Reviews from

in the past

Most people seem to target this game's loop of taking over areas and doling them out to your underbosses as very repetitive. While I agree that it is repetitive, I don't see why that's a negative. So many games have loops that continue all throughout the game. I was having fun with this loop so I never noticed it being repetitive to a degree that turned me off. Just a solid game with an interesting story that showed me a perspective I would have never seen otherwise.

An honestly really good revenge narrative driven by a likable protagonist in Lincoln Clay, but the game gets bogged down by an overly repetitive mission structure and a tad too long.

Le protagoniste ressemble au fils de ma marraine, c'est pour ça la note basse

Surprisingly much better than I expected seeing all the criticism it received but as far as im aware it is mostly due to glitches that where patched out. It would almost be a perfect game if not for the G-d awful repeatition of the gameplay formula that was so painful and thats coming from someone who enjoyed it a lot and didn't had issues with other similar games when it came to repeatition.

Wow, What a waste of potential. This game has enjoyable mechanics, a great story, and well-written characters(not the best but they are enough) but very very poor game design. I am glad to experience this game but at the same time, I am very disappointed. Because this game could be much better with a better mission design. It's so repetitive and boring(like Assassin's Creed 1) and side missions are real trash. After Mafia 2 this game feels wrong. I hope there will be a new Mafia game and I hope it will be much better than this.

Bad, I refunded this drivel and only bought it back later out of boredom to complete the series. Disappointing after the master class that was Mafia 2, gunplay here is amazing and that’s it.

Subestimado, apesar de algumas coisas repetitivas na gameplay e um lançamento de performance esquisito, é um jogo extremamente divertido e bom narrativamente.

Vamos la o começo do jogo gostei mto porem chega uma parte onde simplesmente fica tudo mto repetitivo o que salvou mto foram as DLC que todas as 3 acrescentaram um conteudo mto daora, a trilha sonora bem daora porem fica repetitiva dirigindo e basicamente o problema do game é ser mto repetitivo.

Liked the story and characters but found the racket system boring and repetitive. Might come back to it eventually.

Great story, boring gameplay and missions.
The map it's very big, so you gonna take your time to travel around.
The enemy ai is somewhat dumb, the police sometimes get's in the way and it's very harsh to escape in some situations, plus you need to be very careful with large amount of enemy.
Certainly different from the previous chapters, but it wins in the aspect of New Orleans and the music, it's very repetitive and boring, so arm yourself with a lot of patience.

Thought I'd give an underrated game in the trilogy some love. I know that alot of people hate/dislike this game and I can see why. Mafia 3 is a great game, BUT it's not a Mafia game. This game felt so different to 1 & 2 that this felt more like a GTA Game. The historical importance of race was absolutely spot on and very realistic. The story was actually good but as I said it's not a Mafia story. The gameplay was really good and Clay had the best car in the trilogy and that a win in my book 👍

I was thoroughly enjoying this, before the game became stuck in an infinite loading screen just before the final boss. There is seemingly no solution for this on Xbox, so jokes on me I guess. Once you get over the familiar open world padding, there is a story and characters here that are thoroughly absorbing. A truly righteous approach to complex and thorny ideas - often feeling genuinely boundary pushing for games. Like Mafia II DE, this deserved more care.

If anyone has any ideas for the infinite loading issue, let me know. I've tried everything I can think of. Marking this as complete in the meantime as I don't have a 30 hour replay in me.

I don't want to talk about it

Un poco repetitivo la verdad, aunque tiene cosas chulas

Having played the other games in the franchise, I was not expecting this. I liked the unique setting but the writing and character development paled in comparison to 1 and 2. To add on to that, it's just too damn long. I am personally offended that I had to drive my ass across the entire map between the same boilerplate missions.

Même si très répétitif, je suis juste trop fan de ce système où on prend chaque région d'une zone une par une.

In Mafia 2, the open world barely existed to highlight the tedium of the day job that is the Mafia. In Mafia 3 it's the Open World Template™, and Mafia 3 really wants you do engage heavily with it.

For some people that is good time, for me it's a replant that made me drop what is otherwise, an interesting game.

Обычный средняк, больше нечего сказать...

Öncelikle bu oyunun hikayesi bence bir mafya hikayesi değil. Mafia serisi adı altında değil de başka bir adı olsaydı ve mafya kültüründen kurtulsaydı belki daha iyi olurdu. Yine de hikayenin temelde iyi olduğunu düşünüyorum. Anlatış tarzı ve bazı karakterleri gayet iyiydi. Özellikle Donovan çok güzel yazılmış bir karakter. Lincoln de fena bir karakter değil. Fakat sadece oyunun başı ve sonunda bu hikayeyi ve sunumu görüyoruz. Oyunun ortasında tamamen sıradan bir npcye gidip kimsenin umursamadığı diyaloglar kurup görev veriyorlar. Görevler de zaten aşırı tekrar ediyor. Hasar sistemi birkaç görev için mantıklı olabilir belki ama 15 saat yaparsanız eğlenceli değil aynı şekilde mantıklı da değil. Bir de sürekli aynı yerlere gitmek var. Temizlediğiniz yere tekrar gidiyorsunuz. Oyun kendi kimliğini bence bulamamış, bazen Uncharted gibi adada oluyorsunuz bazen GTA gibi banka soyuyorsunuz. Hikayede bunlar neden yapılıyor açıklanmış fakat mafya ile alakası ne çözemedim. Zaten Mafia serisi ve mafya kültürü ile bağlantısını Vito ve birkaç karakter üzerinden kurmaya çalışmışlar. Bence bu oyunun en kötü yanı Vito Scaletta. Bu oyundaki Vito ile 2. oyundaki kişi aynı değil. Vito sıradan bir askerin boyunduruğu altına girecek kadar düşmüş mü? Oyun boyunca Vito üzerinden Lincoln övülüyor ve bu çok zorlama. Vito'nun ağızdan çıkan hiçbir söz Vito'nun sözü gibi değil. Oyun Vito'yu tamamen mahvetmiş. Diğer gözüken eski karakterler de pek bir şey yapmıyor. Aslında 2. oyunda olmayan birçok şey eklenmiş. Arabanın üstünden atlamak, çoklu sonlar vs fakat yine kurtarmıyor. İlk ve son 2 saati dışında tamamen ızdırap bir oyun.

Это и так всем понятно. Первая и вторая часть слишком попсова, она нравится только не думающему быдлу, а это часть по настоящему хороша, тут кинематографичность выведена на новый уровень и поднимаются важные расовые проблемы. Мне нравится.

Buen juego, mecánicas que se repiten a lo largo del juego, que se sostienen por una buena historia global.

Such an amazing story that is only slightly ruined by a somewhat repetitive and slightly mediocre gameplay loop. The gunplay itself is pretty fun and brutal but the management of the 'Mafia' itself feels a little disconnected.

However, the cinematics and actual plot of this game is phenomenal. Utterly brilliant and worth finding a way of playing or at least watching the cutscenes.

Es muy repetitivo y eso le resta bastante. Gráficamente además tiene (o tenía cuando jugué) una cantidad considerable de fallos.