Reviews from

in the past

a masterpiece.

my memories will be a part of the sky.

My memories will be part of the sky

Thank you. Farewell. My memories will be part of the sky...

ITS PEAK!! Probably the sweetest rpg i've ever played, it was so cute. the story and characters are 10/10 and the game itself has aged so much better than any other ps1 game I've played. Objectively the best final fantasy game imo.

Definitely the best of the three PS1-era Final Fantasy games. A great visual style, a cast of characters that includes maybe the best singular character in the franchise (Vivi) and of course, Tetra Master.

While 7 was very experimental and 8 was a little too plodding in it's pace, 9 manages to find a perfect balance of pacing, combat and storytelling prowess.

This review contains spoilers

Where do I even begin? Final Fantasy IX was a fantastic experience. I'm not embarrassed to admit how emotional this game made me. Hell, it's probably the most I've gotten invested into a game in a long time. I actually want to really dig into this, even if it is mostly to gush. Quick side note that I have no reference for how this port compares to the original. All that I know is that it ran with no issues, and that's good enough for me after my complications with the X/X-2 Steam release. I will simply be referring to this as the game itself.

This is one of my first forays into Final Fantasy's classic ATB system, and I had a great time with it. If I were to complain about anything, it would be Trance. Not only does it go off whenever it likes, but it's only useful around half of the time, if not less. I suppose Freya's Trance did save my ass during the penultimate fight of the game, however, so take that as you will. Besides that, the battles were quick and decisive and fun. I feel as though I was given a lot of tools at my disposal and was able to plan/adjust accordingly. On the topic of tools and gameplay, I find that I really like how equipment and abilities worked. This isn't to say that there weren't pieces of equipment that got decidedly outclassed, but there weren't a whole ton of objective or obvious upgrades- especially later on- like there are in other RPGs, which I always appreciate. This makes equipping for battle feel like an actual strategic choice. The same concept applies to learned abilities, which were fun to build with and manage. There was a nice variety of them and some interesting ways one could go with it. All in all, I wasn't sure what I was expecting with FFIX's core gameplay loop, and I ended up having a great time (even as bosses would delve more and more into "bullshit" territory, as people might say, but even then I never struggled more than what was engaging for me personally).

There's no clean transition into this, but the game looks fine, really. Good, even. I went in expecting much worse based on what I was told but Final Fantasy IX looks about on par with the original Final Fantasy VII if not better. Is it because of the character designs and art style? Those are the best parts! The more cartoonish look of FFIX really aids it, I feel, and really makes for some fun characters that you can take one look at and get a great idea of their personality. The aversion to it is weak. Embrace the whimsy. Anyhow, the 2D backgrounds are great, the overworld isn't so great but that was to be expected, the cutscenes are charming, and on the topic of presentation, the music and atmosphere of FFIX was fantastic. Congratulations to Not Alone for successfully hitting as hard as it did. Besides the more emotional pieces, there are some really enjoyable and interesting ones. It's a good and varied soundtrack for a good and varied game.

To even begin to broach the topic of writing, it's worth mentioning first and foremost how very tight the pacing is, especially earlier on. There's almost always something happening and it's very good at keeping one engaged without feeling like too much, so to speak. Everything happens for a reason and it always feels as though the characters are taking an active part. This is aided massively by FFIX being unafraid to split off from Zidane and follow the other party members on their solo ventures. This is referring to the ATEs, of course, but I find that some of the game's most interesting moments came from when the player was controlling two separate parties. It gives the game and characters a lot of life. On that note, it's been said before, but FFIX's characters are truly excellent. Even the more unimportant members like Freya and Amarant (specifically the former, in my case and personal preferences) had their moments, but characters like Garnet, Vivi, and even Steiner are dynamic, engaging, and just plain fun. The party members in general have some great dynamics with one another. The NPCs, similarly, tend to stand out, and even the unnamed ones have some good dialogue in light of FFIX's decent sense of humor.

This leads me to Zidane and, by proxy, Kuja, who are two characters I find myself enjoying immensely. Going into FFIX, I was honestly expecting to not like Zidane at all, having been introduced to him through Dissidia in which his character description is less than flattering to my tastes. However, I am beyond pleased that this couldn't have ended up being further from the truth, as he was likely one of my favorite parts. He's a very good protagonist to follow with a very good arc- as crazy as it may be, although the absurdity only makes it better for me- who I couldn't help but root for by the end. He and Garnet had a far more interesting dynamic than I was expecting in particular, and thus the ending hit as hard as it did with the help of the somber , bittersweet tone set by everything else. On that note, Kuja was fascinating to me. I think it's useless to discuss whether or not a character is redeemable when it comes to media analysis, or whether or not they "deserve" anything one way or another. The game successfully dodges both of these bullets, condemning Kuja at the end of the game while still taking the time to thoroughly understand and sympathize with him in a way I really connected with. The final scene between him and Zidane is beautiful, and the game wouldn't be the same without it. This leads to the final thing I wanted to discuss: the themes. FFIX did a wonderful job at tackling the issues it addressed, in my opinion, with shockingly nuanced discussions of death, purpose, loneliness, and legacy. Love permeates the game and you can feel it, both in-universe and out. Maybe it's embarrassing for me to say, but thinking about it still gives me chills; I truly do think that this game was exactly what it set out to be and is better for it. I resonate with the vision. I really, really resonate with Final Fantasy IX.

I'm bad at conclusions. Uh, yeah. Play Final Fantasy IX, if you're reading this and haven't already for whatever reason. Suggest to me some more games with heartfelt messages and batshit lore if you have. I love Final Fantasy.

i give this a 9 for being final fantasy 9 because ther is a 9 in the title, and also because its a nearly perfect game with insanely weird character designs that are a good thing and also cause i like that he has a monke tail

i love seeing these characters in this unknown world discovering the unknown n making it known
i love seeing romance being developed really subtly
i love seeing the good character who helps the other characters break down and being in a pickle himself getting helped by the ones who he helped solving their problems
i love the stupidity of the jokes
i love the amount of love put into this game
i love this game

Played with the Moguri mod and had a really good time. I thought it was amazing how well very adult themes were addressed, such as weapons of mass destruction and genocide. The music was fantastic and really medieval and playful. In general, I found the fighting a bit too slow, you fight a lot and the intro sequences and animations for the attacks were just unbearably long after a certain point. I also found some characters really weak or even annoying- Thorn and Zorn or whatever they were called were horrible, Amaranth had potential but was completely forgotten and Quina was also there but somehow without any real arch or development...but Vivi is maybe the best FF character ever :D

I am the exact same shape as steiner

That Moguri Mod goes hard though.
This is my first Final Fantasy and goddamn what a great game this was. Every character is just so memorable and likable, even the ones who didn't get as much fleshing out as they shoulda (Freya).
Zidane was a great protag and he really just made all his scenes so much better with his charisma, kind-heartedness, and every moment near the end game once you get into around the final 7ish hours of the game. Vivi needs no explanation he's just the best and a good kid.
Steiner is great and an absolute goof, Dagger is immediately interesting, some of her mid-game sorta interactions are a bit meandering, but she really ends up as a great character by the end. Freya didn't get enough closure but still a good character that I can't help but really like cuz she's just cool and a really big humanoid rat. Amarant is one of those characters who're weird and subtle in how they develop, even during the explicit development parts, and I really like him for that.
Eiko is cute and a gremlin and while she initially seems like she'll be an annoying child, she ends up being quite likable by the end. And Quina is just the weirdest thing ever, but they're very funny sometimes so they get a pass.
Tons more major and minor characters I could talk about, but the gist is that they're all great and memorable and I love each and everyone of them cuz they're so goofy and unique. Music is amazing, too. The final boss theme is just so good especially considering this is a PS1 game. Highly recommend.

Great remaster of a great game.

Esse foi o primeiro Final Fantasy que eu zerei, e posso afirmar que é um dos MELHORES jogos que eu já joguei em toda a minha vida.

A atmosfera que esse jogo passa é algo surreal, ela consegue transmitir todas as emoções possíveis, te deixando calmo, aflito e muita das vezes confortável, tinha dias que eu abria o jogo depois de muita ansiedade e só de observar o ambiente e os personagens eu já ficava mais tranquilo.

A direção de arte é impressionante pra o Playstation 1, nunca achei que o console conseguiria aguentar esses gráficos e esse 3D tão bem feito, todas as técnicas que são usadas pra fazer as cenas de ação podem parecer meio toscas, mas pro ínicio dos anos 2000 e no PS1 isso é algo extremamente impressionante

A única coisa que me incomodou de fato foi o sistema de turnos, com o oponente por diversas vezes ignorando a sua vez de atacar ou os personagens demorando muito pra fazer as ações, mas isso é algo tolerável.

Espero ter mais experiências gratificantes que nem essa nos outros jogos da franquia que eu for jogar.

Extremamente divertido. Os personagens são ótimos, a premissa é excelente, a execução do roteiro e a narrativa são incríveis, além da excepcional trilha sonora. Só não curti os cenários.

Although I did not feel the same high I did when playing VII, Final Fantasy IX was an amazing, emotional game. The gameplay and the story are simpler (at least on the surface level) and the way they pay off by the end is extremely satisfying. I recommend people who've gotten into the Final Fantasy series to also play this entry.

Finished Disc 1 and idk this one isn't doing it for me. Will go back to it eventually but yeah...this y'all king?

What to say about this video game.
It is the best JRPG ever created.
The story is deep and mature, the characters are amazing, everyone has a good background and an interesting objective that goes along with the story.
The music is beautiful and the world in which everything unfolds is wonderful. 10/10❤️
I recommed using the Alternate fantasy and Moguri mods for an even better experience.

In the 4 years since I first played Final Fantasy IX, I've played (and enjoyed) almost every other game in the series.

And revisiting it now? Yeah, it's still the best one.

All I can say is a quote from ProJared,

"Final Fantasy VII is the most important one, Final Fantasy VI is my favorite one, Final Fantasy IX is the best one"

Everyone always lists 7 as their favourite or the best one of all time, but in all honesty ffix is the magnum opus of the series. The setting, the characters, the music, the story and everything else are all top quality.

It originally released towards the end of the ps1's life as champion of consoles since the ps2 was around the corner (outside of japan) and a lot of people missed it, which is fair enough. But if you're a fan of final fantasy and jrpgs this is a must play.

Second best final fantasy mmmmmm

BETTER STORY THAN FINAL FANTASY SEVEN DONT LET ANYONE ELSE TELL YOU OTHERWISE, or at least vivi is top 3 final fantasy character ever, I can't say the gameplay is better than ff7 or the setting but this game is stil great in its setting, gameplay, and characters, with kuja almost rivaling sephiroth as one of my favorite villains in gaming.

A temática da história sobre o sentido da vida e a certeza da morte me pegou bastante (provocando choros de minha pessoa no final). É um jogo incrível e muito bem feito do jeito que um bom Final Fantasy se propõe a ser — ainda que a jogabilidade eu prefira a do X em alguns aspectos, a história deste realmente me cativou. Amei =).

This was my first FF game growing up and the one I have major nostalgia for. That being said this was my third time playing through it and now that I have alot more experience with the series and command-based RPGs in general I definitely think my opinion of the game went down slightly.

This is mainly in the gameplay and presentation department. The story and music is still incredible. Playing with the moguri mod was like seeing the game in a whole new light. I still love the characters and the vibe and the wholesomeness of it all. But the gameplay felt like a slog this time around. From the combat speed to the high encounter rate to battle transitions to the tediousness of the side activities...everything just felt slow and the pace felt grueling at times. This is somewhat alleviated by the boosters and cheats you can use in the Steam version. It was nice to eventually just max everything out and turn encounters off when I was ready to blast towards the end.

I still think I give the game 5 stars based on my love for it and its many strengths, but as far as its place in my ranking of FF games it definitely dropped a few spots.

took me 2 weeks to finish this not because the game is overly long I just have not been in the mood to play video games, hit a bit of a rut recently.
but even with that said this is a great RPG a lot better than 7 and 8 mechanics-wise but in my opinion not as interesting story-wise, than 7 at least it feels a lot more like a traditional final fantasy campaign which is fine I like the characters and I think they are a lot more empathetic then 8's
overall a great rpg that maybe was a bit oversold to me as a lot of people consider this to be the best final fantasy game
also, I played this on Android which has a surprisingly good port for this with all the same quality of life improvement as pc and adequate adaptation of the controls to a touch screen.

Let's get this out of the way first: The final boss in this game is bullshit. Yes, I love every bit of this game, but it was still bullshit. BIG difficulty spike. I tried at least ten times, but kept dying off to its overpowered attacks. I thought about cheating (I'm a grown man, I've got shit to do), but I wanted it do it 'right,' because I had grown to love this game and didn't want the last bit to be spoiled like that. I didn't want a second healer in the party either because my favourite character, Vivi, had to be there for the last fight. So I changed my equipment around, tried some new tactics and it wasn't so bad after all. And now that I avoided ruining the final boss for myself...

The further this game went on, the better it got. It started off as a good game, was hitting greatness by the end of Disc 2, and in the endgame - helped by some incredibly moving and epic music by Uematsu - became excellent. This is among his best work. This is among everybody involved's best work. The game feels like a look back on the series up till that point as it said goodbye to the PS1 era. Designs from the 2D games return, but never at the expense of FF IX's own identity.

I loved the cast. Vivi is my guy, of course, but everyone's personalities are a good mix of cartoonish and sympathetic. The story got better and better as it went on, where most games fizzle a bit at some point, and even the villain felt like he had a point. Also the villain is incredibly sexy so even if he didn't have a point I'd root for him.

The combat is straightforward and rewarding, the level scaling is appropriate, and the game is really good at making you feel your progress. If there is one thing I had to nitpick, it's that the Trance/super saiyan mode was irrelevant to most battles and couldn't be influenced much by the player, but it doesn't really matter.

There is also so much to do in the towns aside from the main story. They'll make a minigame out of anything. The card game is really fun and I'd love to play it irl, and it's easy to get sidetracked by something to do so long as you wander around. Both the in-game graphics and the FMVs are astoundingly good for the PS1, and the remaster makes them even better.

This game feels like one of those stars-aligned moments where a bunch of creative folk got together, decided they were going to make something good and did it, without pressure. There's almost nothing to criticize in it. Nothing feels like it had to be compromised on. The game doesn't have the weight of being the end of an era, or a retrospective, or anything like that on it - it's just there to be enjoyed. Highly recommended to people who like RPGs and people who don't, because this is as good an introduction as could be.