Reviews from

in the past

I want to like it so bad. Obvious callbacks to 3 make it appealing to me, but so much else fall short, I can't call it one of my favorites

Köpüş chorizo yüzünden oyuna başladım ama recruit edemeden sıkıldım. Önceki oyunlara göre bizim karakterin konuşması ve cutscenelerde görünmesi hoşuma gitti, actingde güzeldi.

The video game equivalent of sleeping pills, but it's still kinda fun.

combat is decent, ai is braindead tho, standard fc shit

Primeiro Far Cry que joguei e o que mais me motivou pra isso foi
1) Ter ficado de graça durante um final de semana
2) Ter o gus
3) Não tinha o console antes

Ganhei o jogo de presente, mas não tive ânimo pra jogar, então ficou lai guardado, quero jogar de novo, mas tenho a mídia física do ps4 e não vou comprar de novo pra dar dinheiro pra ubi

JOGO FINALIZADO - Modo Guerrilha - Dani Rojas Homem

Ambientação maravilhosa, gameplay trilha sonora e otimização satisfatórios, porém o jogo é MUITO Longo o que o torna repetitivo, principalmente pois é extremamente mais do mesmo, igual os outros Far Cry, o Giancarlo Esposito é maravilhoso porém conseguiram estragar ele, o vilão é fraco e aparece poucas vezes, as expressões faciais são bem ruins, exceto a do Giancarlo Esposito que é muito boa

Chorizo you will always be famous!

Yet another Far Cry. This is probably the best one. Good villain again. Same old missions etc. Like it!

Far Cry 6 is a whole lot of chaotic fun, but it's also basically the exact same Ubisoft open-world game we've been playing for years. Blowing stuff up, taking over bases, the formula is all there... and there's nothing really new to it. Giancarlo Esposito is a great villain, the island of Yara is beautiful, but the story's a bit of a mess and the missions get repetitive fast. If you love Far Cry already, you'll enjoy it, but don't expect anything to really surprise you.

é ruim, zerei só de brabo

Story 4.8 | Gameplay 3.8 | Audio 3 | Visual 4.3 | Details 5 | Entertainment 5 | Open world 5

Total 4.4

bu oyunu yapanlar eşşek mi hacı?

A história em sí é boa, mas a ubisoft não se cansa de dar CTRL C + CTRL V nos jogos, a mesma coisa a mesma receita triple A, nada de diferente...

A história podia terminar melhor e algumas missões eram desnecessárias... Mas é ok.

Eu tentei, eu juro que eu tentei, mas eu já to velho demais pra gastar 20/30 horas num jogo SEM ALMA desse. Essa bomba consegue ser repetitiva na primeira hora de campanha, imagina o resto...

This game is just hard to finish, I like open world games but I don't get why studios are so hellbent on making them larger and larger. This is one of the examples where it is just too big. All the regions being split up between different "factions" of the resistance just doesn't work for me, most of the resistance leaders are also not very charming or interesting to interact with and all kinda act the same.

I also really dislike the jury-rigged weapon customizations and the backpack especially.

Its exactly what you'd expect from the series at this point. It has a great villain but the heroes of the story are super annoying and its very buggy. It did have great weapon variety though. Also I did find it annoying that on the highest difficultly the enemies take something like 6 or 7 bullets to the chest to kill but only one headshot to kill. Seems like a weird multiplier.

Bem massa, eu acredito que a parte do máximas matanza fosse totalmente removida do jogo beneficiaria muito ele. Digo isso porque o jogo é bem tranquilo de jogar, quando você conquista os dois primeiros mapas, mas quando chega no terceiro realmente bate o cansaço. Porém, eu amei a gameplay do jogo e fiz quase tudo no stealth, então foi muito divertido. A seleção de armas é maravilhosa e achei satisfatório jogar sem ter que ver uma hora de cutscene toda vez. A história do jogo claramente é escrita de forma simples, com os escritores não conseguindo amarrar coisas básicas da trama para nos fazer nos importar, mas assim, importa? Eu quero só obliterar todos mesmo, então quanto menos diálogo melhor. Dito isso, fico triste pelo Giancarlo Esposito ter suas expressões faciais feitas de qualquer jeito; o gráfico dele é muito feio e até compromete a atuação dele. Enfim, para mim, Far Cry é igual filme do Jason Statham, eu consumo para me divertir sem pensar muito, e essas mídias fazem muito bem isso.

não é o pior far cry, nem o melhor, esse jogo é muito mediano

ruim demais, é muito ruim mesmo

Beating it with the secret ending still counts as beating it right? :'D

Dani, você quer o mundo? Eu te dou! É o melhor Far Cry, não tem como pô.

It’s brimstone… It’s dust…

This review contains spoilers

Just fine for an Ubisoft game, the story is nothing remarkable and neither is the gameplay. Most of the charm of this game comes from the wildly unserious characters like Juan, Bicho and Dani. There are a few things I'd change about the story being told, I really would've loved to have some kind of double agent action going on with Juan (and I really would've loved to kill him for getting Clara killed and trying to kill an innocent 13 year old boy in place of Anton), especially after he went behind Clara's back so much. Him wanting to take McKay's money in exchange for Dani sparing his life and Libertad being involved with the CIA without Clara's knowledge could've been beautifully expanded on but... Ubisoft. I also would have adored Diego surviving, leaving Yara with Dani and them having a "found family" trope. I think it's bullshit because it seemed like that was where the direction of their story together was going and then it just seemed like Ubisoft chickened out at the last second along with the classic "this guy is a terrible villain but oh no he's got terminal cancer!" theme we see so often in media (ironically, breaking bad just from a slightly different lens.) I do think that way of killing Anton off was particularly coward of Ubisoft because he wasn't a half bad villain, in the end it was kind of pointless to write in a type of sickness for a sense of desperation and urgency in the story anyhow because he just ends up slitting his throat after shooting Diego. Most of this game's flaws can be attributed to Ubisoft's lazy writers and the fact they're such a big studio they can put out nearly anything and still make millions so they've stopped caring about the quality of their work, this shows through how they have milked the title of Assassin's Creed so much they ended up losing sight of what that title even means for the game in the midst of all that greed. Now, I will say the game was still fun BUT if you're someone who likes loads of diversity in gameplay I will say this is not the one for you, personally I can play games like this for hours at a time that can be reduced to just moving the joystick and pressing L2 and R2 (aim and shoot), that's something I enjoy because I like most repetitive gameplay, I'm a firm believer not every game has to be Sekiro or Mortal Kombat to be fun but if you don't get enjoyment from lots of walking/land traversal, fast traveling, basic combat and rather stupid enemies, this isn't for you. This game is already decent but it could've been so much better had they had the balls to give Dani and Diego a mother and son relationship and killed Juan Cortez or at the very least made him some kind of snake. I really enjoyed this for what it was and I think if you go into this with mediocre expectations, you'll have just as good of a time as I did. I will say, the side quests were well written, unserious and a nice time which was surprising because Ubisoft usually sucks at side quests, if you look at literally every AC Val side quest they all suck and so clearly had no effort or soul put into them, that's one thing I WILL give this game is that it has some damn good side quests. Concluding this, there's obviously better games but this is still pretty good for being made by Ubisoft and I'd say it's one of the few in the many series titles they like to milk that suffers the least from technical difficulties, lazy writing, time crunching and/or last-minute changes.