Reviews from

in the past

Um dos jogos co-op mais divertidos, universo muito legal e divertido, a jogabilidade para ser simples mas ela é muito variada, jogar solo é muito desafiante, em varias missões parece impossivel completar solo porque é quase isso mesmo! Não subestime os biomas e inimigos brutais! DIVE HARDER!

Este juego está muy infravalorado y más por el éxito que tuvo su sucesor. Denle una oportunidad, la verdad es bastante bueno y sigue teniendo las bases del segundo juego. Además de que aquí Sony nunca la va a cagar o eso espero :)

If you can play this game DO IT, it's really fun even now

It was an alright top down shooter that just didn't stick with me.

Edit 2024: May need to give another try given how much of II's DNA it's supposed to share, though very different overall. Might click in a way that it didn't on first attempt.

Fun twin-stick shooting action but I'm not much of a multiplayer guy.

Bon bon bon bon bon
C'est marrant, quelques heures.

Not a huge fan of the top-down camera but had some fun playing it with some friends back in the day

Helldivers is without a doubt one of the most fun, frantic, and chaotic multiplayer games I've ever played. To successfully pull off your missions, total cooperation and communication is required between your teammates. Unfortunately, me and my friends do not have these abilities and so we usually end up screaming at each other, shooting each other, and barely making it out alive of every single level.

The game-play is seen at a birds eye view POV, however feels just as good and often even more frantic than many first person shooters I've played. Enemies are near constantly trailing close behind you, giving you no time to cool off ever. You need to constantly manage when to shoot and especially when to reload while also keeping track of your objectives as well as pulling them off. You'll also need to find time to call down one of this games core combat mechanics: stratagems. With these you can call in extra ammo, guns, bombs, and any gear you might need along your mission, however it is very easy to kill your team mates with these stratagems, which leads me into another amazing part of this game.

FRIENDLY FIRE IS ACTIVE ON EVERYTHING. everything you do WILL kill you AND your teammates. you will probably die an equal number of times to your own teammates as you do to your enemies, and its absolutely awesome. it contributes so much to the hectic feel of the game and really makes every match play out in mass panic as you try to not instantly die to everything that happens.

Unfortunately There is not really a proper campaign or story to this game, but the multiplayer is infinitely re-playable and seems to never really get old. Though Helldivers 2 is out now, there is still a decently active community online, and I'd still strongly recommend giving this game a shot if you ever find it on sale.

eu amava jogar esse aqui no ps4 do meu irmão. um joguinho bem barato e super divertido

I feel bad for not discovering this sleeper hit sooner until I became addicted to Helldivers 2. Despite many aspects being carried over to the sequel, the top-down perspective adds its own unique moment-to-moment gameplay scenarios while still maintaining the signature Helldivers experience of simplicity, chaos, and fun. My only issues with this perspective are that the shared camera can sometimes feel like a hindrance when players get momentarily side-tracked, taking cover can be frustrating as it immobilizes you, and not being able to move while viewing the map feels cumbersome.

If there is one aspect I prefer in Helldivers 1 over 2, it’s the progression system because it is more streamlined. You unlock new weapons, stratagems, or perks simply by leveling up or completing a planet, which adds to the sense of progression as you rank up. Additionally, collecting 10 samples gets you research points, allowing you to upgrade your arsenal and improve the usefulness of your tools, which Helldivers 2 lacks. It makes the weapon balance in Helldivers 1 more refined and encourages me to use multiple different primary weapons.

In terms of the presentation, Helldivers 2 outshines Helldivers 1. However, I won't be too harsh in this aspect, considering that Arrowhead was a smaller studio back then. More importantly, this game was released on the PS3 and PSVita, enabling crossplay with the PS4. So my expectations for the graphics weren't going very high. Nonetheless, I still want to give credit to the crunchy sound design and well-made music. The presentation is overall very good, but not that remarkable.

In summary, what I am trying to convey is that even though they transitioned the essential elements of Helldivers into a third-person perspective very well with Helldivers 2, Helldivers 1 remains distinct and not obsolete. It is evident that Arrowhead Studio already achieved its main goal remarkably well even with a few rough edges.

I still prefer Helldivers 2 overall, but I can absolutely see why others prefer the first game, which still holds up as somebody who just played it for the first time recently and came from Helldivers 2. Strong recommendation if you are looking for more fun co-op shooters and especially dig a top down perspective with twin-stick shooting.

Fui jogar achando que era igual o 2 mas é bem diferente

fond memories but idk why lol

É tão bom quanto sua sequência. Uma pena que agora os servidores estão bem abandonados pela idade e falta de sucesso que o jogo teve à época. Me diverti muito com meus amigos.

A fun game! I loved comparing and contrasting the differences between this and Helldivers 2.

Love the music, story, and style. Just, the gameplay to me is underwhelming and limited. Sorry Helldivers...

Fun! would be REALLY fun if the camera wasn't fixed on the leader.

A very fun coop twin stick shooter that doesn't hold back from challenging the players with its mayhem and onslaught of enemy and friendly (!) attacks.

Things I liked:
- unique use of the D-pad through Stratagems
- community focused overarching mechanic
- responsive and snappy gameplay
- great couch/online co-op

Things I didn't like:
- connection issues
- enemy variety

fun game but couldnt get consistent people to play with which is a shame.

Le habia puesto 3.5 estrellas, luego lo subi a 4 porque este juego me hizo querer repartir libertad y aplastar a los amigos con envios galacticos.

The PS Vita multiplayer is still up and running with PS4 crossplatform which is nice, but the controls will make you want to reconsider your life choices. Many essential actions like reloading are touch only with no button remapping. As for the game itself, i didn't like the shared camera and the friendly fire, it makes the game an absolute pain to play. I get that friendly fire is a staple of this series, but in a 2D plane of shooting it's almost impossible to not hit other teammates. It's probably best played with friends and NOT on the PS Vita.

Despite the current popularity of the sequel, do not dismiss the first Helldivers since its the very foundation on what made Helldivers 2 so fully realized, being the first game will introduce everything, from the gameplay, the teamwork, the great usage of stratagems and the satisfying difficulty that feels both relentless and fair, its so impressive how much they got right on their first attempt and they could only improve it from here.

Pretty fun, unfortunately I fear it’s too late to enjoy this game thanks to the sequel.

A vontade maior era de jogar a continuação que lançou esse ano. Mas eu não tenho como, então fui testar o primeiro e simplesmente: diversão.

As mecânicas são ótimas, é gostoso atirar, ter que fazer combinações de botões para chamar reforços, ressuscitar amigos, receber munição e etc cria uma tensão legal nas partidas.

E o fogo amigo sempre proporciona momentos engraçados.

Ótimo joguinho pra jogar de galera.

Daqui uns anos descubro se o 2 é tão ou mais legal que esse.

fun indie game that flew under the radar big time unfortunately

has some solid ideas and a fun tone, albeit one that is very subdued ingame and is mostly only in trailers, probably due to either budget reasons or limitations from it being a twin stick shooter (which might be a bit of a hard sell to some)

a diversão nesse jogo vem do desafio, com seus amigos você precisa cooperar, sozinho você precisa raciocinar e ter dedo pra jogar rápido, muito muito muito divertido e desafiador, amei