Reviews from

in the past

The coop game I played with buds so much. Jank as hell, but tons of monsters to fight and master.

You go to face the monster.

The monster is too fast and strong for you and defeats you effortlessly.

You fight it a few more times and you start learning its patterns, getting familiar with its moves, anticipating to its attacks.

Suddenly, almost by mistake, you kill it at the last second, the mission, what brought you to its lair, is accomplished.

But you come back.

Now you kill its brothers and sisters, each time faster than the last.

You become so accustomed to its kind that they are not even nuisances in your path, your weapon designed specifically to hurt them, your clothing made from their corpses.

You are no longer the prey. You are the hunter.

Other than notalgia, its a really solid game.

Empezado en una Vita con gran espada, no pasé de las misiones de dos estrellas, bastante engorroso

Spent 500 hours playing this game, wishing I could play with people online. The later entries in the series would improve on this, cementing it as my favorite series

pro: what separated the boys from the men
con: imagine if this wasn't limited by the psp

E' assolutamente uno dei migliori capitoli della serie, ciò nonostante i difetti non mancano: le hitbox dei mostri sono enormi, il cacciatore è troppo limitato nei movimenti e l'ultima missione del low rank non è pensata per un solo giocatore.

It was a game i really enjoyed from back then
I wasn't even good at it
I just had fun with it

Un poquito como beber gasolina, no es para todo el mundo pero cuando te adaptas a ello entra solo

Uma obra de arte que sofreu nas mãos do vilão e herói da vida chamado: Tempo

MH Freedom Unite é uma perfeição, eu não consigo descrever por completo o que esse jogo me passou a cada momento que entrei pra jogar ele, parecia que logo depois de 3 dias, ele havia se tornado parte da minha rotina, como se fosse uma dose necessária de felicidade e estresse pra tomar

E quando digo estresse, não é pouco. Freedom Unite se destaca como um dos MH mais difíceis e não é atoa, esse jogo é lento, estratégico e totalmente fora da curva se for comparado com os títulos atuais de MH, mas de longe isso torna ele um jogo ruim. Seu desafio proporciona memórias maravilhosas e a cada momento que você morre, você aprende algo novo seja da sua arma ou do inimigo que está enfrentando, e quando você mestra sua arma e decora os passos do monstrinho, isso aqui se torna uma valsa, onde cada um da o passo certo pra não se complicar na dança.

Mas assim, nem tudo são flores. Assim como o tempo nos traz boas novas e felicidades em nossas vidas, ele também é um antagonista que leva quem amamos e depois nos leva também. E com os jogos isso não é diferente, MH sofre com as consequências do tempo, de uma maneira bruta e triste.. os controles de Freedom Unite pra hoje em dia são um saco de pegar, sem contar que o PSP é um console que não tem a alavanca de câmera, então pra mover ela você tem que usar a mão de garrinha (ou pegada claw) nas setinhas pra conseguir controlar ela de maneira eficiente, e a resposta dos ataques também são um pouco lentas, como se o input lag fosse um tanto maior que dos outros, enfim.

Infelizmente ele envelheceu muito mal na questão de jogabilidade, já que os gráficos são do caralho e merecem toda a devida atenção, é um dos melhores ports de jogo de PS2 que já vi, eu só não vou da 5 estrelas por conta daquele modo idiota de defender torre que me tirou da paz diversas vezes.

Bom, agora que já terminei o jogo por completo e vim aqui dar a minha satisfação, vou voltar nele pra conseguir fazer o 100%!

definitely never gonna finish this but it's pretty fun to go around once in a while and kill a monster or two


Mais cette fois en groupe.
Donc le meilleur jeu.
Tout ça objectivement.

You can tell how far the franchise has come when the warts of this game simply seem larger now. Maybe the jankiest action game I put time into with mind mindbogglingly bad hitboxes and tedious pacing to get to the damn part that is advertised. The core of monster hunter is there it just has many many annoyances that get ironed out by every generation after piece by piece.

Ótimo jogo, tem uma quantidade absurda de conteúdo, e me diverti bastante por horas jogando. Tem algumas limitações, mas no geral é um jogo bem sólido.

Till this day i still have hard time with the controls

Some games are so good they shouldn't even be allowed on their respective systems.

Like cmon guys, leave the bar somewhere that can be fucking reached ffs.

This and crisis core really do be out here making the rest of the PSP library look like absolute SLACKERS. if THIS is possible how tf do I continue to justify the neopets rpg.

- The best Monster Hunter game of its time
- lot of quest
- very friendly gameplay
- it's highly recommended to play online to get the feel
- Its portable! you can play it anywhere anytime on PSP

really fun psp game. ideal for portable console

The abusive ex you cannot forget.
Good game, but it is getting old and other games give you far better and less frustrating experiences.

Okula gitmeyip MHFU oynamak istiyorum. Gunaydin.

Fantastic game I probably won't ever finish. I used to have a PSP with a copy but that's long gone, so now all I have is emulator, the multiplayer is a bitch to set up on PPSSPP and everyone playing it is in super endgame by now. Playing solo is clunky but satisfying. If I had a mobile device to play it on, I'd do gathering and tedium to prepare better for hunts, but that feels a bit too drawn out on an emulator. Easily a game you could sink 500+ hours into if you have the right autism for it though.

Quite a fun game, but the controls just don't work too well.

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite is the Monster Hunter game that everybody has played during their childhood or even some hunters' first mh game. I will not be biased, I enjoyed freedom unite but it is an 'okay' game it's not the best and its not bad either. Why is it okay? MHFU has a lot of good and bad things. Good things for example its Village, Pokke village is one of the greatest villages in the franchise, it really gave me that safe, warmth, and happy village type of feeling. Every time I finished a quest hearing the Pokke Village theme and seeing the village in peace just gives me this happy and safe vibe. Also, let's not forget some of its new mechanics such as the new and improved farming system! Yes, the palico farm from Portable 1 is back but a little much better, if I'm gonna be honest MHFU has the best palico farm in all of the 3 portable games. Easier, bigger, and simple, that's the palico farm of MHFU. On the other hand, MHFU has its downside such as bad hitboxes and i mean by bad is 'nightmare'. Every movement a monster make it damages your hunter and not just movement but as long as you are in a body area of the monster even if it didn't touch you, you will get damaged. Graphics wise it is a little better than its predecessor, Portable 1. It removed its semi top-down view when in the village and the assets and graphics may look a little similar but it is I guess you can call it a little polished? Yes, it has the essence of Monster Hunter and very very hard and I'm not gonna lie for me I think it was hard because it is a clanky game. It has an unoptimized hitbox from Monster and Weapons itself. Story-wise, MHFU has the original MH Formula of a story. From a big flagship called Tigrex into the here is "the real bad guy destroying the eco-system hunt it down!" type of story. It has several enjoyable monsters from Tigrex, Teostra, Kushala Daora, and etc. Some battles are enjoyable and some are just plain ol' torture since it is an outdated game from 2007. So, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite is a okay Monster Hunter game but a unoptimized game. Was it memorable? Yes, as my first MH game it was memorable everything about it but I do only remember it as "My First MH" game. The only thing that making me love this game is the nostalgia of the Monster Hunter Essence that the new gens are losing.

Still a great game despite everything. Getting your "collect Popo tongues" quest crashed by a Tigrex is a series highlight for me.

My first taste of Monster hunter and although I couldn't get into it as a dumb kid I absolutely fell for the series as a dumb adult. Everything in this game feels nearly perfect to me(I wish we did more gathering similar to MH Dos) and I wish capcom would bring back the older control scheme.