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in the past

I spent roughly around 80% of this game stacking things on top of each other like a 4 year old. Oh what? The gameplay? Oh ya uh its fine I guess.

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This is the best Half-Life game and one of the best VR games I have ever played. I don't think anything can even compare to this level. The world of City 17 is so immersive and everything feels so fluid. The gunplay is so much fun, I love how reloading in the game works. The ending is fantastic and leaves me wanting so much more from the series. I loved the level design with "Jeff" being my favorite; the way it used the VR tools it had was so creative and Jeff himself is a palpable threat.

I had minimal issues with this game. I only really have a couple of things to say. The biggest issue I ran into was the technical issues. I started the game using a wired connection with the Meta Quest 3 and the game rendering on the TV so my roommates could watch me play. This caused the game to crash almost every time I loaded a scene meaning when I transitioned levels or died. The issue wasn't terrible though since I just had to switch to a wireless headset connection and stopped putting the game on the TV.

My more important issue is with Half-Life overall. I played through something revolutionary, but Valve doesn't care about it. I genuinely believe I will never play another VR experience like Alyx. The quality is leagues beyond most VR titles I have played. It is so unfortunate that Valve will never do anything with it though. They will say that they are working on it and that a follow-up to Alyx will happen, but there is no guarantee with Valve because they don't have to keep their promises when they own all of Steam. The income they make with any of their other games will always pale compared to owning the only digital games marketplace that people care about. I want Valve to do something they will never do or take years to do because I already liked Portal and I like Half-Life now, the worlds that Valve created fascinate me and I want to continue to be a part of them. It can't happen though because they won't make another game.

Despite my disappointment with Valve's status as a game maker, this experience was genuinely one of my favorites and I want more.

HL: Alyx is the crown jewel of VR gaming. Developers years, decades from now will return to Alyx to learn from it - as with the rest of the Half Life series.

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the best vr game on the market, hope they follow up on the cliffhanger with an eventual dlc or sequel

Plays it a bit safe for the sake of accessibility, but it's an excellent polished experience.

craziest gaming experience ive ever had

o melhor jogo vr que joguei e uma ótima continuação pra saga half life, a mecânica da luva de gravidade é uma das coisas mais divertidas q eu ja vi em um jogo, pena que o próximo half life sai só em 2050

Me lo meto por el ano una barbaridad

cara, que jogo perfeito.

esse é um game que você PRECISA colocar para qualquer pessoa que nunca tocou em um VR jogar, é uma experiencia linear completa EXTREMAMENTE imersiva e com uma historia, bem, digna de Half Life.

Por mais estranho que pareça esse foi o primeiro game da franquia Half Life que eu joguei e com ele eu comecei a criar um baita interesse pela série, agora mesmo eu comprei o Half Life 2 pra jogar, e assim eu espero mas espero de coração mesmo que a Valve lance uma continuação pra esse jogo ou até mesmo outro jogo de VR, os caras sabem oque fazem apesar de demorar décadas pra lançar um jogo novo.

Resumindo: Jogo incrivel lindo maravilhoso jogue (unica coisa negativa nesse jogo são as desgraças dos head-craps esses bichos vindo direto do inferno tem que morrer)

Best (only?) VR game. But I'm too scared to continue

When this game came out I thought "this is it, this will be what changes VR games forever"

Well its 4 years later now and this did not in fact change VR games and the VR software market is super dead. Which is very disappointing because this game is amazing, I just think the market for VR games is not there and won't ever be. But hey if you made the poor financial decision of buying a headset you can at least play this and experience how good VR could have been. This is the only VR game that feels like a fully fleshed out AAA release that takes advantage of what makes VR special.

I can't dismiss the feeling this game gives of being in the world it creates. It's a glorified tech demo that succeeds in every way it sets out to, and there's nothing to criticize about that.

fun, might be one of the best designs

One of the only VR games where I felt like the devs REALLY tried to make a game and not just some gimmick.

I sold my QUEST2 after completing this game because I knew there wasn't going to be anything for a while on VR worth playing. And I hate to be that guy but damn I was right.

Insane attention to detail with map design. I completed the game very slowly because I did a lot of looking around like a idiot with my mouth gaped open at the beauty of this shitty destroyed world ALYX takes place in

Amazing. The best vr story game I've played. I love you valve

Minha primeira experiência direta com a franquia, pra um jogo VR adaptado ao teclado via mod deu pra lidar com as limitações, o ponto alto do jogo pra min foi totalmente a ambientação, os momentos de excassez de recursos poderia ser melhor.

VR gaming will never top this.

The most immersive VR experience I’ve ever had. While there are several massive games of this type, Half Life Alyx feels the most like a real AAA experience. The control you have over Alyx is unmatched, creating the most intuitive control scheme VR has ever had. The way it integrates its story into the Half Life universe is so incredibly creative and rewarding to see until the end. Every chapter is memorable, and some are the best levels in a game I’ve ever experienced. Nothing compares to Alyx in the VR world, and it’s one of the best games ever made.

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Best VR game of all time? Yeah pretty much.

Alyx still proves that Valve can make an engrossing experience from beginning to end while also moving the franchise forward in interesting ways. I thought the VR experience wouldn't add much but I can firmly say that isn't the case, as Alyx really does make use of EVERYTHING Virtual Reality has to offer and then some. It's not all perfect as some of the puzzles can be a bit tedious and a bit too tech demo but the good heavily outweighs the bad in this case. What shocked me with Alyx was just how great its level design and pacing were, with each chapter feeling excellent to go through and no wasted time (special highlights go to Jeff and the finale). Combat remains consistent but I do wish you had a bit more to work with, mainly a long ranged weapon would've been nice because some of these encounters can be a bit long. Story is of course the star of the show, with Alyx proving to be a fantastic lead (much better than she was in all of HL2 and its episodes) alongside a phenomenal side character in Russel. The ending in particular might just be my favorite of the franchise, with the entire Gman sequence leaving me speechless.

Can't say I'd recommend a VR device JUST for Alyx but if you have one I'd easily say give it a go. The second best Half Life game with the original (or Black Mesa) reining supreme.


I wanted to play this FOR 3 YEARS after i got my vr. but finally, my parents folded. and i had the time of my life with the story, shooting and telekenisis ability. 10/10 would reccomend

If you don't already believe it, this game will convince you that face huggers are terrifying.

The way this game immerse you is surprising, i want everyone to be able to play this game, i can't wait until i have a better PC to play this game with better graphics and a more stable fps

If the game were to have melee combat and a little bit more weapon variety, it would have been a perfect game. Other than that, it is just phenomenal

A masterclass on Vr games

Best vr game
No. One of the best game ever made

I really enjoy this one. May well be my favorite VR title so far. It feels like a full game, not just a gimmick to utilize VR functions, yet seemlessly blends in those same functions. There's nothing quite like physically peaking around the corner during an intense firefight with covenant only to realize they started flanking you and frantically looking around for places to reposition to. It sounds like such a basic thing, but the execution of it this flawlessly in VR space made every combat sequence a treat.

Exploration is also aided by the VR mechanics, and it is surprisingly fun to manually search through every nook and cranny for ammo and currency.

I do however have a few gripes:
-There is a point early on in the game where ammo is a bit too scarce. This can lead to having to reload an older save and try to aim better in order to have enough ammo to progress. This being early on is rough too, because I know at least in my case I was not yet used to aiming in VR.

-A few points near the end it can be a bit unclear where to go, but that could also be a user issue on my end.

-The reflex sight upgrade is a trap and makes it significantly harder to aim in my experience.

These minor gripes aside, this game is well worth a try, and I strongly recommend it to anyone with VR.

This is still the best VR game to ever release.