Reviews from

in the past

The physics sometimes are balls, but other than that the game completely slaps. Soundtrack is goated.

its easy with these types of games to just go "its peak" and leave it at that but thats generally because they just simply are "peak". love and peace #5evar.

peak video game concept and it is awesome

Katamari Damacy Reroll is what happens when you have an idea and you just commit to it. Everything in this game is just a little strange, to the point where it’s surprising that it even got fully developed and published, but I'm glad it did. Each level is so satisfying and fun to grow from a small pebble to something big enough to knock down people. The soundtrack is also already known for how good it is and makes going through the levels really motivating. One bad thing though is that a lot of the levels are reused, just in short portions, which can get exhausting when you just end up playing the same thing over and over. This does get better later on, but it should’ve been done better from the start. Overall just a fun time and good to play once in a while.

Didn't enjoy this one but I absolutely understand why people do. Doesn't seem fair to leave a rating.

played a few planets, then it dropped off game pass... super infectious soundtrack!


EDIT 3/6/2024: After having played the game a bit more today and unlocking the eternal versions of the levels, I found less frustrating and was enjoying the game so much more than initially. I still think that the climbing isn't too good and levels can be rather claustrophobic (especially the house), but overall I find the game to be really fun.

I was considering rewriting the whole review because of this, but it's probably better that I keep that up and just add this on top of it and keep the original one as is.


ORIGINAL REVIEW: I don't think there's much I can say about Katamari that hasn't already been said a million times over by people who are probably more qualified to talk about them bideo games than I am. It's an unbelievably charming experience that isn't quite like anything else. Truly one of the video games to ever.

It's not without it flaws though. The most notable of which being the Katamari doesn't always feel great to move. I found myself fumbling around in tight spaces on a number of occasions, leading to occasional frustration. The climbing can also be really finicky causing you to constantly bump into walls while losing progress. There's a chance maybe I'm just not very good and am blaming the game for my own shortcomings. But either way it's something that impacted my experience, so it feels worth mentioning.

It also seems to be a common complaint that the game is a lacking in the variety department. And while I do agree it could've benefited from some more unique levels/objectives I personally didn't mind it. Helps that the game is pretty short so it doesn't have much of a chance to overstay its welcome.

This review probably came off as rather negative considering it focused so much of the things it doesn't excel in, but don't let that fool you. I still enjoyed my time regardless. Glad I finally got around to playing this after having it sit in my Steam library collecting dust for over two years lol.

Short & sweet, could be lengthier since it can be done in a day but it is still pretty fun. Any levels that aren't anything but roll a certain meter like making the zodiac signs are just eh imo, but still, i liked a lot of the make a star levels and the last one where you just roll everything, pretty fun times like i've said and it's just a nice cheery experience.

Fun, silly, surreal. The variety frankly isn't there, so I get why the franchise as a whole never took off, but the time spent in this one game on its own is great. There is a sense of scale that weirdly isn't matched by much beyond something like Shadow of the Colossus. And then the kooky surrealism and its peeks into 2000s Japanese culture really isn't matched.

Katamari is one of my all-time favs, and my only wish is that this included we love katamari, or was priced a little cheaper due to its age. That being said, it was still worth it, and I'll never be over how great and influential this game is to my life at large. Keita Takahashi is my hero.

This was my one and only experience in the Katamari series and I'm glad it lived up to the hype. Fun arcade-y levels filled with heavily stylized models and banger music makes for an absolute jaunt of an experience.

i'm going to be incredibly harsh here and say that this is a remaster that does not need to exist. the graphics look more washed out and lose that sharp style that original had. more damningly, the game somehow runs worse on the PS4 than it does on PS2 and will regularly get very bad slowdown around the baseball field near shopping street. it adds no qol features that the original could've used (i.e. the ability to restart a level either from pausing mid-level or retrying at the results screen), no extra content that the original didn't already have, and it only offers the japanese voice acting with no option for the iconic english voice acting (ik this part is contentious but there really is no reason it couldn't have at least been something you could toggle). i hate to be the fun police because a lot of people got introduced to this game from this remaster, but there really is no actual reason to play this over the original, especially considering how most microwaves can emulate PS2 games nowadays. i don't recommend this remaster for anyone uninitiated to the game and i don't recommend this remaster for any fans of the original looking for either new content or to revisit a classic, so it's a game for an audience of no one in my mind.

i want to be clear that this rating isn't necessarily reflective of the whole package; even with hiccups, this is katamari damacy. it takes more than slowdown to negate the joy of saying "C'MERE BITCH" and rolling up a terrified person into your katamari to then be rewarded with their screams of fear and agony. this rating is more an assessment of what reroll does (or does not do, in this case) to differentiate itself meaningfully from just playing the original. why pay money for this game when you can emulate the original and get the better and (imo) more essential experience? there's nothing inherently wrong with playing this over the original, but i would be completely unable to make a pitch for it. that's what makes it such a failure to me.

This games fucking incredible holy shit. Its such a cathartic game, where all you do is progressively roll shit around until your katamari gets bigger and bigger, to the point you're rolling up buildings like your Godzilla in Tokyo. ALSO THAT OST??? OH MY GOD ITS INSANE GENUINELY SOME OF THE BEST GAME MUSIC I'VE EVER HEARD. cannot wait to see how the HELL the sequel improves on this.

This game still has such insane charm that no game has ever replicated in my eyes. Not to mention the best soundtrack in video games period. Truly a banger of all ages

A horror game in disguise 🥸 The transitions and transformation for each 1M or so let's me realize how far we've come as a society. I do sometimes wish our planet gets rolled up

This is one of those games that clearly knows what it wants to be, they went for a niche game and take full advantage of the main gimmick, being implemented on not only normal levels, but on other ones where the main objective varies.

The game in terms of difficulty is also on a sweet spot, being easy for the casual players, but turning way harder for people who want to obtain the highest scores on each stage, to the point that some of the stages have to be perfectly known to obtain every single important item.

had to love this game, everyone knows i love rolling up

fuck holy cow and kintaro bear. me and my homies hate holy cow and kintaro bear

It inhabits my brain since I first played on PS2, the soundtrack is top tier, the weirdness is completely unique.

There's nothing like Katamari and probably there will never be.

so fucking good! so satisfying and whimsical and bizarre with a perfect little gameplay loop. all the issues i had with this one were completely fixed in the follow-up, too--god, this whole series is just so good.

world-altering! mindblowing! So silly and a delight to play. Amazing music too

The king of the cosmos can have me any day

A short but incredibly fun experience, there's not many games out there like Katamari Damacy

It's interesting to consider that it's really in a league of it's own without many taking inspiration from it, the only thing really springing to mind currently being Donut County. What's also impressive is how little Katamari has aged, it's charming minimalist aesthetics and controls are just as solid as when they launched. Sure, Re-rolls HD-ification of it helps but in terms of visuals alone it's endlessly charming.

It's short, yes, able to be completed in about 4-5 hours if you just want to rush through, and only offers a handful of levels (albeit expanding each time you play), but it hits a sweet spot where it doesn't overstay it's welcome with the contents that it has. Don't get me wrong, I feel there's potential for a lot more (potential that most likely is explored in it's sequels), but I had a wonderful time with what's there.

The controls are good, the physics can get a little funky at times, but in a game where almost every asset can be absorbed into a cataclysmic snowball I think it can be excused for the few times the Katamari gets stuck or clips through the world.

Controles difícil de adaptar peor muy chulo

I never thought I'd have so much fun playing with balls. The humor is amazing, and it feels soooo satisfying to play through each level and surmount challenges like ursa or taurus in getting the biggest bear/cow.