Reviews from

in the past

Ótimo jogo, tem uma quantidade absurda de conteúdo, e me diverti bastante por horas jogando. Tem algumas limitações, mas no geral é um jogo bem sólido.

Other than notalgia, its a really solid game.

You go to face the monster.

The monster is too fast and strong for you and defeats you effortlessly.

You fight it a few more times and you start learning its patterns, getting familiar with its moves, anticipating to its attacks.

Suddenly, almost by mistake, you kill it at the last second, the mission, what brought you to its lair, is accomplished.

But you come back.

Now you kill its brothers and sisters, each time faster than the last.

You become so accustomed to its kind that they are not even nuisances in your path, your weapon designed specifically to hurt them, your clothing made from their corpses.

You are no longer the prey. You are the hunter.