Reviews from

in the past

Very cool visuals and score but not much gameplay. Hated how you couldn't jump at certain points and the snow section was pretty boring.

Journey é uma jornada emocional e humana sobre a vida, companheirismo, sentimentos e significados.
Se um jogo nunca te fez sentir nada ou ainda não te cativou, journey é esse jogo. Na minha opinião um dos melhores de todos os tempos, além de ser bastante influente na crescente dos jogos menores e indies que tivemos desde 2013-2015

The ending still hits like a freight train.

Didn’t encounter any other players during my session, which was a bit of a let down but that’s not a fault of the game.

Bom pra caralho, recomendo pra todo mundo é uma experiência bem única apesar de ser um jogo bem simples ele consegue te transmitir muitas coisas, e é bem curto em uma tarde tu termina então se acabar não gostando, não vai ter perdido muito tempo, mas caso goste vão ser algumas horas muito boas

I played this game once and never touched it again and I probably never will touch it again because that playthrough was perfect as it was.

A simple and majestic journey through the most beautiful desert I ever seen just impressive.

é bom... mas terminar o jogo em 90 minutos é meio tenso... kkk

It's beautiful.
I dont think there can ever be a game like Journey, as the story is almost personally written by you.
Its a game that leaves you as much room to interpretation as it can, so your connections with other players through its amazingly used multiplayer functions makes every moment more impactful.

game foda!!! Uma experiência de vdd!! Mesmo sem um dialogo você consegue ficar arrepiado jogando é curtinho então vale a pena jogar dmssss

os 6 reais mais bem gastos da minha vida

Dans ta face Inox j'ai escaladé l'Everest

Jeu très contemplatif, j'ai bien aimé car on vole et glisse à 2 (joueur online random), du coup c'est gratifiant de faire le voyage en bonne compagnie et ça rend le truc pas ennuyant, j'ai passé 2 belles heures

Didn't feel that relaxed as people say you do when playing it

I played this in one sitting at a friend's house on his PS3, he was super bored watching me do it but I cried, also that house smelt a lot like cigarettes and I had a big crush on one of them so now I associate the smell of stale tobacco with romance and I blame Playstation

Um dos jogos mais bonitos que eu já joguei, não por gráficos e sim por conta da narrativa, a história não é muito fácil de entender, mas é incrível

Fiquei muito feliz quando encontrei outros players durante minhas jogadas

Que jogo lindo, arrisco dizer que é o jogo mais bonito que já joguei. Confesso que fiquei meio perdido na questão da história, mas é uma forma bem interessante de ser contada. Pretendo platinar, mas não tenho certeza se vou conseguir, quem sabe um dia.

Different, but I can't describe it; I just know that I liked it.

Un beau voyage avec une douce ost qui nous mêle a un ou plusieurs inconnus qu'on ne reverra jamais.

As perfect of a representation of the Hero's Journey as I can think of. A truly timeless game.

I played this game at 2 in the morning while my brother was throwing a inconsiderate party in the adjacent room. It was a religious experience, I felt connected, I felt little, and I felt important. I felt taken care of, and I felt kind.

This review contains spoilers

So I'm not sure if this counts as a spoiler, but I had absolutely no idea that this game was multiplayer.

At first, I didn't quite like that. I wondered why this lonely, atmospheric experience was hampered by being forced to play with other random weirdos online. I thought that the game would be much better if it was solo experience, reminiscent of Shadow of the Colossus - where you can fully immerse yourself in the world and be completely isolated from everyone else. To me, it didn't make any sense why they added this feature.

And then, I had one of the most emotional experiences I've ever had playing a game.

For the last two stages, I was joined by another player who was struggling a bit with the platforming sections. I could have abandoned them and raced ahead, but then I would be an asshole, so I stuck with them as we moved up the level. I found myself really enjoying helping and exploring this area with them, and they ended up helping me as well.
We moved on to the final stage together, which we both struggled with (we got eaten a few times those flying things). Then right before the final stretch, at the part were the wind blows you back - I got knocked off, and we lost connection.

It was like my good companion for the last hour had died. I was distraught. I continued on in their memory, limping up that snowy hill in despair.

That ending. I don't think it would've nearly impacted me as much if I hadn't interacted with that stranger. During the credit sequence, I saw another character on the bridge and I thought, "that's them", even though it couldn't possibly be. I wonder if they felt the same way I did, or if they just thought I was an idiot.

I could talk about the art design, the music, the atmosphere - but I feel like everyone knows how incredible they are already. I just wanted to share this beautiful and tragic encounter I had.

(I got a Backloggd account for fun and to make funky 1 line reviews - I wasn't planning on writing this much) - The game is pretty good, I guess.

Journey narra uma história linda , sem sequer usar palavras ou cenas épicas . Cada segundo nesse mundo vasto , cheio de duvidas , que até mesmo após o fim muitas ficam sem respostas , cenários vazios mais mesmo assim não deixam de ser incríveis e belos.
Além do fato de achar outros viajantes na jornada ser muito foda , conheci um mano no inicio do jogo e fiquei até o fim com ele , !SPOILER!- no final sentamos lado lado foi muito bonitinho tirei muitas prints😀

I never had a Sony console so Journey was always something I heard about but never played. It's nice to finally tick it off. What a gorgeous little game, I can see why it is so beloved. The gameplay is intuitive and simple, the journey itself is breathtaking. Music is stunning as to be expected of Austin Wintory. The interactions with enemies are genuinely tense. The couple of times I bumped into another player were great little surprises - I completely forgot that it was a feature of the game, so the first time I was taken entirely by surprise. It was a great little moment of storytelling. Really enjoyed my couple of hours with Journey.

literalmente a vida
engual eu
muito 2024

Foi uma experiência... Diferente, para dizer o mínimo. Sempre vi o povo falando desse jogo, e tipo, só peguei pq estava por 6 reais na promoção. É um jogo bem único e diferente, e tem sua carga de tensão no meio. É um jogo mais para sentir do que entender de fato. Obrigado pessoa misteriosa que zerou comigo.