Reviews from

in the past

Dentro da Hilux
Ela movimenta no beat do tuts, tuts
Vidro embaçando, ela roçando na fivela
O pau torando e eu pegando ela
O pau torando

Extremely good. Occasionally maybe a bit too esoteric, but overall an extremely well-made Quake-like.

(updated with 1.0 content)
Does get a bit weeker as a full game, but I kind of appreciate the freewheeling, surrealist attitude Hrot takes towards its level design. Episode 3 has some particularly strong levels. Would be curious to see what this dev does next

One of many modern boomshoots spinning the classics in a new style. I think this is better than most: the guns are punchy and satisfying, the enemies are varied with unique designs, and the levels all feel like they are of a real place and time which adds to its atmosphere. I think pretty much all its attempts at humor fall flat, but the presentation and moment-to-moment gameplay is fresh and sharp enough to keep you entertained through its short campaigns.

I like the visual style and the overall joking mood but the gameplay turned out to be too repetitive, TOO much classic doom like, anyways it's still a good boomer shooter, recommended

I think Hrot is my favorite out of what I've played of the recent wave of 90's styled FPS.

Как будто Quake трахнул You are empty, но получилось очень хорошо. После прохождение игры, я понял, что чехи не только могут делать прикольные игры, но и то что они - ебанутые и это хорошо.
Финальный босс - моё почтение.
Игра пугала и смешила до самого конца.

No game this brown deserves to be this good.

Now that it's finished, Hrot is a lovely boomer shooter that really understands what makes the genre good. The guns all have a good feel and the enemies are super creative. There's that good spiral level design that people praise fromsoft for, where secrets and new passages are revealed as you revisit areas with different keys and guns. It's also weird as hell, which may be enough all on its own. There's a gorilla statue that comes to life as a boss and it's far from the strangest in the game.

This review contains spoilers

4 phase putin boss fight 👍🏻

Basically turns Quake into "Hrot at home"

i see so many people call this a Quake-like when the only similarities this game has to Quake are the swathes of brown textures and some of the enemy roster, most notably an obvious spin-off of Quake's ogre. This is at its core, a Chasm-like with Duke Nukem 3D in the mix. and being a Chasm-like means it's more like Wolf3D than Quake. wait i gotta add that its also atmospheric like Quake so i guess its equal parts Quake and Wolf3D. Chasm was originally supposed to be a competitor to Quake but when playing it, it feels more like a more 3D Wolfenstein3D with an Eastern European flavor. so HROT is essentially all of that. A game that has the maze-like levels of castle Wolfenstein with Quake's violence and despair with Eastern European culture plastering it in Duke Nukem 3D's playful interactivity. HROT is a passion project. its a love letter to its inspirations and the developer's homeland's history and culture. even ignoring that, it's a fun time. gunplay is decent with the low fidelity presentation but lackluster sound design, but the enemy encounters are what make the combat fun. especially in episode 2 and some of episode 3, the game gets creative with its imposed limitations to make some fights memorable. the boss fights are the most notable of these encounters, usually being the highlight of an episode with not just their arenas and build-up but also by their uniqueness. the other memorable part of the game is the dense atmosphere in its simple presentation. the ambient soundtrack underscores the dreadful world painted in sick browns, nauseous greens, and pale offwhites. its mundane and haunting, full of otherworldly horrors and boring miscellanea like canned meat. horror contrasted by absurdity while all being equally normalized to its grounded setting. pairing the passion with this atmosphere is what pushes me into the "yea this is my shit, i love it too much" camp. i can set aside most of its shortcomings just because of the sheer passion put into this. a fun trip of love to surpass its labyrinthine sewers, currently one of my favorites of the year.

Um jogo inspirado em Doom 1 e 2 muito criativo e bem divertido, ganha pontos comigo por ser feito por uma pessoa só.

Um Doom com elementos de terror se passando na URSS definitivamente é uma ideia kkkkkkkkk

Conceitualmente o jogo me chamou muito, mas acho que não tenho tanta paciência mais para esse estilo (tal qual Doom 1 e 2) onde se você morre você reinicia a fase do 0, independentemente de quão longa for.

it's a fun time but it doesn't really stand out that much gameplay wise.

In a world of "old-school shooter BUT-" that are fantastic spins on the formula, I just don't think I have the patience for something this straight forwards and (intentionally) bland.

Finished episode 3 and this really goes places. After a couple of relatively formulaic retro FPS episodes with a lot of 80s Eastern Bloc flavour and some surprising enemies, the game really leans into its setting for Episode 3 with some really entertaining levels and ideas which give the game such a great sense of place while also being a technically solid shooter.

Well worth playing. But not on Steam Deck - there’s something with the engine which means it tops out at maybe 20fps.

what if you took quake and took it from somewhere boring (west european castles and lovecraftian mythology - boring and dumb) and took it to somewhere amazing (czechoslovakia after chernobyl during the height of the ussr complete with the bleak and brutalist buildings - fucking awesome)

Really liked this for the most part and I guess it's just a good combination of satisfying shooting mechanics crossed with this atmosphere that seems bleak and depressing, but then more and more it becomes surrealistic, absurd and even outright humourous at points. Has a very vacant quality to it I think, sort of scratching the same sort of itch that the original Quake had, and I dunno, something about this game captures a similar sort of vibe as when you're having a proper sick day where you feel really ill and a bit dissociated and what not. A lot of gross-out elements in this, tbh, and I guess it does take a particular sort of mood to vibe with this game. Quite satisfactory, but then I guess this was something where I felt like it was more just amusing than something that blew my socks off. Quite short as well unless you're like going on the higher difficulties and repeating levels over and over again, but even then, you know.

Also of note, but I completed the bulk of this game in May and then finished the third episode in August. Game is not that long, I just took a substantial break from playing this game, for whatever reason.

my eyes hurt because the entire game is brown + 2 thousand particle effects -- still fun! nothing special though

Boring ass boomer shooter with a even more boring aesthetic.

Um clone de Quake ok, que realmente brilha nos momentos em que mostra sua individualidade.

O jogo é dividido em 3 capítulos ou episódios ou sei lá, assim como Quake, e o primeiro episódio é literalmente Quake com skin de união soviética, o que foi legal, porém vai enjoando, já no segundo episódio você vai pra um castelo insano, tem fantasmas, sessões de terror insanas, e esse é o melhor episódio do jogo, e o terceiro segue mais a linha de Quake de novo só que com animais insanos saindo da agua, o q é foda.

Eu acho que se o jogo focasse mais nesses momentos únicos, como a sessão de terror, ou a sessão de moto, ou a sessão contra morcas assassinas, esse jogo seria muito mais foda. O problema é que sempre depois de uma sessão foda tem alguma missão genérica onde é preciso matar os mesmos 5 inimigos várias vezes enquanto eles vem em ondas. Uma das maiores qualidades de Quake era o posicionamento de inimigos, nesse jogo eles spawnam do nada em hordas, isso é merda pura.

Darei a mesma nota que dei pra Quake, por que os visuais são fodas, os inimigos são legais, e as sessões onde são adicinadas novas mecânicas são muito iradas. A piadinha da receita no final de cada episódio é boa também.

Recomendo pra fãs de Quake, e também pra quem não é fã de Quake mas quer um jogo linear de tiro com uma ambientação diferenciada e bizarra.

Extremely clever video game with a great sense of humor. Love it when shooters mess with the player.

Slav Quake.

A boomer shooter with an unsettling atmosphere. Though I wouldn’t say the weapons are anything to write home about, the enemy variety’s on point, and it’s a really digestible length (my second playthrough, I beat it in two 2 1/2-hour sittings). Not too far off some of my favourites of the genre, like DUSK and Blood.

The Committee on Science, Arts and Culture declares that HROT does not contradict the party's policy on the ideological and cultural front but needs corrections.

The events in HROT are not entirely connected with the daily lives of the workers and peasants. Therefore, the developer is obliged to re-write HROT or [REDACTED].

Glory to the Party! Long live the Socialist order!