gameplay loop was fun and by the time I thought it got stale, it managed to freshen things up again.

OST is a bop, definitely going to relisten like I did with Furi's OST.

I think the game dragged on a bit with its ending, but it was a bittersweet experience.

Overall a good time, don't play if you are prone to seizures tho.

Super good game, absolutly love it, almost completed it in about 30 hours i think, so alot of content

This game felt quite unique compared to any other music-related game with the atmosphere the characters & gameplay give. Each character has unique songs and different "Attack patterns" making each battle feel unique.
Each song is fun the first time playing it, however I only like replaying a few of the many songs, lowering my score.

Sometimes I have an urge to tap with my fingers to some form of rhythm. Of all rhythm games, this makes me feel the most fulfilled.

Lo deje de lado porque literalmente no sabia ya como seguir y es raro de cojones pero el sistema de combate mola muchisimo de verdad probadlo

So underrated and fun, one of the best games i've played that barely anyone talks about.

Might have gotten far, and overcome many a challenge that seemed enormous at first. Had a blast, but at some point it just got too hard. Or the story had already concluded without me realizing and I was at some NG+ thing? I can't recall. Dug the Yume Nikki vibes throughout, and the OST had some catchy tracks.

What a ride... Dropped this earlier because I couldn't push through hard difficulty but picked it up again after some time and noticed my reaction time being a lot better.

This is probably up there with Undertale as most memorable Indie RPGs I've played, simply for the themes, characters, music, presentation and feelings it instilled within me.