Reviews from

in the past

Я ее проходил эту игру с человеком из интернета, и она поначалу зашла, но по мере прохождения ничего новго не появлялось, и геймплей игры быстро наскучил. Сюжет игры сплошная копипаста, создаются назойливое ощущение дежавю. Персонажи приятные,, но им не хватает изюминки, они не получились живыми. Да, игра долгая, красивая со множеством катсцен, чувствуется ее огромный бюджет и старание художников, но на красивой обложке преимущества игры заканчиваются. Геймплей однообразен, сюжет не нов, персонажи не интересны.

Don't remember beating with friend but would be better with a S/O. I liked

I played this game with my best friend and it was a blast. The puzzles and action sequences were very entertaining.

It's really hard to rate this game. I wish I could say I loved it, but I don't.

Don't get me wrong, I think the gameplay here is really solid. Playing with my girlfriend to complete puzzles, compete, and just have fun together is really great. The problem is not the gameplay.

The story, however, is shockingly poor. The writing feels lazy and actively annoying. The characters are unlikeable, their conflict frustrating, and their dialogue cringeworthy. They act less like parents with reasonable conflicting perspectives and more like spoiled children. This makes progression somewhat bittersweet since the gameplay always stays fresh while the actual plot progression feels forced, messy, and annoying. I get the story isn't the point here, but it's constantly inserting itself, so it's really hard to ignore

genuinely great level design in here, but i found it insufferable

Genuinely fun- love to make kids cry!

El mejor juego cooperativo que he jugado en mi vida, super divertido, memorable y único. GOTY completamente merecido

Joguei com minha namorada e eu e ela adoramos, muito bom e divertido

Amei o jogo do início ao fim, o multiplayer dele é bem divertido, vários minigames divertidos durante a jornada pelo game e a gameplay em si também e puzzles são bem divertidos, além da história q é bem interessante.

Whenever this game gets brought up i get a little sad cause of the memories i have with it. I played it with an old friend that I haven't spoke to in a while and he was great. He even bought the game for me. We finished it in one day. Morning to late evening and I didn’t get sick of it for a second.

Acabei de terminar esse jogo com minha namorada, e sinceramente, eu fui começar o jogo com uma visão e terminei ele com uma totalmente diferente.

O jogo é maravilhoso, tanto nas suas mecânicas de plataforma 3D quanto também nos visuais artísticos. Apesar dos protagonistas serem totalmente diferentes, tudo no jogo busca fazer um completar o outro, desde a mecânica de gameplay de cada fase, até mesmo nas personalidades.

Os puzzles também são muito bem feitos, passei horas e horas com minha namorada em alguns deles e realmente foi muito divertido, também tem alguns mini-games que exploram mecânicas de outros gêneros também como um que simulava um jogo de ritmo.

Além disso tudo os cenários são MUITO BEM FEITOS, tinha vezes que eu ignorava parte do objetivo principal e ia brincar com os elementos deles, como as bolas de neve na fase do globo, ou jogar um soldado de um lado pro outro na fase do castelo.

O único ponto que o jogo pecou pra mim realmente foi na história, que apesar de ser muito interessante e até simples na sua proposta, ficou meio arrastada e um pouco desinteressante pro meio do jogo, na minha opinião poderia ter mostrado também mais evolução nas personalidades dos personagens também, porque o que aparentou foi que o jogo começou com eles de um jeito e terminou do mesmo, tem sim mudanças significativas no comportamento, mas pra mim deveria ter mostrado mais isso.

Sem dúvidas é um co-op indispensável pra caso você esteja pensando em jogar, ainda mais com alguém pra acompanhar você, dependendo da pessoa pode ficar mais fácil ou até mais difícil, mas no final com certeza vale a pena criar essa memória junto de alguém que é especial pra você.

Eu joguei com minha namorada e foi realmente uma experiência incrível, amei cada parte que passei com ela, até às vezes que ela errava pulos simples ou a gente ficava louco tentando resolver os puzzles, obrigado por ter zerado comigo meu amor ❤️

Game bem legal, com boa dinâmica de gameplay.
Tem algumas fases bem desafiadoras, mas muito interessantes.
Recomendo jogar com seu/sua parceiro(a), a história é bem interessante.

chorei igual uma criança na parte da elefanta

Joguei com o degli, se fosse com a minha namorada era 5

Still waiting a co-op game like this . Best game to play with your partner . Great story great gameplay i also loved the minigames

a las novias se les complica. se hace un poco largo pero está bien lindo

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my duo left me because he didn’t want to kill the elephant.. it was so fun though.

Playing this with my S.O was a blast

Joguei com minha namorada e foi uma das melhores experiências que poderíamos ter, o jogo é muito divertido além das mecânicas a cada capítulo serem atualizadas, trazendo uma diversão sempre nova para se explorar.

true peak of co-op, a dozen different game styles in one and all of them somehow done well 😭😭

I have played through this now on 2 occasions with 2 different people and it's honestly a wonder this game got made and is as good as it is. Possibly the best gateway game if you have someone who isn't sold on video games but wants to hang with you. The creativity on display is breath-taking, the game throws A LOT of stuff at the wall, and most of it sticks and feels like an absolute love letter to the days of couch co-op.

el mejor coop que pude jugar, totalmente merecido su goty

Por si mismo, es un buen juego, pero la experiencia que proporciona en pareja, es muy buena, empecé y terminé este juego con mi hermana y es una memoria que jamás olvidaré, increíble

it took me like 2 years and 2 playthroughs to finish this game but i did it ! i played it with my gf and it was a great bonding experience. i was trying to figure out why it took us so long to finish it, but tbh i think it's just that life got in the way a bit. i find it hard to talk about it right now, because it doesn't actually excite me as much as it did in the beginning. but i'll try:

the mechanics are INSANE! they keep changing every hour, i have no clue how they pulled off something like this in like 3 years of development ?!? idk Josef Fares and Hazelight are crazy, i am very happy they exist and are making actual good non-aracadey, linear, co-op games. i wish there were more games like this. it was so cool to see them exploring a mechanic to its fullest and then completely switching it up in the next level.

story-wise i wasn't into it at all. maybe because of the long breaks in-between playing, but i just didn't relate to the characters, didn't really find them funny and i thought the ending was too predictable. i felt like there was no character development or interesting character arcs, which was kinda sad. if i would've resonated more with the story i think this game would've been a 10/10 for me.

still, the innovation that It Takes Two brings it too huge to go unnoticed and i think it deserves all the praise it gets.

One of a kind co-op game, an incredible experience. Just pure creativity all around, blows any other co-op adventure out of the water. Not only it's a masterpiece of co-op, it's also a mixture of every classic 3D platformer, with amazing level design and SO MUCH variety in gameplay. A work of art in pure creative gameplay, so much fun all the way through.

The story is simple, lighthearted and straight to the point, but it servers the gameplay and levels very well. The characters are fun and endearing, voice acting is great and the doll's designs are really good too. The humans look and feel a bit weird but that's also 5% of the game to be honest.

All around, definitely one of the best games of the year, and the best co-op ever.

With a partner it is almost completely perfect

I still think about that elephant falling and my friends laughing.....i cry myself to sleep thinking about it

Ambientação 5/5
História 4,5/5
Final 5/5

played probably 70% of this with my gf but we didn't end up finishing it.

looks great and most of the puzzle solving and whatever is a lot of fun, but still has frustrating moments.

the characters are well written, but their bickering can be pretty grating and that's really all you get for most of the game. I get that both of them are supposed to be unpleasant and in the wrong in their own ways, but I think its a bit more storytelling than a cute puzzle platformer can handle. watching them kill that elephant really pulls you out of the game