Reviews from

in the past

Meh. I can't say I hated it, but I felt like every part that wasn't a vehicle section was just fine? It's not bad, but it's just regular "Kirby" at this point.

Earned 100% on my save file. On account of no longer having my 3DS, I will not be returning to this game on its original hardware.

My favourite Kirby platformer. It knows its premise and it really goes all in on it! Every level is a blast, and the story is pretty cute, and the lore... Please play this game.

Very similar to Triple Deluxe in many aspects. The game is a lot of fun and fortunately without the gimmicky stuff that Triple Deluxe had.
The new gimmick, the mech, is pretty cool and I liked that it changes forms depending on the copy ability it scans. Feels great to play around with. Sadly, the devs only made it compatible with less than half of all the copy abilities in this game. I would have loved to see some more forms like Doctor or Hammer. I mean Doctor could have easily been based on a surgical robot.
Speaking of Doctor, I thought that was a pretty cool and versatile ability. ESP was interesting too although I found that it had a lacking moveset and Poison was a little boring in my opinion. I loved seeing Smash, Mirror and Jet back too.
The Mech + Jet and Mech + Wheel sections were some of the greatest sections in this game.

The stages were well designed and the industrial theme was great. I wasn't a big fan of the autoscroll levels though.
And I thought world 3, the water world, was one of the weakest.

The characters, Susie and President Haltmann were interesting and fun. They had some great moments.
Another great moment was the final sequence of events. When Kirby scanned the Halberd and became Kirby Halberd, that was awesome. I loved the music in that part too.
The whole soundtrack was pretty good actually, except for that fucking Canvas Curse music.

Some of those Rare Sticker locations were some real bullshit.
Fuck that enter the background shit. I always hated that in every Kirby game that it’s in.
Didn’t enjoy the sticker hunt much to get the last 2% for 100% completion but I did it.

Meta Knightmares is cool. If you play well you can keep up Meta-Quick the whole time which makes the gameplay very fast and fun. It made the autoscroll sections that more jarring though in this fast paced mode.
His moveset is alright too but I guess I liked playing as Dedede a little better in Triple Deluxe. I also miss the robobot sections.
In this mode, the bosses are upgraded but Meta Knight is so overpowered that I barely noticed the bosses being stronger.

Next up, we have 3D rumble. And that was the lamest shit ever. Extremely easy. Takes about 10 minutes to get through all three levels.
Team Kirby Clash was super easy too basically because I knew all the tricks from Super Kirby Clash on the Switch and since that game was based on this minigame, it is almost exactly the same.

Then we have the Arena and True Arena. The Arena was fine.
The True Arena was fine too right up to the final boss. Fuck Star Dream OS with its million phases and each of them has a huge HP pool too. Whoever thought that Star Dream OS shit was a good idea after going through all of the other bosses already should be shot in the face.

This is to me contender as the best Kirby game alongside Ultra Deluxe. The robot-like worlds are sick, driving mechs is way too satisfying, there's still more and more abilities with a lot of depth and the soundtrack is a bopper.


I am aware that I tend to throw around the phrase "peak fiction" a lot BUT I SWEAR TO CHRIST I REALLY MEAN IT THIS TIME. EVERYTHING ABOUT KIRBY PLANET ROBOBOT IS PEAK.


This is the greatest 2D Kirby game ever made and one of the greatest 2D platformers of all time. Thanks for all the memories old friend...

Haltmann and Star Dream are probably two of my favorite villains is media

Kirby but with a large, destructive mech!, what else could you want?

Great game. This game has fun levels, a great OST, and the Robobot armor is a great gimmick. I liked the Hypernova in Triple Deluxe, but the Robobot suit has way more variety since it can copy abilities just like Kirby can. The main story is a fun time, and Metaknightmare Returns was a fun way to revisit the levels. The side games are also pretty fun, although they are a bit too short, especially 3D Rumble. Overall this game is a great time and I highly recommend it.

I'm enjoying this a lot, it's already potentially one of the best Kirby games alongside titans like Nightmare in Dreamland and Superstar.

didnt finish it, looks funny tho

First Kirby game. It took a bit to grow on me but I was loving it by the end.

I needed another short-ish action game to play while I waited a million hours for my computer to reinstall Windows (and everything else), and then I remembered that I had Kirby Robobot to play! I had thoroughly enjoyed it when I tried an in-store demo, and the main game didn't disappoint!

Long story short, it's more Kirby, and it's still great. The gimmick of this title is the giant robot suit you get from time to time, and it's AWESOME. You spend about half the game in this thing, and it has its own unique powers totally different from Kirby. It's kind of a much better system of the UBER-SUPER-MEGA powerups from Return to Dreamland. This game reminded me of a far better version of Return to Dreamland, because it shares a very similar aesthetic, but the levels are far better designed. Despite the fact you have a lot of health, this game is fairly difficult as well, especially if you're gonna try and find all the things. I didn't quite find all the things, but I had a very fun time regardless.

Verdict: Highly recommended :D

holy peak, one of the best final boss fights EVER!!!

Very simple Kirby game. Gave me no trouble, but I'd definitely give it to a kid to play. They'd like it more.

Also, how does that pink little ball keep fighting what are basically gods???

Probably has some of my favorite tracks in the entire franchise. The game itself is like pretty fun on the first playthrough.

memorable and fun :)

Mais um jogo que eu acabo não gostando por que botei hype demais, em geral é um jogo legal e apenas isso. Eu não sei o por que dele não ter me agradado tanto

Best Kirby game I've played for sure.

Still is the best Kirby game I've played, although Forgotten Land is a good candidate.

I mean, it has the Kirby charm, kickass cuteness and badassery, and mechas! I also find the concept of Kirby fighting capitalism so cute.
As for the gameplay, it's probably where the formula peaked. Star Allies kinda stagnated in being too easy in the main story and therefore a bit of a slog to get through, but Robobot manages to balance some good simplicity and difficulty. Also Mirror is back.

If you're asking why I'm ranking a Kirby game of all things a 4.5, then yeah I'm going to admit I'm biased because I love Kirby so much. But what is a review but not a thinking piece of one's own expression? Kirby is Kirby, and I'll always love Kirby, and Robobot reminds me of why I love Kirby.

O maior inimigo da repetição, simplesmente.

Esse jogo consegue se sair bem em tudo, sério. Os mapas são lindos e bem diferentes uns dos outros, os inimigos (tanto normais quanto os chefes) são únicos, as habilidades são tantas e bastante criativas, a lista continua...

Pra minha 1a experiência com Kirby, me surpreendi de verdade, nem sei se achei algum defeito enquanto jogava. É impossível não se divertir com esse jogo.


Get in the mecha kirby. Or Magolor will have to di it again.