Reviews from

in the past

Another incredible game, although I wish they had waited to release the whole thing at once rather than doing early access again. All of the new weapons are fun, and while I thought the magic meter attacks were really bad at the start of the game, once you get a few upgrades they become a great addition to the combat. The material grinding is a weird change, but not that annoying I guess. Music is great again too, especially the Scylla and the sirens themes, those are amazing.

se no early acess ja ta assim, imagina quando lançar

havent finished a run yet but the game isn't finished either so idc lol
either way its good, much like the original hades it combines greek myths and roguelikes, two of my favorite things lol
anyways scylla.......if you're free later you could maybe claw out my eyes and drown me to death......if u want to......... >///<

ta no early acess ainda mas esse jogo ja ta fenomenal

A sequel in every sense of the word. This game is essentially another hades 1. I think it makes some improvements with the core issues I had with Hades 1: the lack of re-playability. The builds here seem more interesting and diverse, however it suffers from the same fate as hades 2, once you find a build you like, why change it? I still don't think it holds a candle to other 10/10 roguelikes (i.e. ROR2, Binding of Isaac, Dead Cells, etc.) as those games you can put 1000's of hours into, and for me at least, Hades will be a 100 hour game.

Like it's brother, Hades 2 is maybe the most fun I've had with a roguelike, and it's not even finished. At the time of writing this I've gotten to both "hey man, we're still working on it" screens and decided to hold off on delving much deeper until the full package is in front of me. I do have some nitpicks and criticisms, but I'd rather wait to see if those are addressed in the full game. That being said, as it stands, you're getting your money's worth here.

Great foundation. Parts of it far surpass the first game despite still being in developement. Others (example being currently available boons and weapon upgrades) feel much worse. Waiting for the full release, it's promising and I'm hopeful but I do worry about the combat being worse than part 1

Really good but also really punishing. Everything feels like an improvement from 1

It is SO hard to do but I am putting this one down until 1.0.

I got past the second boss (INCREDIBLE) and a fair bit in to the third area. I somehow think I am already liking this more than Hades and am actually going to lose my mind when the full thing comes out.

I love Mel and her move set and her cast of characters at the crossroads. I love the writing and the music and the art. I love the whole thing and absolutely can't wait for the finished product!!!

É incrível como esse jogo consegue ser mais bonito e mais bem escrito que o primeiro. É tudo fascinante e viciante, minha vontade a cada momento é SÓ jogar esse jogo.
e nossa, tem muito conteúdo para um early access, eu não larguei ainda e não sei quando vou largar, mas não quero chegar na parede de conteúdo.

Unfortunately not as good as the first one. Still great tho

How the hell is it already better than the first one.

Hades 2 absolutely rips, but that isn't surprising in the slightest. It's a really exceptional game, and a surprisingly fresh follow-up to what is one of my favourite games ever.

I think the shift in stakes is what's made this one feel so unique. Rather than being a pretty insular tale of Zagreus escaping hell in search of his mother, the scope of the mission has broadened for his sister Melinoë, tasked with defeating Chronos, the Titan of Time, and insodoing, save her family from imprisonment. It's unclear what the fate of the House of Hades is exactly at this point, but I'm confident in whatever Supergiant decide to cook up here.

Regardless, the tone switch to one of saviour rather than rebel is tantalising, and the ways in which that burden weighs upon our new protagonist is making for some delicious character drama. The denizens of our new hub area, the Crossroads, are all fun to interact with, and their motivations are just as compelling as what has come before. I think the interactions are a little different this time, with a fresh-out-of-hiding Mel much more likely to come across fresh faces than Zag who, having lived in the Underworld his whole life, knows pretty much everyone already. I'm not sure if I'm as fond of the new approach, given that I think Supergiant excels most in writing relationships and their backstories as mysteries to be solved through repeated conversation, but the writing is still so bouncy and fresh that I can't say the difference is too noticeable to me.

The game plays pretty much the same with some differences to the way certain mechanics operate, but for the most part it's been quite easy to slip back into the signature Hades feel. I like the changes to how boons work, with Selene the Moon Titan working as the dedicated God Call - now called Hexes - and being able to customise that Hex accordingly. I like the new boon additions too; the inclusion of new gods like Hera, Hestia, Hephaestus and Apollo is neat and it's cool to see Supergiant's gorgeous artistic interpretation of them.

What I'm less sure about is the new resource gathering system. On the one hand, I understand it; the original Hades only really had a small handful of options to use as currency for upgrades, so I get the impulse to diversify that aspect of the game. That being said, it has now created a brand new frustration in that it's entirely possible to be missing a really specific material you can only get in a late game area, and depending on how unlucky you get with your build in any given run, you can spend ages throwing yourself at the same situation again and again, to get to an area where the thing you're looking for doesn't even show up. I get that this design is supposed to incentivise repeated runs, but I think the promise of possible friendly encounters, fresh dialogue in boss fights, and just the base level fun of playing the game, is more than enough incentive, at least for me. As it stands, it feels like an unnecessary roadblock.

Ultimately though, the game is still in early access so much can change. Supergiant have already said that they're likely to keep tweaking the game balance all the way up to release, so until that day, we'll have to withhold judgement I think. As it stands, Hades 2 is awesome, and between the success of this and Baldur's Gate 3, the future of self-published games is looking bright. I hope the game only improves with Time.

(Review of the early access, I doubt I'll finish it before the full game comes out, but I might play it here and there)
First off, this game will be compared a lot to the first hades in this review. While there are some aspects that this has over 1, a lot of the changes to progression and gameplay I just find lacking. OfCourse this all can change or be improved upon in the full release, and I hope that's true.
I like the changes to the combat; it feels good and fluid while keeping the basis of the first game. The axe is a really fun to use, but the rest of the weapons are not as good as it or the ones from hades 1. Also, the encounter rewards aren't as fun as the first game. From what I've played I haven't had as much fun making different builds or experimenting with boons that just might work well together. The number of boons you get feels a lot less and it doesn't feel good coming across rooms that just give you the currencies that you can only use in your next run through. I have no idea why they don't let you switch keepsakes across areas like Hades. And while I've only just finished the second area, the bosses don't feel fun to play against. I hope just for the sake of making it different, the devs don't remove the features that made Hades so fun.

who could have predicted supergiant could hit it out of the park twice thrice four times oh right i forgot they were just this consistently great

i think its very good as is. i know it is likely multiple people thnk that it will be worth it to wait until completion, and while i'm not going to say they're incorrect to do so, i'm going to do something i almost never do which is to argue for playing an early access version of a game. thats what below is, and if you don't care then my answer is its good areadly, and already has more to do than hades 1, at the cost of using more placeholder art and sketches.

i bought hades 1 IMMEDIATELY upon the announcement of it, even with early access. it's the reason i created an account on epic's godless platform. it was completely worth it. one of the most interesting things about myth is not necessarily the flexibility but the way that a single story can exist in multiple different forms while being the same story, and nothing quite captured that for me like the experience of playing hades 1 as it was built from the ground up. rooms and builds shifting being accompanied by the story readjusting, more coming into view. it's weird how well the early iteration being public fits hades and greek myth, and even moreso when you have a guaranteed finale unlike some sort of live service hell. i replayed hades for the first time since the original full release about a month ago and it's such a unique feeling going from the fireplace storytelling of my original save to reading carved tablets from millennia ago. right now you have the same opportunity to do so with hades two, and i recommend doing so for yourself so so sooo much.

fun game but tbh i think i'll just wait for the full version to come out for now

Me ha gustado más que el primero pero por ahora le pondré la misma nota xq no está completo del todo, para ser un early access eso sí se lo han currado mucho. Tkm Melinoe.

everyone is so...

good game :)

Take a relatively solid, well-received formula, then pare down all of the interesting gameplay to a very simple formula, add dozens of useless upgrades and resource gathering minigames that gate content, and introduce dozens to hundreds of bugs that, while this is Early Access, hamper the experience even beyond where it was already. I played it, I beat it 6 times (not including the 3 or 4 runs I lost to game-breaking bugs), and I uninstalled it.

Amazing and pretty good accessibility options that help me a lot at tough parts. And the art is stunning .

Fantastic but still in early access in the simplest definition. If you can accept that there are placeholder models and portraits or unfinished portraits, and one route isn’t fully finished and the story isn’t done yet, hop on. This is excellent. It changes systems and feels fresh, yet so loving to the original. I’m not going to give a rating until 1.0, as that’s not really fair of me if I give something which is explicitly in early access a 4.5, yet openly diss games which release unfinished. It’d be disingenuous to the process too. I look forward to seeing what Supergiant creates here. I’ll re-review it and score it once we truly have an ending. For now, I think it’s best I put it down until its next major update to reduce any chance of burnout.

LOVEEEE. awesome game and awesome sequel. i can’t wait to see more of the story.

It's insanely good but this is the definition of early access. All the content here is absolutely fantastic but the lack of some is very jarring. Major content missing, placeholder models and portraits, balancing issues etc. Playing it now is very interesting and it's gonna be really fun when the updates start rolling but unless you're absolutely craving for more Hades I would recommend holding off until the full release. This here's a masterpiece in the making, just gotta wait till the making is done.

this game is the bisexual of Hades II

GooeyScale: 90/100

Waiting for full release, but the game is really good even in early access.

i dont know if i feel completely okay with already this game since it's still in early access but imma do it anyway

Death to Chronos

hades 2 does the thing where the game is set an unknown amount of time after the first game, and youre thrust without knowing what has happened or whats going on, unknown familiarity

death to chronos!

Iba a no poner puntuación y simplemente decir que es bueno porque me molesta que hasta dentro de 2 años o asi no vaya a estar completo, pero la canción de Scylla me hizo cambiar de opinión